
Monday, September 5, 2016

Randomy Randomness!

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If you were expecting a Weekend Wrap Up, that will be tomorrow. I hope you're enjoying a long weekend like I am. Instead, I've got some random shit to share with you today!

Passive aggressiveness at Aldi

At Aldi, the lines can get long,but he cashiers are very fast. So even if there is a long line, you probably don't wait longer than you would at a "normal" grocery store with a "normal" line. 

If I have a huge cart full of food and there is someone behind me with just one or two things, I normally ask the person if they want to go ahead. People are usually surprised and appreciative when I offer that. 

But sometimes, they act like you owe it to them to let you go ahead. They stand behind your cart, look at all your stuff, try to make eye contact with you, and maybe sigh. They'll purposefully make a big deal out of looking around to see if there are other lines open. Guess what? When someone is behind me doing that shit, I do NOT ask if they want to go ahead of me!

That's what I do. Teach lessons to assholes at Aldi.

It's never too early or Christmas!

I totally forgot to tell you this story... At the end of July I went to Big Lots and I got very annoyed that there was "Back to School" displays. July is TOO EARLY. But then in the next aisle there was a Christmas display and I got very excited! I freaking love Christmas, and I don't care that Christmas stuff is out at the same time as Halloween stuff. The earlier, the better!!! (Don't worry, I realize I am like the only person who feels this way!)


The past couple nights I have been falling asleep to the glow of my Smartphone. I am addicted to Scrabble! I play against the computer. Anyhoo, when I hold my smartphone for too long, my right hand falls asleep! Does anyone else have this problem?

The 90s are back!

I never thought I would see the day when all the clothes I wore in middle school were back in style... But the other day I went into Forever 21, and I was immediately transported back to middle school. Floral prints. Denim vests. They even had BODYSUITS! Remember those crazy shirts that snapped under your crotch?

I saw this meme on Facebook and just had to share it with you...

And this one...

Okay, one more!

Tell me something random!


  1. This year we were shopping at target over 4th of July weekend (it was that Saturday and the 4th hadn't even happened yet) and we were looking for a patio umbrella. Well when we got to the outdoor/garden section there was like nothing left. There were a few things on clearance but that section was now filled with back to school supplies! I was SO annoyed because it wasn't even 4th of July and back to school stuff was out! Heck I guess next time i'll have to get all my summer stuff bought by Easter..haha.

    1. That is crazy! It's sort of the same thing with bathing suits. You can't get a bathing suit in the right size or matching colors if you go shopping for it later than May 1st!

  2. Haha I love that desktop background!

    I'll admit that I get annoyed when I have one item at Costco, I have my credit card out, and someone with two carts full of stuff insists of staying in front of me. But I love Aldi and agree with you, their cashiers are fast there. That store is so great and I wish it was closer to me (it's about 30 mins. away, but I still go).

    I do love Halloween and Christmas but my favorite holiday for candy is definitely Easter. Easter has better candy than any of the others!

    1. Easter is my absolute least favorite holiday and I think easter candy is disgusting!!! Peeps and jellybeans... ew. Peanut butter eggs I can do though. ;)

      If someone is not up my ass behind me, I let them ahead. But if they are acting all annoyed that I am in line in front of them, then no go.

  3. Christmas is out in full force at Costco, just saying. What drives me bonkers are the close standers that brush against me in the checkout line. Really? Yesterday there was a lady that got behind my husband in line while I ran off to grab one last thing and she wouldn't even move to let me in. I had to walk out to the end of the checkout to add it to the belt. WTH?

    1. People need to CHILL OUT and give others SPACE. It is funny because as a teacher I try very hard to teach kids to be kind and patience and respectful... because I see so many adults not knowing how to do it!

  4. So yeah, you have to get on Words With Friends so we can be competitive Friends! :) If you do, let me know and we'll start a game. Loving your random stuff for the day, you crack me up.
    Good news - we "get" to keep our little kitten Smudge two more weeks to fatten up! More kitten snuggles are in store for me today!! Hope you are enjoying your day off too.

    1. Ooh yay for a couple more weeks with Smudges! I am going to get wwfs as soon as I am. Done typing this comment!

  5. I love to let the customers with just a few items go ahead of me! But, let's be real...when I shop (before I swim since the rec center doesn't open "until" 5:30 AM) no one is there except the people stocking the shelves! We do need to leave a better world to Keith Richards--that man will never die (it'll be Keith Richards and cockroaches that live on forever....possibly Twinkies).

    1. On very random days when I can't sleep and I'm up well before the butt crack of dawn, I do shopping before work. It is nice when the store is dead!

  6. Heh, those memes...especially the dream home one. So true.

    I'm the same way about doing people favors. If they don't ask or act like they deserve it, I'm more likely to do something nice myself. You keep teaching those assholes lessons lol!

    Is there a feature on your phone that turns it to "night mode"? Falling asleep to the screen can be really bad for insomnia. The iPhone has a feature that changes the tone of the brightness to a yellowy one that's better for sleep patterns. I wonder if yours has something similar.

    1. I will ask Paul if it does! That is a good idea... I know screens aren't good for sleep.

  7. I had THAT person behind me at the grocery store today. Arms full of crap. Me with my cart that had less than 15 items. Ignore. Ignore. Must ignore.

    1. Teehee! What would the world do without us, Wendy?

  8. OMG the 90s style -- I went into Victoria's Secret and they had those body suits too! It kills me. Another decade and we'll be back to the style of the 2000s? Hhaha.

    1. I think so! I remember in the 90s, the 70s were in style. Then in the 00s, the 80s sort of came back. I guess it's time for the 90s to come back now. I never thought I would see the day!

  9. My right hand doesn't fall asleep. I hold my phone with my left hand, and the ridge of the phone case digs into my baby finger and has made a permanent dent. I'm serious.

    This post was really funny. I love how you wrote all that stuff about the store! We don't have that store up here but we have assholes that do the loud body language thing behind us in line!

    1. Well then you simply must start teaching them lessons!!! It's one of the ways we can make the world a better place. ;)

      Thanks, I am glad you think it is funny because I think YOU are funny!

  10. Normally I'm not super into Christmas except for all the extra time off of work. This year I am HYPED for Christmas though! Since we have a fireplace in our new townhouse I am beyond excited to hang stockings and do all sorts of Christmasy things! I am also looking forward to possibly having more than a 3 foot tall tree. I'm not entirely convinced Cecil can handle a normal sized tree since he pushes over the 3 foot tall tree, but we may give it a try! :D

    Those odd bathing suit outfits/suits from the 80s/90s... ugh. I hated them! Don't tell me they are coming back. I refuse to accept this trend!

    1. Ooh a fireplace and stockings!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you! I am sure your place will look very merry. My cats can't do trees. They used to, but not anymore. It makes me so sad.

      The bodysuits ARE BACK Kristina. But now that everyone's fingers are so dexterous, we should have no problem snapping them under our crotches.

  11. Ja ja ja!! Passive aggressiveness at Aldis!! I always get nervous when somebody lets in front of them, it feels like a huge expectation.

    I'm ok with waiting for Christmas. In Mexico we start celebrating around December 16, and celebrate until January 6th. And even thought I've lived in PA for almost 20 years, the thought of decorating the tree and Christmas right after Thanksgiving, still gives me anxiety. There! that was something random!

    1. That is interesting that you do it the 16th-6th. I feel like here it is more celebrating done before Christmas even happens, and then the day after Christmas, it's OVER.

  12. You know what is funny, I can't even do trees anymore due to the cats! I used to have 3 and they left them alone, but they have gone crazy in their old age. I feel like 90s "adult" clothes are still kind of 80s looking. It was the teen/tween stuff that got so trendy. The 90s was definitely an odd decade for fashion.
