
Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday 5!

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Happy Friday, friends! Dare I say this week went relatively fast? Okay, there's all kinds of stuff to get to today so let's get started!

1. PISSED!!!!!!!!!! Freaking annoying, whiny, girl-hating Nicole won Big Brother. Somehow she beat my boy Paul. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??? I really, really thought Paul was going to win but I did prepare myself for the worst. I am so mad. Oh well. I can't wait until Ratcole Nicole goes on social media and sees how hated she is. I know this makes me sound like a very mean person but she was horrible in the house. All she did was talk shit about the girls with Corey. I like to support women but I can't support her because she hates other girls and is intimidated by them. 

2. No phone zone! I am slightly obsessed with my smartphone. Whenever it dings (and it dings a lot) I have to check it. I am proud of myself that I turned my phone OFF during the 3 hours on Wednesday while we were watching Survivor and Big Brother. I did not want the distraction and right now I don't have the self discipline to leave it on and not check it. I think I need to change my alerts. I do not need a ding for EVERY single notification.

3. AWESOME RUN!!! Despite only getting four hours of sleep Thursday night (the Big Brother finale did not end until 11pm and then I was too pissed to sleep), I had an awesome run the next morning! I ran 8 miles at a sub 8 pace average... and it felt effortless. I don't know if this good run was because I'm recovered from the Hansons nonsense or because there was like ZERO humidity.

Splits: 8:06, 8:09, 8:08, 8:03, 8:00, 7:42, 7:45, 7:34

4. I'm not into pumpkin stuff. Fall has arrived, and I know everyone is so ready for pumpkin flavored everything. I do love pumpkin pie and I make really good pumpkin cookies. But other than baked goods, I'm not really into pumpkin stuff.

5. I can't wait to see my family this weekend! My family and I are going to the Gratz Fair on Saturday! I can't wait to hang out with everyone. And that means you get cute pictures of my nieces and nephew on my Weekend Wrap Up this Monday!
Do you watch Big Brother? What did you think of the finale?

What do you like that is pumpkin flavored?

Fun plans this weekend?


  1. No Big Brother watching for me. I just got done with this season (and reunions 1, 2, 3) of RHONY--that is more than enough bad reality TV for me! I have my phone on silent all the time. I would be way to distracted if it beeped each time a text, message or FB update came in (but I do look at it a lot to see what I've missed). Way to crank out an amazing run--that is awesome, Megan. Your knee must be feeling so much better and I am sure you are fully recovered from Hanson's! Fall running is going to be fabulous w/ cooler temps and no humidity!

    1. Did Rick enjoy the first episode of Survivor? I think it's hard to get into at first because you don't know anyone. It was okay, I am sure it will get better as I get to know people. :) My knee is very odd. It was feeling good for like a whole month, then it bothered me for 3 days, then it was gone again.

    2. I need to ask him about it and let you know. I forget to ask him except when I see a commercial. Hey, I finally took a page out of your book and listened to a podcast on my run today! It helped to relax and slow my pace since my coach has me doing "long runs" on Friday (today was 4 but will build up as the weeks go on). I LOVED IT!! I need good recommendations, OK?

    3. Woo! Go Girl!!! What mileage are you going to build up to for Fridays? I will text you all my fav podcasts- not the reality TV ones though!

    4. Thank you! No reality TV ones is right. I want to fill my brain w/ good stuff and I do enough damage w/ RHONY. I have a goal in mind but I am not committed to it because I REALLY want to listen to my body and stop when my body says "OK, this is how far you should ever run". My coach knows that and he also understands my love of cycling and swimming so he is helping me "fit it all in" without breaking myself down.

  2. Im not a fan of pumpkin either. Glad you are recovered from Hansons! I felt like this week went really slowly.

    1. I'm sorry this week went slow for you! I hope this workday goes fast! :)

  3. These weeks have just been flying by! I am actually eating Pumpkin spice Cheerios as I type this! I don't care for pumpkin pie but I do indulge in a little pumpkin stuff since it's only offered a few weeks out of the year. Have fun at the fair!

    1. Okay no offense but pumpkin spice cheerios sound DISGUSTING!!! lol.

  4. I don't like anything that is pumpkin flavored! I've never had anything Pumpkin Spice and I don't eat Pumpkin Pie. I'm not even really a fan of Pumpkin scented things like candles ... but I do like looking at Pumpkins! They are very festive, and as soon as we get the keys to the townhouse I am putting a giant pumpkin in front of the fireplace!

    Way to kill it on your run!!

    1. Pumpkins are very pretty! I like to see houses decorated for fall. I particularly like mums. But I don't feel like spending money to spruce up my front stoop.

  5. I don't like pumpkin period, even though I did a pumpkin spice run last year. That was OK, but what I thought was coffee cake at the finish line was pumpkin bread. I ate it for the carbs but it was a disappointment.

    1. Isn't it odd when you bite into something and it's not what you expect???

  6. Was it humid yesterday morning? I really think that's what made my run so good- no humidity! It's coming, Karen. I want a snap of you doing a cartwheel. Augh my phone just dinged! But I think it was notifying me of someone commenting on my blog.... (me)!.

  7. I like pumpkin but I'm definitely NOT obsessed. I honestly like the smell of it more than I really like the taste, maybe that sounds kinda weird? I'd rather have salted caramel in the Fall when it comes to coffee and baked goods/sweets.

    I stopped watching BB early on but plan to watch survivor. I watched the premiere and it looks pretty good already!

    Glad you had a good run! I am starting to feel kinda meh toward Hansons. I'm following the half program and I think it's a great plan but the people in that group are so opposed to modifications! Sometimes I feel like it has almost a cult-like following, but I for one never follow a training plan exactly. I'm doing the 6 days a week and roughly the same distances for the runs but it seems very... my way or the highway...

    1. Pumpkins do smell good! You should try my pumpkin cookies. They are sooooo pumpkiny and... okay I will say the dreaded word... moist.

      I hope Survivor is going to be a good season. It is hard to get into the first couple episodes for me because I don't know anyone.

      Well the Hansons book really stresses to follow the plan, yet then they have a whole chapter about modifications. But what I took from the book is follow the plan. So no wonder people are trying to do it exactly. All I know is it was waaaaay too much running for me! My marathon PR that I am really proud of was run on about 40 miles a week.

  8. I'm sorry to hear your favorite person in BB didn't win, that sucks!!

    What is it with this industries wanting to put pumpkin flavor things up Vaginas? Seriously!! I saw there are also Pumpkin spice condoms... Rude! Keep Vaginas Pumpkin spice free!!

    I enjoy the wegmans multigrain pumpkin muffins, that's about it. In November I might have a PLS.

    What is Grantz Fair? I have to look it up !!

    1. I think it is a fake meme! I mean, I THINK it is but I could be wrong!? Pumpkin muffins sound pretty good. The Gratz Fair is in Gratz, PA.... sort of near where I grew up! There will be lots of Trump signs for sure. :(

    2. I legit saw pumpkin spice flavored condoms... I want to say at Target last year.

  9. I do not like the pumpkin spice thing.. not a fan. What can I say?

  10. I don't watch TV. Ever. I wish I did, and I wish I could, but I can't sit still that long. Also, I don't really give a shit about pumpkin either. I'm not even sure if I have ever even tried pumpkin beer. Although, pumpkin vodka sounds nice.

    1. I am so not into flavored vodkas! I like my vodka to taste like vodka. :)

  11. I like pumpkin beer. That's about it for pumpkin flavored things, although I do like pumpkin scented candles. I don't mind the PSLs but I rarely drink them because I'd rather just drink regular coffee if I'm going to have coffee. It's interesting that this has become such a polarizing topic this time of year!

    Glad you had a great run! I love those days when things just click into place. Oddly I have had some good races/runs on little sleep too. What Amy said above is the main reason I can't bring myself to do a Hansons plan. I hate how rigid and inflexible it seems.

    1. I thought you did Hansons for Pittsburgh?

    2. Nope - I didn't follow a plan, just sort of made my own. I did try running 6 days a week but most weeks I only actually managed 5, ha.

  12. I feel like pumpkin spice tampons would burn! :(

    I can't believe Paul didn't win. Do they win via a contest, or is it votes? I thought the booted BB houseguests vote for the winner, so I'm surprised they turned on Paul!

    I'm so glad you had a killer run!!!

    1. Ewwewee lol they would probably burn! Paul won final Hoh so he got to take either James or nicole to the final two. He thought he could be both so he took nicole and lost 5-4. One of the girls voted for nicole just because she's a girl. Augh. And Nicole talked so much shit about her and the other girls in the house so she is going to be really pissed when she sees how catty nicole was. Aught I just freaking hate nicole she is so whiny and one of those girls who doesn't understand why she doesn't have ant girl friends...

  13. I can't help it, I do love the Pumpkin Spice Latte! I did see Pumpkin Spice Cheerios at the store last weekend though and thought that was a little overboard. And way to kill it on your 8 miler! In my dreams, I run as fast and effortless as you :)

    1. Well I'm sure you know it's not always this effortless so I was tickled!
