
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Workout Recaps

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I know I was supposed to move my Weekly Workouts to Saturday but this week I am putting it on Wednesday. Also, it's more than a week! Bear with me while I figure this whole thing out!

These past 9 days of workouts have been pretty boring...

Monday- 6 mile Running Treasure Hunt! Thanks for the link up, Wendy!

Tuesday- Rest. We traveled to Cape May for a little beach trip. Oh, we did get about 3 minutes of cardio when we walked up 190 steps to the top of the Cape May lighthouse. My calves were sore for the next three days!

Wednesday- 6 miles at the beach while Paul rode a jet ski. My calves were sore. It was so freaking hot. I hate running at the beach. But it gave me some much needed endorphins so that's a plus.

Thursday- Another rest day... but it was very active. Paul and I TORE UP Raging Waters water park. Seriously, we were going fast and hard.

Friday- Lifting at Planet Fitness. I did my normal back workout. Lots of pull ups, rows, etc. I was so hungry for the rest of the day!

Saturday- Rest! But I did kayak and swim.

Sunday- 6 miler. Scorching hot! Super slow. Nothing to report!

Monday- 4 miles on the treadmill + Lifting at Planet Fitness. Guys, can I just tell you it is SO MUCH EASIER RUNNING IN THE A/C THAN IT IS OUTSIDE!!!??? So lately it has been a slog just to run a 9 minute pace outside. On the treadmill? I did a mile @ 8:34. Then I did two miles @ 8:12. I finished it off with a mile @ 8:00. EFFORTLESS, I tell you. I felt so good!!!! I felt like I used to feel when I ran. I think I underestimated how much the heat and humidity affected me, because you know damn well I only got up early like once this summer to run! All of my other runs were done in the scorching heat!

Tuesday- My first day back to work had me running 6 miles @ 5:30 in the morning. I was looking forward to a cooler run, and it sort of was. The real feel was only 80 degrees but the humidity was 97%! I was feeling FAST AND FIERCE and ran an average 8:13 pace.

That's it, friends. Not much more to report over here. Just doing what feels good.

28 miles in 9 days... That's a little better than last week when I did 12 miles in 7 days hahahaha!

Running in general is *starting* to feel better.

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Just think of how strong your running will be when the temps cool off! I think you will see you have gotten faster because your running was so challenging this summer it really pushed you out of your comfort zone. I am glad to see you are coming back and your body is not feeling so achy and injured anymore! Awesome.

    1. Thanks Susan! Yah I hope to see some improvements when it is cooler out. Keep crossing your fingers!! :)

  2. That's the only thing about those early morning runs--yes, it's cooler but it's so much more humid!

  3. 5:30 am? GAH. But yeah, I can see how running in cooler temps would feel a lot better. I'm glad you're getting your groove back. :)

  4. Great job! Even in this post, you sound like you had more fun than you did in training. I hope running continues to get better.

    1. Thank you Lesley! It is great to just do whatever.

  5. 5:30 is so dark now!! I biked at 6:15 and I expected it to be brighter, but I thought it was also dark. I am finding it harder to run "fast" on the treadmill compared to outside. For some reason my pace is always slower on the treadmill. Hope your week back to school goes smooth!

    1. Thanks Lisa!

      Yes it is pretty dark! I don't know what I was expecting at 5:30 but to be honest I was NOT expecting pitch darkness!

  6. MAD PROPS to you for getting it done in the humid mornings, Karen! I was soaked when I got home today!

  7. Glad you are feeling better about running! I did notice that it wasn't as humid this week in the mornings. It sure was hot, but at least I could breath!

    1. Wow, so these mornings are NOT humid? Holy moly I can't imagine what it *was* like!

  8. The heat and humidity really does play a big part in how we feel! Hopefully you will avoid the heat now that you are running early in the morning.

    1. I hope so! I wonder when the humidity will go down!?

  9. This recap is the way it's supposed to be. It's overall feel is so much more positive and happy than the last couple of recaps when you were still doing marathon training. This is proof that you made the right decision!

    1. AWWWWW yes I think you are right. :) Thank you, Kristina!!!
