
Monday, August 29, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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I ended up having a SUPER long "weekend" thanks to several buildings in our district having air quality issues. I was off Wednesday-Monday. That's right. No school today. Yes, we will have to make up the days we missed. But for now, I'm just trying to enjoy and make the most of this little extra taste of summer!

I was up so late on Thursday night. What kept me up? Big Brother message boards, Wikipedia, and party mix. Due to all the fun that was happening well into the early morning hours, I slept forever on Friday morning!

Paul and I decided to go on a fishing/running date at Pinchot Park. I ran 6 miles in the scorching heat and then cooled off in the lake. It felt great!

So much laziness occurred the rest of the day. Couch + CBS All Access = our evening. We are near the end of Big Brother 5- an old season from 2004 that we are watching on CBS All Access. If you like Big Brother and want to watch an old season, I highly recommend this one! There are lots of people to love and lots of people to hate.

Chrissy did some relaxing and self care as well...

I felt like running, but I knew my muscles needed to get torn up, so I went to Planet Fitness to lift back. On the way home, I stopped at Good Will and Community Aid and TOTALLY SCORED in the puzzle department!

Needless to say, I spent a lot o the evening working on a couple of these bad boys while watching Jodi Arias interrogation videos.

We also nearly finished Big Brother 5. Tomorrow, for sure. BIG GOALS!!!

Sunday was horrible, but I can't get into details. I didn't get out for my run until around 1:30. The pace of my 5 miler clearly reflected my sorrows and how I felt like the weight of the world was literally wearing me down.

What does one turn to when they are sad? I suppose in my case it is running, sweets, diet soda, and puzzles.

I hate ending on a bad note, so I will end on a good note. I forgot to mention that Chrissy had a wild and crazy Saturday night. Paul accidentally left a glass of milk on the counter and Chrissy managed to down 3-4 oz of it before we realized it. Milk does not make Christmas sick. He loves it. What a great night for him! (No we don't give him milk on purpose... okay sometimes I give him a few licks from my cereal spoon...)

Do you have a favorite old season of Big Brother?

PSA: If anyone local ever wants to borrow a puzzle, I have MANY for you to choose from and would be happy to lend them to you!

What is your fur baby's favorite "people food"?


  1. I loved Season 5 and it was probably my favorite season of BB5. Glad you're enjoying it and thanks for the tips on CBS All Access. I haven't put together a puzzle in years... have never thought to check a thrift store for them but I'd be scared pieces would be missing or something if I went there for puzzles. I hope all of your puzzle pieces are there!

    Looks like a great week of workouts as well :).

    1. If you start watching some old seasons, we can nerd out on BB together. :) My favorite seasons besides 5 are 4... the one with Jun. She actually has a blog and is a really good writer. I also loved season 11, the first one with Jeff and Jordan. So much drama.

      I have bought so many puzzles from thrift stores and there has never been a piece missing! Pretty crazy! Honestly, I'd rather pay $1.99 for a puzzle with a missing piece than $11.00 new and have all the pieces. I do too many puzzles so I don't want to keep buying brand new ones.

  2. I'm sorry you had a crappy Sunday, I hope everything is getting better? *hug*

    Awww Chrissy way to get that milk! Cecil always try to sneak milk from my cereal bowl but it does make him sick so I have to keep it away fro him. He doesn't understand why he can't have it since he always gets what he wants!

    Did I tell you Adam started playing disc golf? Your park picture reminded me that Paul plays too. They should start some sort of Cat Dad Disc Golf club where all the cat dads can get together and tell stories about the kids and give each other tips. Okay, I can't imagine any guy actually doing that but it's a cute idea in my head! :D

    1. LOL I love your CDDGC (Cat Dad Disc Golf Club) idea!!! That is so cool Adam plays now! Are there many courses near you? How did he get into it?

  3. My newest furbaby Cocoa loves anything she can get her hands, I mean paws on. We don't give her anything on purpose except ice cubes. She loves to chase them around the kitchen and then eat them!

    Hope your sadness passes quickly!

    1. Aw I can imagine ice cubes being fun for a puppy to chase! The only thing I give Chrissy on purpose is chicken (which I consider good for him) and *sometimes* a couple licks of milk- which I know is pretty much like our version of candy. But Christmas is stealth and manages to get himself tastes of food. He loves olive oil, cheese, crackers... Omg he is a freaking pig! You CANNOT leave food unattended in our house unless it is vegetables.

  4. 3-4 oz of milk is a shit tonne in a kitty belly! Poor Chrissy! Learning the hard way? Ha ha! Kinda sounded like Andrew's saturday night. Heh heh... okay so I'm hoping everything is okay and that whatever happened yesterday sorts itself out soon. Let me know if you need a listening ear. We can talk on the FB phone thingie again!

    1. I know it is a lot!!! He has a rock solid stomach so he feels fine, it's just extra calories he does NOT NEED. I may reach out to you on messenger!

  5. Megan--I am sorry you had a rough time. You are always in my thoughts, I am always here for you, my friend. Macy gets ZERO people food...from us, I should say. If we are out for a walk she sometimes scores a doughnut, left over french fries, burgers, etc (we end our walk thru the school parking lot and kids are super messy apparently). Funny, if it's fruit, she won't touch it (I can't really blame her choices). HUGS to you xo

    1. Thanks so much Susan. :)

      LOL I love how you don't give Macy food, but if she happens to find trash food on a walk it is score for her!

  6. Allie loves chicken and turkey. She'll get a sliver of deli turkey when I'm making my lunch, and she knows it. I start getting my lunch together in the mornings and she's on the outskirts of the kitchen, waiting patiently.

    1. "and she knows it" <--- Hahaha! Isn't it fun giving them a treat though??? I mean, I really want my kitties healthy, but a treat now and then... it's the QUALITY of life too, not just the QUANTITY!

      Funny: When I open the refrigerator, Chrissy is right there looking into it with me. It's like he KNOWS the good stuff is in there and he just acts like the fridge is for him. But I guess in his defense, we do keep his wet food in there, so I know how he gets that Idea...

  7. Sorry about your bummer Sunday. I hope it all works out. We have big news - a new foster kitten!! We only have him for a couple weeks until he's big enough to be adopted but he's a little sweetie!!

    1. AWWWW fun!!!! Don't you want to adopt him though??

  8. OMG! 1:30 was really hot and bright!

    When we lived in Mexico we used to give our cats milk, and all our leftovers. I remember they used to love the milk.

    1. Oh cats freaking love milk! It is my fault that Christmas loves it though. When he was a kitten and I lived alone in my apartment, I would fill a martini glass with milk and put it on the floor and let him drink it. I thought it was cute. But what really happened was I created a monster!

  9. Aww how nice of you to rent your puzzles out! It's so nice to have a few extra days of summer. I'd rather go later in the year anyway if you have to make them up. For some reason everyday after memorial day is a fun day anyway! We go back tomorrow and already I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders!
    Baylee's favorite people food are animal crackers and goldfish crackers. We really don't give her any other people food like meat or anything.

    1. I hope you have a wonderful day back! Do the kids go tomorrow too or just the teachers?

  10. Look at it this way: They must thing you are smart enough to be in charge of something you have no experience with! What is your exact job title at your work?
