
Sunday, August 28, 2016

Friendship! Pissed! (Paul Health Update)

On this season of Big Brother, there is a contestant named Paul who I have liked ever since the beginning of the season. (Note: I will call him BB Paul so you are not confused between him and my husband Paul.)

BB Paul has a lot of catchphrases. He says "friendship" when he describes things that are good and "pissed" when he describes things that are bad. So for instance...

Running = Friendship!
Hansons = Pissed!
Oreos = Friendship!
Humidity = Pissed!
Hillary Clinton = Friendship!
Trump = Pissed!

You get the picture?

Oh, here is BB Paul with his beard and without his beard...

Beard = Pissed! No Beard = Friendship!

So Paul and I have been weaving BB Paul's Friendship/Pissed catchphrase into our vocabulary. The other night on the way back from DQ, I rolled the car window down and yelled "Friendship!!!" out the window as loud as I could. I really like Blizzards. When Chrissy peed on the TV stand out of spite because he was hungry, Paul shouted "Pissed!" (But not too loud as to scare Chrissy.)

Okay, onto the "Paul's Health Update" portion of this post...

When last I left off, I shared that the radiation and chemo he went through this past fall was really working, and the new tumor growth they were targeting was GONE (it was now dead tumor cells) and the part of his tumor that is inoperable got a little bit smaller! All SUPER good news. Lots of friendship. We felt like we had a new lease on life when we got that news!

Where we went from there was that Paul continued chemo for a couple months- 5 days on, 25 days off. Not too bad. He wrapped up his last round of chemo in July.

That brings us to Thursday. Paul had an MRI and an appointment with his doctor at Hopkins. I wasn't nervous about this appointment until the day before... when I realized I would be the one taking him. Originally, his dad was going to take him because I had work and we're not allowed to take off during the first week of school. But due to Moldageddon 2016 (aka air quality issues at the school!) I ended up having off work on Thursday. So of course I would take Paul to his appointment. THAT'S when I got nervous.

I was really nervous to go to the hospital again. I mean, you never know what kind of news you are going to get when you go there. We have gotten our fair share of crappy news and of course good news as well. It's one of those places where when you walk in, you never know if your life is going to be completely changed by the time you walk out.

First he had an MRI. Luckily, he wasn't nervous for his MRI because he hasn't been having seizures lately. Normally, MRIs are like seizure machines for him, but this time he wasn't worried. he even swiped me a pair of MRI socks I love...

He accidentally got the Premier Pro Extra Large! It's all good, I don't have any in grey yet.

MRI socks = FRIENDSHIP!!!!
Ps. Doesn't this pose/angle make me look like I am missing part of my body????

Then we waited for his appointment with his doctor who would discuss the MRI results with him. I have actually never met this particular doctor because he was one he saw during radiation and his dad usually took him to those appointments. Since Paul was used to seeing the doctor himself, he said he was okay just going in alone.

I felt selfish for not going in the appointment with him, but he truly didn't care. I know if he cared, he would have asked me to come in. I don't like seeing the brain scans- in fact, I can't look at them. They make sick in the stomach. (Because it's his brain.) I also don't like waiting to hear news from a doctor. I just can't take that shit anymore. So finally Paul went into his appointment and I stayed in the waiting area. I tried to read my book, but I kept reading the same page over and over again because the words were not computing.

When Paul came out to the waiting area twenty minutes later, I asked, "Friendship or pissed?"

"Friendship," he said calmly.

I was not convinced. Paul tends to see the bright side of things. If his tumor had grown back, but had only grown a LITTLE bit, he may have called that friendship. So I fished for more answers.

"Is the tumor still gone?" I asked.

He said yes, and that the dead tumor cells were shrinking... a sign that the dead tumor cells may stay dead forever. Oh, and you know that pesky inoperable part of the tumor? It got a little smaller.

HOLY FREAKING FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I held it together until he said that his doctor wanted to start lowering his meds since he hasn't been having many symptoms. That's when my tears started flowing. Paul is on so many meds. They have never been reduced. Only increased. Until now.



Tell me something that is going on with you right now that is FRIENDSHIP!


  1. I am so so happy for you guys! I was so nervous reading the post not knowing if it would be good or bad news at the end. That must have been the best feeling to get such good news!!

    1. Oh darn I should go put a disclaimer at the top! I put you through the exact shit I hate being put through!

  2. That is such wonderful, amazing, FRIENDSHIP news. He is so strong and kicked that cancer's ass!!

    1. Thanks Susan!!! Just to clarify, the tumor isn't cancerous, so that is super duper friendship as well!

  3. Hooray for great friendship news (Even if I stopped watching BB early this season). I'm glad Paul (your Paul) is doing well and responding to the treatments. So great that you got good news after some of the craziness you guys went through this summer.

    1. You stopped??? Why??? Expect me to confront you on FB messenger about this. :)

  4. That's just great news! Here's to continued friendship!

  5. Great news! You guys have been through a lot of crap the last few years. I am so glad that Paul is continuing to improve and that your day was full of good news.

  6. FRIENDSHIP!!! I know what you mean about hospitals/doctors etc. I try and remind myself that they are just giving me information, and that I (or a family member) am the SAME PERSON I was at the beginning of the day, and that now I only have new INFORMATION. It is no magic button, but it gets me through. I have had similar family, and personal situations to this.

    1. That is a VERY good way of looking at it, Cheryl. Thank you and I will keep that in mind next time we have an appointment and maybe it will make me less nervous.


    I feel like I've had a lot of pissed lately. Mortgage documents - pissed. Dropping my car off for servicing because it's making a weird noise -pissed. Not getting enough sleep - pissed. Hopefully things will start turning around today! Maybe the mechanic will say my car just needs something small. And maybe we'll get our approval from the underwriter on Wednesday and then I can sleep again! Going to NY was definitely friendship (but getting calls from my mortgage broker while I was there was pissed)!

    1. I hope you get some more friendship in your life! Buying a home is so stressful. It will pass and you will have your new place, which will be super duper friendship!

  8. So much FRIENDSHIP! This is amazing news and I am so so happy for you guys - thanks for sharing with everyone. Okay compared to your news this is little friendship (all lowercase), but I'm working a short week and heading to Disneyland on Thursday for the Dumbo Double Dare - friendship :)

    1. Oh that is awesome FRIENDSHIP, Lindsay! Good luck at your race and have fun in Disneyland. :)

  9. Woo Hoo! What good good news,I'm sure he is particularly happy to take less medicine.

    I don't have a lot of friendship to tell you about though I have an MRI myself tomorrow and I expect no news.

    Have a great week - BTW I love your post Hanson's reports, everyday ends with I felt great!

    1. My guess is non news for you = friendship!

    2. Ha, yes no news does = friendship, though I will tell you I also had a pissed today. The office where I go doesn't give out socks - I never noticed it before but today I wore sandals.

      No socks + MRI = Pissed!

  10. Hooray for FRIENDSHIP!!! Love, love LOVE this wonderful news for our wonderful friends!!!

  11. Know that I was thinking of you both the other day while you were at the appointment! I was going to text you but then I got side tracked. I am SO Super duper glad that everything not only went well, but Fantastic! This is Friendship for sure!

  12. Oh hurray!!!!! I'm so glad to hear good news about Paul's brain scan and dead tumor cells!!!! I'm sure you're both ecstatic!

    I don't watch BB but my parents do; I sometimes watch with them. I remember Paul and friendship! He has a smart game plan - if everyone likes him, they'll never vote him off!

    1. I LOVE BB PAUL!!! He is my favorite one and I hope he wins. I HATE NICOLE AND COREY. I hated Paulie too. You would've hated Paulie. He was a misogynist pig. I wanna know what your parents think of Corey and Nicole. That is funny your parents watch it. :) It's such a FUN show.

  13. That is fantastic !! Absolutely friendship!! I'm very happy for you both !!

  14. Oh wow, what great news!! I'm so happy to hear this! :) Friendship indeed.
    I've never watched a full episode of Big Brother! I think I actually prefer BB Paul with the beard. He looks quite devious!

    1. Thanks Lisa! :)

      You know, I shouldn't be too hard on BB Paul's beard because I think he can pull it off better than most people. He IS a tad devious but he is by far the most entertaining person on the show! Entertaining in a fun way, not a mean way.

  15. This is great news! Best friendship?

  16. "a pee tear" <--- Haha! That just sounds like such a cute way of saying it! I am going to start using that phrase.

  17. Megan, this is really great news. I can't imagine what you and Paul (especially Paul) have had to go through since the beginning of all his health issues, and it must be an incredible feeling knowing that things are getting better and Paul can now reduce the number of medications he takes.

    P.S. I love that you guys use the friendship/pissed from BB. I swear there is something every season from BB that always catches on.
    P.S.S. I like beardless BB Paul too.

    1. Thank you so much Kristen! It was great news all around.

      I'm really loving this season of BB. :)

  18. I'm not sure how I missed this post. But I've always wondered how Paul (and you) are doing with this and I've given you space in case you don't want to talk about it, and here you gave the news and I had no idea! I feel like a crappy friend! I'm really happy to hear the news. What a great feeling.
