
Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday 5! (FIRST DAYS BACK!)

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Today's Friday 5 is all about my first couple days back at work... without students. Students come Monday.

1. FREAKING-A... I CAN'T SLEEP!!! On Tuesday morning (my first day back), I woke up at 4:30am and could not fall back asleep. I started to think about work, which pissed me off, so I got up at 4:50am... 55 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. This better not become a THING.

2. FUN FACT: IT'S HOT AS BALLS AT 5:30AM!  Due to my early alarms, I thought I would enjoy some cooler running. Not so. The real feel at 5:30am was 80 degrees with 97% humidity. Now I'm glad I didn't bother to get up early this summer. It wouldn't have mattered!

3. I LOVE CHRISSY. Paul sent me this picture of Christmas while I was at work. I immediately made it my desktop background.

4. LOOK WHAT I GOT FOR MY CLASSROOM!!! Guys, this is life changing.

5. I HAVE THE BEST HUSBAND IN THE WORLD. When I got home from work, I saw that Paul cleaned the whole house! Be still, my heart! Man, what a guy!
Do you ever send fur baby pics to your partner while they are at work?
Do you own a 3-hole punch?
What are you up to this weekend?


  1. I can't believe how hot & humid it is at 5:30 am. It's actually starting to get chilly in the pre dawn hours here. Love the picture of Christmas. I send Rick pictures of Macy all the time since I work part time at home. My phone is pretty much just pictures of her. Love the 3 hole punch, yes I have one and don't ask me why. We are going to the Corn Roast Festival downtown tonight (yes, it's an entire weekend event!), parade, pool party and car races tomorrow. Normally we wouldn't go to car races but it's our friend Corey's b-day and that is what he wants us all to do! Sunday = massage and totally relax. What are you up to this weekend?

    1. Yes you don't seem like the type to go to car races! I think there is a speedway near here that people go to. I don't get car racing, but people like it so I won't judge! We are going to a bday party tomorrow and spending the afternoon with friends on Sunday. Look at us, having plans!

  2. I don't think I could live without a 3 hole punch! I use binders all the time and am constantly filing stuff.
    I think the only benefit to running in the early morning is that the sun isn't really out yet.

    1. Unfortunately I have been borrowing my neighbor's 3-hole punch for the past two years! I bet she is breathing a sigh of relief now! Hopefully I don't break this one. That's what happened to my old one. I punched too hard.

  3. Hot as balls. Your schools are not air conditioned? Mine aren't. Well they say the one is but I don't believe them. Yes 5am is not always a respite from the heat. Sad to say I know this as a solid fact. Anyway music teacher power!!! 😂❤️😂❤️😂 Peace out!!

    1. Our school is air conditioned but my classroom is sooooo humid. Gross. I can't believe all of your schools don't have a/c. Good for you for getting up early this summer!

  4. Yes, we have an industrial hole punch--my husband has a thing for office supplies, and the more industrial, the better. The humidity is awful in the morning...
    I hope you can sleep in until your alarm in the future!!

    1. I agree, the more industrial the better because I broke my old one from punching too hard!

  5. A 3 hole punch? You're hilarious. We send pictures of Callum to each other, not so much of the other kids though. They get boring and un-cuter as they get older LOL!

    1. Yes I was going to say baby pictures are probably so much better than teenager/preteenager pictures!

  6. My mom and I send pictures of the furbabies to one another. I miss their cats, but I love my babygirl.

  7. A 3 hole puncher !? What!? Now you are just showing off ! I have a TWO hole puncher! We used to have an industrial size three hole puncher, but we let the Career Link Receptionist borrow it and we never saw it again.

    Furbaby pictures are the best! I miss my furbabies!

    1. HAHAHA sorry I didn't know the 3-hole punch would come off as bragging! ;)

  8. I share your enthusiasm for a 3-hole punch. I have one next to my bed. I have no idea why. All the best with back to school. We're back here as well. And it's hot as balls too. Ugh.

    1. You have a 3-hole punch next to your bed??????? You are awesome!!!!

  9. Oh my yes! They Baylee pictures fly back and forth all the time when one of us is home and the other one isn't!

    I was going to run a race with a friend this weekend but then I opted out cus it doesn't start till 9 am and I know it's gonna be miserably hot by then. But who knows it starts less than a mile from my house and they do have race day registration so perhaps I might show up! I'll probably go anyway just to watch!

    1. Well that is cool that you can decide on the fly! Have fun running or clapping, whatever you decide to do!

  10. Awwwww what a cute pic of Chrissy! Adam sends me pics of Cecil while I'm at work -- and sometimes he lets me video chat with Cecil LOL. It's so adorable Cecil will put his little face right up to the screen when he sees me :)

    I've had such a hard week with sleep too. Every day I'm exhausted but at night I seem to be wide awake. It's really f'd up my whole week! I'm hoping to readjust this weekend!

    1. Oh man I hope you fix your sleep this weekend. :( You video chat with Cecil?? I am jealous! We never tried that with our kitties.

  11. I have a really souped up 3 hole puncher. You'd be all over it!

  12. LOL all that cat hair!!!

    I hate that I always wake up super early before the first day back. I just get so nervous or something, and my body wakes me up early.

    I hope you have a smooth first week with kiddos!

    1. Thanks Ali!

      I probably have cat hair in my lungs.

  13. I thought it was just me! I'm so glad someone else feels that this summer has felt unreasonably hot and humid. Seriously painful no matter what time you get up and run. I've made friends with my treadmill and been "binge running" Downtown Abbey :) Good luck with the kids coming back!!! And yes, who doesn't send fur baby pics constantly????

    1. "Binge running" <---- I love that term! Never heard it before. :)

  14. YOU ARE HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I would choose a clean house over sex all together, although I am sure Paul would rather have sex and a messy house!!!!!!!
