
Thursday, July 14, 2016


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Yesterday I was reading over my training recap for the week and I realized something. If not for missing the 15 mile long run, I actually would have felt great about the week. While my speed and tempo workouts were hard, I did hit all my paces and was even on the faster end of them. No, skipping the long run due to a slight ass pain was not how I wanted to end the week, but other than that, I did a good job! 

When I skipped the long run, I knew I wasn't going to do a single speed or tempo run until I got in a run that was at least close to 15 miles. So on Tuesday morning, I pumped myself up for a 12 mile, semi hilly run.

I used to go out and run 12 miles like it was no big deal. I would bask in the long, monotonous miles and get lost in my thoughts or lost in my podcasts. It didn't matter if it was humid or the sun was baking me, I always loved those long runs. And I loved that I never worried about them. I'd do them for "fun".

Now, long runs have become something to fear. What if my knee hurts? What if my PF comes back?

But on Tuesday, I finally conquered my first real long run of my marathon training. This run was supposed to happen on Sunday. It was also supposed to be 15 miles. Instead, I did it on a Tuesday and I did 12. Spoiler alert: It went well!!!!

Armed with my newly found Garmin, a full hydration pack, and an mp3 player loaded with podcasts, I hit the asphalt. I ran whatever pace felt good. For this run, about a 9:20 pace kept me moving. I wish I had been faster, but I didn't actively try to go faster. It was really hot and humid.

Around mile 3 I thought I was going to crap my pants. Luckily, I kept my shit together and made it to Subway before anything bad happened. I do have to extend my deepest sympathies to Subway. I'm sorry for what I did in your bathroom.

I never hit the wall during this run, but I did get tired. Around mile 10 I sneezed so hard I thought my legs were going to buckle. It was sort of funny. My feet felt great, my knee felt great, I had no PIMA but I did have some lower back pain similar to what I get when I have my period. My lower back sometimes hurts on really long runs, but this wasn't a really long run and it hurt at Mile 2, so it was kind of weird! But other than that, my body held up well and I recovered nicely enough to run 6 miles the very next morning! It was nothing a margarita and a Midol couldn't take care of!

So I'm not ready to give up yet! I haven't run more than 10 miles since my half marathon in April. This 12 miler did not kill me. In fact, it gave me some confidence! I'm still thinking about my marathon goals for the fall. But that's another post for another day!
Have you ever almost crapped your pants on a run?


  1. Ja ja! I had to laugh at this :

    "I do have to extend my deepest sympathies to Subway. I'm sorry for what I did in your bathroom."

    See! You did fantastic last week! I know you got this!

    The only time I remember struggling with a desperate need to go to the bathroom was last year. We parked in a strange section of Swatara State park and the bathroom was 4 miles away, which we had to hike to get there. It was an easy hike, because Swatara has really clean trails, but still.... having to hold it for 4 miles was rough!

    1. Wowwww that is like over an hour of holding. I usually bring PT with me but PT would not have helped me in the neighborhood I was in because there were no trees to duck behind!

      It was sort of nice that after I finally made it to the bathroom, running 8 more miles didn't feel like a chore at all hahaha.

  2. Congrats on your 12 miles. Luckily, I've never had THAT on a long run, but sometimes pre-race jitters brings the unexpected before a race.

    1. Oh man me too. I go to the bathroom so many times before a race to the point that I get dehydrated and can never catch up.

  3. Congrats on a run gone well! :)
    I still have the fear of long runs as my foot injury started to show its ugly self during a long run last year. And now it is always there haunting me.
    I feel it also made me hyper aware like any single twinge makes me freak and think "oh shit!"
    Once I had my daughter out on a run with me (she was 6 and riding her bike) when she all of the sudden had to crap. It was her first cornfield experience and she still talks about it 2 years later! lol! She is going to make an expert long runner some day.

    1. LOL sounds like your daughter is awesome and she is learning young. :)

      I have that same hyper awareness you are talking about. It sure sucks the fun out of a run! I suppose that is what we have to deal with as runners!

  4. As Rick would say "you knocked the back out of that Subway toilet". It happens....

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! One time my brother stopped at a grocery store on the way to DE and when he came out he told his wife, "They're gonna have to burn that place down." Next time they passed that story, there had but a fire!

  5. I'm glad you are not giving up!!! Even if you change your goals I think the marathon will feel like a great accomplishment!

    I have had to stop in at subway a few times. One time it was DIRE. I walk in and the girl says "sorry we have some flooding in the bathroom so it's closed." And at this point I had been running in the rain for like 5 miles so I was like "it's fine, I'm soaked anyway!" But she wouldn't let me go saying it was a safety hazard. I was like please, ill pay you!!! But she wouldn't budge. So I had to run down to a nice restaurant and ask to use their bathroom. They kindly allowed me to but I felt awful I was dripping wet and probably smelled bad! It was so awkward!

    1. Desperate times call for desperate measures! I love your response that it's fine, you're soaked anyway! Hahaha.

  6. Oh, good news! I always almost crap my pants (not to be confused with almost always crap my pants) on a run. I've had rectal explosions in Subway too! Twins.

    1. Hahahaha we have so much in common! Oh and I had a dream about you last night because I read your blog right before I went to bed. In my dream, you were my English teacher. :)

    2. HAHA I caught a glimpse of this comment as I was typing mine and started laughing thinking of the two of you in that scenario!

  7. Lol I am glad you got that fire shooting under control! :)

  8. Woohoo! So happy to hear this! You are back in action:)

    1. Hopefully it all stays on the up and up. You know how my running has been a yoyo lately!

  9. I know I'm late, but I'm SO GLAD this run went well!!! Long runs sometimes make me nervous too, I'm not sure why. It's a new development! I'm glad you didn't have any pain!

    1. Thanks girl! You're afraid of long runs too? Ms. 2 Marathons in like 2 months!? ;)
