
Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday 5... Favorites?

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Today's Friday 5 theme is FAVORITES! (per the rules of the Friday 5 Link Up).

I'll be honest, I haven't been feeling very "favorite-y" lately. I had big plans for the past two days, but my car wouldn't start and has been in the shop, which means I have been stuck at home being a sludge. It freaking sucks. Being stuck at home makes me really sad and angry. Missing out on fun plans makes me angry. Writing about it is making me even more angry!

Wow, this post isn't going well.

I thought I'd list some of my favorite things I do when I am stuck at home, but suddenly I don't feel like it anymore! I just realized I don't have anything nice to say, so I probably shouldn't say anything.

All I have been doing for the past two days is wasting time on the computer and watching CNN. That's it.

It's a sludgy existence over here on Cumberland Road...

And I shall end on something completely random:

Does anyone out there have a really good sangria recipe they can share with me? I have been digging it lately. The Pizza Grille has peach mango sangria and it is divine.
Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5!


  1. I can try to dig up the sangria recipe I have used in the past but not sure if I'll be able to find it. You are too funny! I love how you are completely honest and are just like "I don't feel like talking about my favorite things" so you don't and you just end it there.

    1. Glad I made you laugh. :) Your comment made me laugh! :) If you find the recipe and remember, send it my way!

  2. I have an amazing Sangria recipe--it's traditional but man is it good. I'll get it to you over the weekend. Don't let me forget!

    1. Sounds great! Can't wait to get a bunch of recipes and try them out.

  3. Sorry about the car! Total bummer to be stuck at home. I made Sangria once and I was the only one who drank it so maybe it's not share worthy, haha! Hang in there!

    1. Thank ya Marcia! I would have imbibed in your sangria.

  4. I love staying home when I choose to, but being stuck at home is awful. When I can't go anywhere, I have major cabin fever.

    1. YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. Being home is great unless you are stuck.

  5. OK, this is disappointing as I know you happen to love being at home with Paul and the What about your favorite Puzzles? Books? (which I'm still waiting to hear about the Jon bonet Ramsey story, which I wanted to ask you about on our beach day but I forgot).
    I would actually love to be stuck at home and maybe I'd get some housework done..haha.
    But in any case, I feel your pain about the car. I hope things go better for you this weekend!

    1. I know, I love being home, but I had kind of been home for a couple days and had 2 days in a row of fun plans and errands to run. Books and puzzles... I literally hopped in the car to go to the library, grocery store, and dollar store to get a puzzle and my car wouldn't start! So I am out of all of my favorite things.

      I do need to tell you about JOnBenet. The new book was okay. I actually found a blog about it that's even BETTER!

    2. Oh that blog sounds promising! Do you think it's reliable? Can't wait to hear your thoughts!


      In case you want to get sucked down a rabbit hole....

  6. I'm sorry to hear!! that really sucks!

    Thank you for your honesty! I like that you started the post and then said forget this, I'm done.

    Here is a Peach Rasperry sangria recipe I made a few years ago. It's supposed to sit for 1 day, but I drank it right away and it was really good.

    1 bottle of rose wine
    3/4 cup of vodka
    1/2 cup peach nectar
    6 tablespoons of thawed frozen lemonade
    2 tablespoons sugar
    1 pound of ripe peaches, peeled and sliced
    1 (6oz) package of rasperries (or 1 cup of frozen)
    2 cups club soda chilled ( I used sparkling water).

    dump all in a pitcher, stir sugar. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you so much for typing that out! This is the first one I received so far so IF my car is fixed today and I get to go shopping (please please please please please) and if no one else gives me one, this will be the first one I try! Question, rose wine... is it just called "rose wine" or is there a specific kind? Sorry I am dumb. :)

    2. You are not dumb! please don't say that! you are a very smart woman!

      Rose wine is a type of wine... I used Barefoot Rose wine, because it was the cheapest. When making sangria, it's always best to use cheap wine, because you are losing the wine flavor when you add the other stuff.

      email me if it's not fixed, i'll pick you up and drive you to get all the supplies... when you need sangria, you have to have sangria.

    3. You are so nice. :) I got my car though!! :) Perhaps we can have sangria on my back porch sometime this summer???

  7. Hang in there, Megan! When will your car be fixed?!?

    1. IT IS FIXED IT IS IN MY CARPORT!!!!!!!!! GOT it an hour ago :)

  8. It's okay too laugh, I wasn't trying to be funny but I like to be funny and make people laugh. :)
