
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Things I Will NOT Miss About The School Year

Schooooool's out for SUMMER!

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Okay I have to go back in tomorrow, but after that, it's DONE!

Here are some things I will NOT miss about this past school year...

1. Tuesdays. Tuesdays are a really long day. I teach at school from 7:55-3:40, then fly home and teach private piano lessons from 4:00-7:30. I like teaching piano and I have very nice students, but it is just a long day. I will not miss it!

2. Getting up in the 5 o'clock hour. Or the 4 o'clock hour. Heck, even the 6 o'clock hour!!! I look forward to not always setting an alarm in the summer!

3. Parent emails telling me how I could be a better teacher. I am by no means a perfect teacher. But seriously, I could do without the emails telling me what I did wrong. Because you know it is always the teacher's fault...

4. Holding my pee. And let's face it, my poo too.

5. Pretending to be happy when I'm not happy. It is exhausting being smiley and bubbly when I am feeling the exact opposite. But obviously I need to put on a good face for my students. I guess a lot of people have to do this in their place of work!!!

Teachers, what will you NOT miss about the school year?
Can you pee and poo whenever you want at your job?
Are you good at pretending to be happy? I am!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Really?? Parents email you and tell you what you are doing wrong? Wow!

    I had a really great year this school year and there will be things I WILL miss but obviously I like being home with Baylee more! Now come fall I could tell you all the thing I will miss about being Can't wait to chat more this summer about school an stuff!

    1. Oh man I have had parents email to tell me about classroom management skills I could try hahahaha! Hello, I have my master's in education and have been teaching or 11 years. That doesn't mean I have all the answers- not even CLOSE, but was it does mean is that it's INSULTING when someone who is not a teacher and has never been in my classroom gives me tips.

  2. Wow, so you get it from parents too? I cannot believe people sometimes. But I have parents accuse me of not caring or demanding tests for their children. I feel bad for these kids.

    1. That's why you're a nurse practitioner right? Because you don't care???? Obviously I am being sarcastic.

  3. Yay for summer!! I have had many teacher friends tell me it's not the kids that drive them crazy it's the parents. When I was growing up, my parents always sided w/ the teacher. Now it seems like the parents just attack the teachers for trying to teach the best they can while teacher manners and appropriate social behavior. Sorry you have to deal w/ that Megan.

    1. I guess it's just part of the job these days and I need to let it roll off my back more. It's just insulting.

  4. All of this. No one except teachers really understand how we have to be ON all day long. We are literally playing a part until the kids leave at the end of the day. Smile, be kind, don't pee, don't eat, don't check email, don't check in on any personal stuff...all day long. It's not like any other job!

    Will you have long Tuesdays next year?

    1. Yes!! Being "ON" is tiring. I don't know what days will be long for me because I know I will teach piano lessons so it's just whatever days I pick!

  5. That's interesting about the parents criticizing you! When I email the teachers it's usually me assuming that my kids are doing something wrong that doesn't align with the teacher's rules or expectations. I do have the freedom to use the bathroom whenever, but when I'm working at the bank 2 days a week, they are totally Big Brother on Internet usage so not frivolous/personal web surfing allowed. It's rather annoying!

    1. I always appreciate the emails when parents say something like, "This is what my child told me, but I realize there may be more to the story. Can you tell me what's going on?" It's very diplomatic, there is no finger pointing, and the teacher doesn't feel attacked! I have to say, I rarely get nasty parents emails so I am lucky, but it is just hard to take it so personally. I know parents love their kids but teachers love them too and we really just want to do the best we can for the child. No one is out to get anyone. I know I'm preaching to the choir here. :)

      Ooh are you allowed to have your phone handy at the bank? What do you do there? Like, are you a teller?

    2. I always think banks look so relaxing to work at. Am I right or wrong?

    3. I work in IT, but luckily I don't take many help desk calls. The majority of my day is programming. I'm "back office", so we can have our phones all the time. Not surprising, banks are super high in security so many, many websites are blocked. Don't want any chance of viruses hitting the system! The bank I work at is a business oriented bank, so it's all pantyhose, skirts and suits for the women, ties and jackets for the guys. It took a bit to get used to, but I don't mind it now.

  6. I find it very disturbing that you have parents emailing you to tell you how to do your job!! that is very irresponsible parenting ! And teaching their kids more entitlement. do you respond to them? I would be tempted to reply back that they can show me their Degree in education methods and we can then talk about their experiences in the classroom.

    I'm sorry that you have to put on a happy bubbly mask... I would have gone mental!

    1. Well, there are certain parents when you know it is best not to respond. But sometimes if a parent emails and they have a question, then I would feel obligated to reply. I also feel like I need to reply when the parent is saying things that are just not true. As in, if their child told them one story about what happened I feel I need to email back and set the record straight. I could go into this more but I don't think it would be professional to do on the internet! We'll have to go for a run sometime this summer and I can give you the scoop!!! ;)

    2. Oh yes !! we have to go for a run this summer for sure!

  7. #3 blows my mind. Wendy and I have discussed the complaints she gets too. I've never once complained to a teacher. Sheesh the nerve of some people. Enjoy your summer break!

    1. Thanks Marcia!!! Yeah I have to say I don't get many nasty emails but it is hard to not take them personally when I get them. I have been teaching for 11 years and I suppose at some point I will learn to let them roll off my back!

  8. I will not miss having to be on all summer! My students are very busy because they're so young which means I have to entertain them all day long, and I feel like no one actually understands except other teachers. Some of my friends who talk about how tired they are at the end of the day I am sure are justifiably so, but I don't think they truly understand that even though my students go home early I am exhausted to the max. I will definitely not miss my alarm either!

    1. Being "on" is exactly it!!!! Now of course we chose this profession so I don't mean to complain, I just don't want people to roll their eyes when we say we are tired or ready for summer break. :)

  9. "the BS of it" <---- lol THISSSSSSS!!!!

    I was thinking about that and it doesn't surprise me that you see it a lot at the elem. level. Do you have a lot of helicopter parents?
