
Friday, June 24, 2016


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Today I am participating in Marcia's Runfession's link up! Be sure to visit her blog and check out some of the other bloggers who are Runfessing today!

Runfession #1: The band on my Garmin broke on vacation. That's the same day my plantar fasciitis reared it's ugly head and all of my training for the Via Marathon went downhill.

I plan to rig it with some duct tape. I don't want to buy a new Garmin. Even since it broke, I've just been holding it while I run or tucking it in my shorts. 

Runfession #2: After missing a week of training due to the PF I mentioned, I have been working on getting back to my training. Hansons says if you miss 6 days of training, spend the next week running easy, then jump back into training at the week you should be on. So since I missed week 5, week 6 should be easy, then I just jump in at week 7. It freaks me out to miss so many SOS workouts, but I have been following the plan exactly (until the PF!) so I may as well follow what the plan says to do if you miss days...

Runfession #3: That being said, running has been hard this week. Running a 9 minute pace (my prescribed "easy" pace) feels like a huge effort. My legs feel like they weigh 400lbs. I am carrying tension in my arms and shoulders. Even though I look forward to running, the act of running does not feel that great.

Runfession #4: I know I will start to feel better soon. Having so many "meh" runs surely means some good runs are right around the corner! I can't wait to feel strong and energetic again! Until then, my goal is just to take one workout at a time!

Runfession #5: And now for something completely different... this is how I dry my running shorts!

Do you have something you want to Runfess?


  1. LOL @ the running shorts drying! I will confess that I had a friend stay at the house and I had to move out all the athletic clothes that were drying in the guest bathroom so she could shower. I warned her that we're a home full of athletes, though. She understood!

    I think you will be fine with marathon training. Yes, you missed some time but you're running again and you have a strong base. Plus you were doing cross training and strength training when you couldn't run, and you have a long time before the race. I hope you can figure out how to fix the Garmin without buying another, too. They are not cheap!

    1. Thanks for the boost of confidence! I kind of hate training because there is so much pressure not to miss stuff and then I worry. I am not having fun right now. Hopefully I will have fun again soon!

      We athletes and our ridiculous drying habits need to stick together! We try to hang anything we can so we don't waste energy! It's all about saving $$$$!

  2. Yes to #3. All of this week I have been wondering if this is possibly the effects of cumulative fatigue already? It seems too early, especially since I've only JUST begun doing tempos and my mileage is only in the low 30s now, but my legs have felt like cement all week. At first I thought it was because of a solid leg day on Sunday, but it really hasn't eased up at all.

    Can you buy a placement band for your Garmin if the tape doesn't work well? I know on some Garmins you can just unscrew the band and buy a new one!

    1. I will look into that! There are screws poking out of mine. I haven't really made an effort to fix it at all yet because it's actually not really annoying at all to just hold it hahaha!

      I am not sure if it is cumulative fatigue yet. It seems too early. And I get excited to run and I am not overall tired or anything. I think it is just the getting used to running SLOW thing. I talked to my friend last night (who is a PT and has trained me before) and she looked at my plan. She mentioned that she thinks I got injured because it's not just that I am running 6 days a week as opposed to 5, but that I am running most of those runs at a pace that is TOTALLY different from what I am accustomed to. I never thought of that.

  3. Hang in there with the running--I know it will get easier very soon. You are one of the strongest people I know! On the bright side, your feet are all healed up, yes?!? My runfession is embarrassing but here goes: I just spent like 20 minutes on my bike ride planning out next week's training. Since I have 3 sports + weights and I have "rules" (no running more than 2 days in a row; leg day before my swim; never swim on a day I have to go into the office, try not to run the day after acupuncture, only one cross training day between my runs...) some weeks are not easy to plan. Seriously?!? It's pretty ridiculous but oh, well. I am among other crazy athletes, right?!?

    1. Feet have felt really good for... a week??? Now today my left feels a little strained and I am all freaked out so no running. I am so afraid of PF coming back. SO AFRAID. Still treading cautiously and trying not to overdo the running. I don't want to be back at square one and waste more time!

      Do you have fun planning it out??? I always look at it like a fun puzzle!

    2. way! Probably best to play it safe--you will never get injured taking a rest day. Planning next week was more "stressful" because of random things/appts/etc. but it did make my bike ride go by really quickly which was awesome!

    3. Yeah it is nice getting lost in thought sometimes!

      I LOVE what you said, "You will never get injured taking a rest day."

  4. When I was growing up, every door knob in the house had athletic gear hung up to dry. Between my school sports and my parents' running, there were a lot of clothes that had to air dry.

    1. That is awesome! Did you think it was weird at the time?

  5. My fitbit charge is on it's last limb. I don't know why I'm so hard on them. This one isn't even a year old!!! It's so frustrating. Do you think it records the same in your pocket?

    1. I don't put it in my podcast, I either hold it or I hook the good strap into my shorts band. I assume it records the same??

  6. I love how you dry your shorts! If it makes you feel any better I do something very similar involving the kitchen cabinets. Ha! Yes you're getting the sucky runs out of the way for those brilliant ones to come when it counts. I'll bet Garmin will replace that strap...

    1. I feel like we may need a pic of your kitchen cabinets for your next Runfession! Thank you for the idea, I will see if Garmin replaces straps.

  7. Been there girl - new bands sold cheap on EBay or from Garmin. You can even buy soft fabric ones. That's what I did with mine. Loved the fabric on. What model do you have? We might have a spare around my house!

    1. I had the 405. I wonder if they are different because the bands I looked up said 405, not 410. Hmmm. Anyhow, it looks like I gave mine away when I sold my watch. But, here's the replacement.

      This is the fabric type I used. So comfy! I think they might work for the 410 also:

    2. Awesome! Yes that strap looks exactly like mine.

  8. I dry my shorts in the laundry room--they're hanging up on the laundry bin to dry before I toss them in.

    Before my Garmin, I used a Timex Ironman watch. The one I had was quite stylish and I wore it to work. The band broke and I couldn't find a replacement. That made me mad.

    1. Hey I had that watch too! That is totally what I used before my Garmin! I liked that it looked "sporty" and I would wear it to work too. You can't really wear a Garmin to work.

  9. I think you can buy just the strap for your Garmin. If you like the watch, it's definitely worth doing that. I put my running clothes on the doorknobs after I run. If I throw them in the hamper, they'll mold. Ugh.

    1. Oh my I never thought of the shorts possibly molding. And I have so many shorts that it is quite possible my dirty/sweaty shorts could lay in the hamper for 5-6 days before we do wash!

  10. PF seems to be making the rounds.....I don't think I have PF at the moment, but I know it's on the horizon if I don't play it safe. I had it a year ago on the opposite foot, so I caught this "discomfort" in the very early stages. Right now, it just feels like a heel spur, and doesn't bother me much when I run....but walking is another story. Fortunately, it hasn't been bad, but I have scaled back my mileage the past few weeks as a precaution....Who has time for this PF nonsense anyways? ((yuck))

    1. I am glad it sounds like you caught it early and are playing it safe! I agree, no one has time for it. I don't get it often- maybe like once every 3 years (This is my third time) but when I get it, it's RIP ROARING. Like, running is not even an OPTION. So the only thing to do is suck it up and rest.

  11. I guess it's kind of okay that your legs feel heavy because Hansons is going to teach you to overcome that! But seriously, I'm sorry you're feeling rough. It definitely will pass.

    I love how you hang your shorts!! I have a drying rack and it's always covered in Matt's SUP clothes and my running clothes/socks. We need a second one!

    1. Thanks girl! :)

      We should get a drying rack too because sometimes we run out of room!

  12. Nah I don't think I want something different. Even though I probably only utilize 3% of what my Garmin can actually do, I hate to learn about new technology. I know, that is not a good outlook but I hate it. I think it's from work. At work they will get new grading Software and then we have to learn how to use it, and by the time I get the hang of it, they will change it. So annoying.

  13. You should contact Garmin about your strap. I think they would help you out or at least give you a discount on your next one. My sister had a problem with her Garmin and she took it to a race expo and they helped her out with hers. I don't exactly remember what the outcome was but I know she was pleased.

    1. Yeah it sounds like I have a lot of options with the broken strap. I think I will email them before I buy one!

  14. Bummer on the watch band, but it looks like you may be able to replace it. We have those folding racks for the laundry room. When my son was playing sports we needed three to hang up all the althletic clothes!

    1. Yeah I was surprised I had so many options! You guys are the best!

  15. I especially pay attention to Runfession #2. I recognize that i am the same as you. I also miss some week to train, when coming back. The preparation is quite necsseary!
