
Thursday, June 23, 2016


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Holy crap. it has been awhile!!! 
Here's what's going on with me!

(I would like to mention, Jelly is laying upside down on my lap right now. His belly is all furry and he's sleeping peacefully. I freaking love him.)

Current Book: He's Gone. I saw a list of books one should read if they enjoyed Gone Girl. This was on the list! So far, I like it! It's about a woman who wakes up one morning and her husband is just GONE. But I am getting hints that she is an unreliable narrator, so I think she may have something to do with it...

Current Podcast: Slate's Trumpcast. It's about... you guessed it, Donald Trump.

Current Guilty Pleasure: Staying up really freaking late and sleeping in. Normally it takes me until July to get into this habit. Apparently this summer, it is only taking me to mid June. I blame vacation for screwing up my sleep schedule. Colorado, this is your fault!

Total Number of Will & Grace Episodes We Watched This Week: 10. Time to go back to the library and get some more DVDs!

Current Need: To finish my puzzle!

Current Triumph: I cleaned the entire storage room in the basement. It was a HUGE undertaking!

Current Wish List: My garden would freaking grow!

Current Bane of My Existence: I've been having trouble falling asleep...

Current Most Annoying Celebrity: I freaking can't STAND Sunny Hosten on The View. Unfortunately, she is probably going to be a permanent co-host come the fall. She just comes off as sooooo hoity toity. Even when I agree with what she says, I HATE how she says it.

Current Indulgence: Well, we indulged a lot on vacation! Time to reel in the spending.

Current TV Show: BIG BROTHER STARTED YESTERDAY!!!! So that show is on 3 times a week and Big Brother After Dark is on SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!!! I didn't have much of a life before this. Now I really won't have a life...

Current Food: Summer means corn, fruit, pasta salad, and GRILLED CHICKEN.

Current Drink: I'm off wine and on margaritas!

Current Thing I Am Thankful For: Being home with healthy Paul and healthy Chrissy and Jelly!

Current Excitement: So school let out, then I only had 2 days off before vacation. Now I have had a week at home after vay-cay to just CHILL and BASK in the GLORY of being HOME.  Hang on, I am getting to what I am excited for. Now I have a lot of get togethers and events on my calendar, which I can truly be excited for since I have finally had time to CHILL.

Tell me something "current" about you!


  1. Grilled chicken, margaritas and being HEALTHY for the win! Sounds like an amazing summer so far. I too am staying up later and later but the sleeping in part will never happen with these 2 dogs that get up at 4:30 plus I have to drive the teenager to driver's ed.

    1. You have to drive the teenager to drivers ed??? MIND BLOWN!!!!!!!! Our cats wake us up too but I realize they are easier and we can just plop food down and go back to bed, not take them out or anyything!

  2. Summer also means watermelon. I know it's mostly water, but I love it during the summer. It always reminds me of cookouts. Probably because adults would give kids watermelon slices and tell us to go play.

    1. My hubby loves watermelon! Cookouts are fun too!

  3. I am so into margaritas right now!! I am skipping the premix stuff and doing fresh lime, Silver Tequila, some fresh orange and a little honey! Since I love spicy I am going to muddle some jalapeno in the next time I make them!

    1. Wow you sounds like you know a lot about margaritas! Why does that not surprise me? I had a spicy one in New Mexico and I didn't like it. :(

    2. I know a lot about things I should not know a lot about ! LOL! I just don't like the sour mix so I looked for lighter options!

  4. I can't believe we are nearing the end of June already!
    After being away for vacation last week I have certainly found comfort and happiness being home with Baylee ( I would say Scott as well but as soon as I came home he was off on another business trip).

    My goal this summer is to clean our basement as well. My problem is I have SO much school stuff. I rarely teach the same thing more than 2-3 years in a row so I am so afraid to throw anything away!

    1. Oh yes that would make it very hard to know what to keep and what to throw out. Can you store it at school?

    2. Ya know, I actually thought about taking it to school to store but for some odd reason I am very protective of my stuff. I've spent SO much time developing lessons and games and bought some textbooks with my own funds. I'm just afraid to put them out where they can be unattended. I know that sounds goofy. It's just stuff, but stuff I put my heart and soul into creating.

      I also wanted to mention how cute the pics of you an Paul are.

      Oh, an when I dropped in on my parents last night they were watching Big Brother. They love it. That's their show! I admit I was a bit intrigued and watched most of it! I left before they revealed the "third twist"

    3. NICE your parents are my kind of peeps! No I don't think it is weird to be protective of your stuff. I know how stuff goes missing at school!

  5. I'm excited about Big Brother too! I DVRed last night's episode and need to watch that today (gonna get on that soon). BB After Dark isn't gonna help the sleep schedule, though.

    Besides that I love grilled food like corn on the cob and salmon.

    1. YES ANOTHER BB FAN!!!! I am excited to hear what you think of the cast. There is one particular person I need to freaking mute the TV for... can you guess who it is???

      I DVR BBAD and then watch it when I stretch and stuff. I will fast forward the boring parts or like when people are eating. I can't stand hearing them chew!

  6. Is Big Brother really on 3 days a week? That's certainly a commitment. I still have the last season of Bachelor (or was it Bachelorette?) on DVR to watch. Since I haven't seen my treadmill in forever, I've been way out of the TV watching loop. But my podcast listening is WAY up :)

    1. Yay! What podcasts do you like? There is nothing else to watch in the summer so I happy to have something I LOVE 3 days a week! The eps are only like 42 min if you fast forward the commercials.

  7. That sucks about the sleep thing! Sorry. Currently I am eating a lot of steak and asparagus (both on the grill). We also have been on a watermelon kick and always have some cut up and ready to go in the fridge (we will get peaches in August when they are the best!). I am currently loving summer runs--it's 60 degrees and I can wear shorts and a tank top (I think about my winter runs at below 10 degrees and it makes me cringe). I am also loving our beach BBQs and taking a lot of beautiful rides on Rick's Harley. Finally, I love that you are not teaching right now because you get to play Scrabble with me more and I am completely addicted.

    1. HAHA I am addicted too and I want to beat you someday! It is crazy what different weather we have in the winter vs. summer. I am proud that you run through the freezing cold!

  8. Mmm, margaritas are a fav in the summer! I just love the tartness and salt!

    I am starting two new podcasts while I'm running alone because Elizabeth is on vacation haha. One is "Ten Junk Miles" which covers 10 topics for 10 minutes each to keep your mind off your 10-mile runs! The other is Witch, Please, which is a Harry Potter analysis/literary reading podcast. I can't wait!

    1. I love salt too. :) That 10 Mile Podcast sounds good!!!!
