
Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday 5!

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Today's Friday 5 theme is Food & Drink (per the rules of the Friday 5 Link Up), so I thought I'd talk about some of the things I plan on growing in my garden this year!

My mom always comes over to help me buy and plant everything. She is the expert. Eventually I will feel confident enough to do it myself, but not yet.

The first year I did my garden, it went really well! I got so many peppers, tomatoes, and butternut squash. Last year, things didn't go as well because we went on vacation for almost two weeks during the prime growing time of my garden. Even though our house sitter watered everything, there was nobody keeping after the plants to make sure they were growing in the right direction and whatnot.

To make matters worse, I ran over the butternut squash vine with the lawn mower and was only able to salvage two squash. It was so sad!

But this year, I will have THE BEST GARDEN!!! Here is what I am planning on growing...

1. Zucchini. I have been obsessed with Zucchini Fries.

2. Tomatoes. I use tomatoes for so many dishes. I can never have enough tomatoes and will probably do three plants.

3. Butternut Squash. Even though it is a bitch to cut up and I have been known to have a couple explode in my microwave... butternut squash are still really yummy when roasted.

4. Peppers. There are so many summer dishes I like to make with peppers. Pasta salad, casseroles, roasted on the grill...

5. Cilantro. It's so convenient having fresh cilantro in my back yard! 

What's in your garden?
What would you grow if you had a garden?

Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5!


  1. I love my garden and am so grateful for Rick who created a very large raised bed and he pretty much takes care of getting it all prepped. I get the fun part of picking our crops. We plant Roma tomatoes, cucumber and zucchini. Sometimes we do bell peppers and this year Rick wants to do jalapenos! I can't wait but since Colorado is still having crazy weather it might not be til next weekend when we get our plants in!

    1. Picking crops is definitely the fun part. :) I am not sure when we are planting... probably will rope my mom into helping next weekend as well. :)

  2. I don't have a garden because i have no idea how to grow anything! I am very impressed and would love to do this one day. My parents had a garden when i was growing up and everything was so good, but back then i didn't have an appreciation for veggies like I do now!

    1. I didn't appreciate my mom's garden growing up either. :) Oh please don't be impressed, all I know how to do with my garden is water, weed, and break off the flowers of the cilantro and basil.

  3. I remember two years ago when EVERYONE in run blogger land was putting in a garden and I felt so left out! I was actually just thinking about this the other day so it's funny that you posted about your garden today!

    If I had a garden (and lived in a cold weather state) I would grow a lot of onions. It is my opinion that everything tastes better with a red onion on it! I once even bit directly into an onion (like eating an apple) just to see what it would be like because I like onions that much! I wouldn't recommend trying that though, it was a bad experience even for this onion lover!

    1. Don't they say if you hold your nose and bite into an apple or onion you won't be able to tell the difference? You should try that!

      I like red onions with certain things. Paul LOVES them! It actually never occurred to me to grow onions but I bet he would like that.

  4. I would love to have a garden but I know I wouldn't take care of it properly. However, I do have a basil plant in my kitchen and i've kept it alive over a year now!

    1. That is awesome! I have never had an indoor plant or something like that because I am convinced I'd kill it.

  5. Cilantro is hard to grow here! It always gets so scraggly. I don't know how the pros grow it to get so bunchy. We do a lot of basil and lettuce. We have mixed results with tomatoes--the weather is a big factor. We used to do strawberries and that was fun until a fungus killed all my plants.

    1. That stinks about your cilantro growing! Mine gets HUGE. I don't even know what to do with it all.

  6. That's sooo cool! Tomatoes are next on my list! This year I planted a little herb garden: parsley, dill, chives, basil and spearmint. I'm so proud of myself coz I've been meaning to do it for a couple of years now and finally did it woop woop!

    #FBF: Barcelona, Spain – The City Of Dreams (Part 2):

    1. Ah doesn't it feel so good to accomplish something you've been talking about for a long time??

  7. I used to have a little garden every year! Since having Callum it's just been too crazy, too busy. I'd have tomatoes, spinach, peas, beans, chives, all that good stuff. I love cilantro though.

    1. Woah I don't even know what beans look like in a garden.

  8. I wasn't hungry until you mentioned Peppers on the grill. Yummy... We should try Carolina Reaper peppers this spring. Currently, the hottest pepper in the world. Well, according to Wikipedia.

    1. I love when Paul Go Rant pops up in my comments!!! :)

  9. Mmmmm I need to get on gardening ASAP. I had a garden last year and I grew sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and lots of herbs! I want to do eggplant this year. I hate gardening but I do love getting fresh veggies! I purchased a CSA share through a local farm (Rodale - the Runners World peeps!) and will be getting most of my produce through them, though I'd love to grow some stuff on my own!

    1. I tried eggplant last year but all I got were two tiny ones! Ever since then, I broke up with egg plant.

      I looked into CSAs around here. They are so expensive!

  10. Nice! I don't have a space for a garden but I'd love to grow my own zucchini and cilantro - that's awesome!

    1. I am lucky I have room... and a mom who helps me!

  11. Can I come live in your garden? Because you are growing ALL my favorite vegetables. AND I love cilantro, too!! I don't understand how some people think it tastes like soap!

    1. I can *understand* because if I think about it, I can definitely make it taste a little soapy. But if I'm not thinking it tastes just perfect. :)

  12. Those are 5 of my favorite foods. Please invite for dinner !

    1. Of course that should say invite me to dinner.... :)

    2. You would have quite the commute I think but if you are in the area this summer, consider yourself invited!!! :)

  13. i do very small pots on our back patio - usually just herbs. i tried tomatoes once and it didn't go well, lol!

    1. Herbs are so nice to have on hand though. :)

  14. I learned last year that we just don't get enough sun to grow veggies but I'm hoping my herbs will do OK again. Luckily my mom grows enouch of tomatoes in her garden to share -- yay for moms with green thumbs!

    1. Herbs are so nice to have, it is good you can do that. :) I hear ya, moms are the best!!! :)
