
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

You've Just Been Scienced! (How To Properly Recover After A Race)

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This list is fraught with scientific research on how to best recover properly from a race! I have no sources, you will just have to take my word for it... because... science.

1. Sleep in, then spend the rest of the morning laying on the couch sipping iced coffee and researching more races to run.

2. Wear your favorite fuzzy socks.

3. Make yourself a hearty brunch.

3. Watch a couple episodes of Dateline while finishing a puzzle.

4. Cuddle with your kitty cats.

5. Eat a hearty dinner which includes Amish macaroni salad. 

6. Go to the store, buy ice cream, and eat it.

Have you ever had Amish macaroni salad?
How do you like to recover after a race?


  1. Sounds like a perfect recovery day to me:) Hope you are feeling good!

    1. Thanks Lisa! DOMS is a lot better today. Off for a run... in 16 freaking degrees. WTF???

  2. Mmmm, that ice cream looks yummy! I haven't had Amish macaroni salad--what makes it different? I am glad your recovery is coming along nicely! Keep it up.

    1. Well, Google tells me it is sweeter than the reg kind because there is more sugar in the dressing. :)

  3. I have never had Amish mac salad--I am not a fan of regular mac salad.

    I am a big believer in ice cream as a recovery food--preferably right out of the carton--It works better!

    1. Well I am sure your body loves you for not subjecting it to mac salad! So unhealthy. (But I love it!)

      GIRL, that is exactly what I did- ate the ice cream out of the carton. Then I ended up eating too much.

  4. Yes! That is the perfect and scientific recovery plan! I'm going to save this for my marathon recovery!

    1. Haha thank you! You can't argue with science. :)

  5. What's the difference between Amish macaroni salad and regular macaroni salad? I LOVE MACARONI SALAD.

    1. Google says the dressing is much sweeter than regular. I love it too! Did you ever dip chips in it?

  6. ^ that was my question too: how is it different than reg Mac Salad? I do love me some macaroni salad. I don't know how I manage to make it as a distance runner. I love unhealthy food way too much.

    Your recovery day sounds ah-mazing!!!!

    1. Well I know it sounds cliche but all things in moderation. And you work hard! I think as athletes, our bodies figure out ways to use whatever it can from the food we eat. Or I just tell myself that. :)

  7. That looks like the best way to recover for sure! No, I haven't heard of Amish mac salad. But the ice cream selection looks *awesome*!!

    1. It is VERY good, it actually TASTES like a chocolate chip cookie.

  8. A perfect recovery day involves a couch, cozies, Netflix, computer, maybe a glass of wine (later in the day, of course), and food. You pretty much nailed it.

    1. Ooh I did have wine too! I just forgot to mention it. Train hard, recover hard, right? I hope your ten miler up the freaking butte went well. ;)

  9. Sounds like a good recovery! Since I usually travel to run races, and Frank doesn't run them... usually I "recover" by hiking way further than I should and complaining a lot. Haha! Oh and I eat a ton!

    1. Wow you are a gooooooood wife! ;)

      I eat a lot too. :)

  10. What you call a proper recovery day I call a typical Sunday! :D

    ... Minus the eggs with yolks. I used to love runny eggs but I recently decided that the yolks make me sad so I make my eggs sunny side up and then I remove the yolks. It's super weird, I know. There is no logic to this at all!

    Glad you had a relaxing day! With kitty snuggles!

    1. What do you mean they make you sad?? Like eating them affects your mood?

    2. No, haha! More like simply thinking about baby chicks makes me sad! I know it's totally irrational. The yolk is definitely not a baby chick and that the eggs are never fertilized but they yolks are yellow and baby chicks are yellow and it just makes me sad. Not sad enough to stop eating eggs ... or chicken. The whole thing is really stupid. I need to get over it!

    3. Thank you for clarifying! We all have irrational things we do. Yours is kind of funny. :)

  11. Love your tips for post race recovery! I think it sounds pretty scientific! Sounds like you had a good recovery day

    1. Thanks :) Obviously you can't argue with science. ;)
