
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I have no clue what to do between now and my HALF on April 23rd.

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I'm running the Movie Madness Half Marathon on April 23rd and I have no clue how to proceed. Obviously I would LOVE to earn myself an official PR, which would be <1:38:08. That's around a 7:28 pace, and I think is doable for me right now.

I just don't know what to do between now and then! It's only 17 days away, and I'm still recovering from my race on Saturday. I don't see any speed work or race pace runs happening for at least another week. But that puts me just 10 days before my race!

To feel confident, I would like to get a pace run in before the race. I want my body to know what a 7:28 pace feels like.

Since it's such a short time in between the races, I think it's just not feasible to plan too much. Maybe I should just keep my mileage up, do one or two LSD runs, and do one quality pace run- maybe like 8 miles at goal pace?

What do you guys think????


  1. I think doing a race pace run about 10 days before the race would be good. I think you will be prepared anyway but it may just help you mentally to know you can do it! But definitely take some time to recover first:)

    1. Thanks Lisa! I do think I need a pace run mentally.

  2. I would echo Lisa's response...or even finish a couple of runs with your last 3 miles at goal pace. Recover first!

  3. I agree with Lisa. Whatever you do between now and then will keep you sharp and one pace run will help mentally. You've got this!

    1. Thanks Marcia! I do think I mainly need something mental- and I need to run at that pace because I haven't had any practice at what that pace feels like.

  4. The 8 miler at goal pace sounds like a good option although Hansons would probably advocate doing it at an easy pace and simply ending knowing you have something in the tank. If you do your 8-miler the weekend before your race at race pace you could end up not performing as well on race day because you damaged your fibers (or however the book explains it) during a training run instead of saving it for race day. You know what Hansons say about sabotaging ourselves. Their basic half marathon plan calls for a 6 mile tempo two weeks out and then the week of "taper" is basically all easy running with an 8 miler.

    Of course that's just me interpretation of one type of method! You do you! You know what works best for you!

    1. Thank you for that link! I never read their half marathon training plan. I do love their philosophies so I am going to keep that in mind.

  5. I would just continue to do short runs if you're up to that. You got this Meg!

  6. You've got plenty in the tank, so I'd just do what feels good and not push it--no need to risk injury!

    1. Ugh, the dreaded I word. :( Wise words, Wendy!

  7. Focus on recovery. I think the most important thing is to avoid going into it feeling overtrained. You worked very hard for your 10 miler and built up a lot of fitness - all of that is still in the bank, so just relax and give those gains time to settle in.

    Maybe think of it like the 10 miler was your last hard workout and now you are sort of tapering/peaking for a half. I think you have plenty of time to get another long goal pace run in and would recommend doing so, but wait until you're recovered to do it and keep everything else fairly easy so you don't burn yourself out. I would do just enough running to maintain your fitness gains, but go easy on the hard work so you don't overtrain. Hope that made sense!

    1. It DOES make sense. If I do a goal pace run on the 13th, it would be about 11 days after my 10 miler and 10 days before my half. It will suck to have to do it on a week day but I won't cry about it. :)

  8. I would go easy and don't do anything crazy. Lots and lots of chill and easy mileage, and MAYBE one tempo run at race pace. But no speed work. You're in a sweet spot right now, so you don't want to get hurt. At least, that's what I would do. Easy mileage works for me really well and allows me to keep high-ish mileage without injury. Good luck with your half!!

    1. Thank you! I am so thankful for all you guys commenting and keeping me on planet earth about not doing anything crazy.

  9. Ooooh, Allison would be a good person to ask. She's always racing. I think I'd get some runs in pretty quick here but don't do anything fancy and just stick to the treadmill. Soft predictable landing, get that mileage back up and then once you feel totally recovered throw a 10 miler in there with 6 miles at race pace.

    1. Thank you! I don't know, Allison is ALWAYS racing so she must recover a lot faster than I do. Today is the first day my quads feel back to normal!

  10. First off, you GOT that 7:28 pace, sis!! Can't wait for you to light it up. Here's what I would do: recovery/easy paced miles the rest of the week, longish run this weekend. In true Hansons fashion, I'd plan on a track wo (6x1 @ 7 min pace to mimic Hansons strength workouts that happen towards the end?) and a tempo run (warm up, miles @ HM pace, cd) the following week. Then all easy runs the week of your race.

    I have, however, drunk the Hanson's Kool-aid. I'm a bit more than tipsy on it so you might just want to say, "Go home Allison, you're drunk."


    1. Okay that 6x1 sounds very scary at this moment in time- only because I literally only have 17 days to deal with! I like the idea of an easy longish run this weekend and a HM pace run. I am scared of pushing too hard to do pace run AND those 6x1s. Maybe I am holding myself back? I don't know. I fear injury and not properly recovering. I think I am definitely going to schedule in the HM pace run and think about the speed. THANK YOU FOR THE INSIGHT! (Of course you know it's not that I think you're wrong or I'm too lazy to do the work. I'm worrying of overdoing it/injury.)

  11. I am struggling with the same... I'm aching to run the Garden Spot Half Marathon, but trying to complete my last long run before the Marathon on 4.24.

    But unlike your awesomeness, I haven't done a race since Last month.

    Maybe a group run? those help me run faster, without going all out.

    1. Yeah you should do a group run! Hit up the River Runners. ;) Girl, I barely ever race, I am just trying to do it more so it is not so scary.

  12. I think that you are very strong and well conditioned now so just maintaining health (no injuries) would be my priority. Short and fast runs a few times with maybe a ten miler or so? I don't know I'm not a coach but I've run with the Multiple Marathons plan a couple times and the idea was about preserving fitness without tipping over to the injured list.

    1. Well yesterday I went a little nuts and did a slow 15 miler. :) I wanted it mentally. Wed I will do a race pace run of about 6 miles and then taper. So weird to recover for 10 days, do a pace run, then taper! But yeah I don't want to get injured or feel niggles!
