
Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday 5! (Favorites!)

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Today's Friday 5 theme is Favorites. I'm going to share my favorite random things from the past week or so!

1. Paul is on Facebook now. He's had a profile for years but never posted anything. You should friend him because he is really funny.

2. I got a new naval ring. I only ever had 2 different rings in my naval. I had a hoop with one of those balls on it from age 22-32. Then about a year ago I took it out for an MRI and lost the ball, so I got a fake rhinestone type thing. Well, at the gym on Sunday, I was so sweaty from the treadmill that somehow my naval ring fell out! My stomach looked SO WEIRD without my ring. I mean, I have had a ring in for the past 12 years. The day after I lost it, I went to Hot Topic and got these: 

Obviously I am only going to wear top left and bottom right. I may not be too old for a naval ring, but I am definitely too old for moons and yin yangs!

3. Speaking of the gym, Paul is able to workout now! His symptoms have gotten a lot better so now he walks, spins, and lifts at the gym. On Sunday, he went back to Planet Fitness for the first time in a long time. When he swiped his card, the front desk manager said, "Welcome back, Paul! It's been 232 days since your last visit!" Wow!

4. Oh, you know what is going to keep Paul seizure free and able to keep going to the gym??. ON WEDNESDAY, MEDICAL MARIJUANA PASSED IN PENNSYLVANIA!!!! Governor Wolf is planning to sign the bill! WAHOOOOOOO!!!

5. Domestic Forensics: CASE CLOSED. So remember how I woke up on Saturday morning to blood spatter all over my music room floor

There was more than just this!

We figured out what happened. On Wednesday morning, I got back from my run, and found a shed cat claw on the floor in the guest room. I picked it up to throw it away- like I always do when I find a clae laying around- but this one had BLOOD AND LITTLE GREY HAIRS STUCK TO IT!!! It looks like someone really did catch a little mole or mouse or something!

Tell me something RANDOM from the past week!!!

Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5!


  1. That is wonderful news about PA passing MMJ! I hope that with all the treatments and this complimentary medicine that Paul can even more fully get his life back. He deserves that & so do you!

  2. Awesome news about the medical marijuana. It is about freaking time. I hope they do not take too long to get the ball rolling and get legal dispensaries. It will be wonderful for those who need it. Also good news about the gym!!!

    1. I'm sure it will take awhile but at least this big step is through!

  3. You are not too old for a navel ring--I see women my age with them. Well, actually, you can't see the rings because of the skin folds but I know they are wearing them. I don't have one, BTW...

    1. I'm going to keep rocking mine until a fold of skin covers it up. ;) BIG GOALS!

  4. Way to go Paul!! I am glad things are changing in the right direction! I could never have a navel ring because I literally feel like I would pass out...I had a surgery that had stitches there, and I feel queasy just thinking about it--I am weird, I know.
    Ha! It was blood! You may have a spot on a forensics team somewhere...

    1. When I got it pierced, it hurt soooooooooooo bad. They make you lay on your back so your skin was all taut (and I was 22, I did not have ANY extra skin on my stomach!) and they used like clamps to pull the skin up. That hurt worse than the needle!

  5. Oh my, I would have been a little grossed out to pick up the hairy claw!! I don't think anyone's too old for a naval ring, I say if you like it power to you, wear it for you!

    1. It looks worse in the picture because it is so close up. I didn't even notice the hair until I looked closer and inspected!

  6. Wonderful news about Medical Marijuana passing! Yay!! Hahaha take that stupid representative lady!

    I'm glad you solved the mystery. I knew it had to be critter-related.

    1. Yeah! Now I just wonder if she voted for or against. She is spineless.

  7. Happy for Paul. So awesome. And so gross about the blood splatter thing. I wish I could wash my brain with a little scrubby brush so I could un-see it.

    Pretty naval rings! I had one too and now all I have is a big scar. I have a few scars from piercings in all sorts of interesting areas!

    1. Ooh would love to know where are your piercings were! I would like another hole in each of my ears and then I think that's it.

  8. That's so exciting about the medical marijuana bill passing. I'm very happy for you guys!

  9. Sounds like a great week for you! I would be so afraid that a naval ring would hurt but hey good for you! Go rock it!

    1. It did hurt A LOT when I got it pierced but obviously now it feels fine. I feel like in the past 12 years it got red and irritated two times. But other than that it has been healed up nicely. I don't like NOT having a ring in, though. I really did only change the ring twice!

  10. So happy to read that Paul is doing better. Something random from this past week ? In 9 nights I slept in 6 different hotels due to work travel. Not fun.

    1. Wow! That's a lot of hotels. I hope you get to sleep in your cozy bed tonight. :)

  11. Yay for solving the mystery! Do you think the blood was from the claw or the small animal?
    Yay for Paul being able to work out again. I'll look him up on FB next time I get on (I don't get on often though).

    1. OH yes, someone totally killed a little critter.

  12. I have a naval ring too! I actually took it out when I got pregnant, thinking I would never be able to wear it again. After a couple months following his birth, my stomach returned to normal and it went right back in. I thought the hole would get stretched or be a big mess, but thankfully everything looks normal. I'm not sure how long I will keep it in for but I sure feel naked without it. Haha.

    That's great about Medical Marijuana in Pennsylvania - and to hear that Paul is back at the gym! Oregon has actually legalized marijuana, which is really interesting.

    1. Yes I think some people's get stretched but that's cool that yours did not! I bet it helps you feel more like you have your boy back and you don't have to share it with a fetus anymore! ;)

  13. I love that you still have a naval ring! I wasn't allowed to get one when I was a teen because my parents were paranoid about blood poisoning (?!) and now I feel that ship has sailed...but then again, they DO tend to be very flattering...

    Hooray for medical marijuana passing, and hooray for Paul returning to the gym!!!! I'm so jazzed for you guys!!!

    1. Wait, you JUST turned 30 right? Your ship has not sailed yet I don't think. I was 22 and didn't live at home or anything so my parents had little to say. I feel like in college they wouldn't have minded. I mean, it's a body part that for the most part is covered up and the scarring would be pretty minimal if ya decided you didn't like it and took it out.

      It is fun to go to the gym with Paul!!

  14. Gizmo used to catch a lot of animals -- from inside a dog kennel! And then I wised up & stopped letting him out so early because usually it meant us trying to herd live chipmunks back outside, which is quite the chore, lemme tell you.

  15. Hey that is two great things (and one gross)! So glad to hear that MM is on track, and that Paul is feeling well enough to exercise. That is a big step, I imagine he is so happy. However that claw thing? No wonder you have sad dreams!

    1. He is EXTREMELY happy, and we got GREAT news Thursday, which I will share tomorrow. :)

  16. Ew on the cat claw. Good news on everything else! I hope you had a great weekend.

  17. I used to have a naval ring - it was just a small ring, nothing hanging. Took it out when I got pregnant. It never really healed while the ring was in, so it closed up right away. Very cool about Paul and being able to go to the gym, and especially the medical marijuana. That's great news!

    1. Mine is small too, I wouldn't be able to stand something dangling down.
