
Thursday, April 14, 2016

A very "MEH" race pace run.

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Yesterday morning, I did my one and only race pace run for my half marathon on April 23rd. This was literally the only workout I did to prepare for the half. Why? Well it took my body so long to recover from the 10 miler, so when I finally felt okay enough to do a run where I pushed the pace, I found myself 10 days out from the half marathon! So now that this run is done (plus all my training I did for the 10 miler), the hay is in the barn and now I can just focus on staying injury free and maintaining a certain level of running fitness.

I'm sure you're dying to know how it went.

The answer: MEH.

I'm used to doing these race pace runs on Saturday mornings. I can sleep in, drink coffee, relax, eat a hearty breakfast, and then head out when I feel like it. Doing a run like this before work is totally different.

My alarm went off at 5:00. I chose to only hydrate/fuel with some iced coffee because I am dumb. I fiddled around on my computer, went to the bathroom a billion times, and then headed out the door at 5:45.

The first two miles were warm ups, so that was fine. When it was time to switch it to race pace, it was tough. I wanted to do a 7:25 pace, but my first two miles were about 7:32. Why was a 7:32 so damn hard? (Besides the fact that I didn't eat and it was the ass crack of dawn.) My next two miles were a 7:20 and a 7:25. These were not even paces at all. The whole thing was an effort. When I had just two pace miles left, I knew I'd be able to finish with an overall pace under 7:30, so I was happy about that. But I wasn't happy about how tired my legs felt and the niggle in my right hammy. I knew my hammy/glute was going to feel jacked up after the run and it did. During my cool down miles it was uncomfortable, and then I walked a little funny for the rest of the day.

I don't feel prepared at all for this race! There's nothing else I can do though. Just chillax, run easy, and cuddle with my kitties. Hey, that doesn't sound bad to me!
Did you ever feel completely unprepared for a race? I'll be honest, this is a new feeling for me!


  1. Well there you go - it will be the run that makes the other runs look good! :) Race Day Magic will get you there!

    1. Haha yeah! I'm just throwing my arms up in the air for this one. Whatever happens, happens.

  2. I understand where you are coming from! I am just over 2 weeks out from my half and just feel like everything is harder than it should be all the time. I hit my paces just as you do but just feel meh about the whole thing! haha! Hopefully race day will come and you will have an outstanding even paced day! :)

    1. Sorry you feel the same as I do! Why do we doubt ourselves right before? We should feel CONFIDENT.

  3. Well, if we've learned anything from reading a zillion running blogs, it's that the races people feel "unprepared" for often end up being their best ones. So stay positive - you never know what could happen! It's not like you haven't trained or anything.

    It cannot be underestimated what a huge difference time of day makes on pace. When I was doing all my runs at 5AM at the beginning of this marathon training cycle, often times it was all I could do to muster a 10:00 min/mile easy pace; then, on the weekends, when I did my long run at 8:00 AM, I would run at a 9:30 pace and my legs would be itching because it felt so slow.

    Try not to put so much emphasis on pace. There are so many things that can affect it; the important thing is that the effort level was there. You got this!

    1. Haha thank Hanna. Effort level was definitely there. Hopefully that pace feels easier on race day.

  4. Whaaat? Dude, I'm not bs-ing you when I say you sound totally prepared to me! That 10 miler was a great fitness boost, and then your long run and now this race pace run ten days out. Ten days is the magic number. They say you benefit from a workout ten days later. You have GOT THIS. You can still cuddle your kitties though.

    1. lol I know you wouldn't BS me. :) I guess FEELING ready and actually being ready are two different things.

  5. If you are throwing up your hands in the air and saying "whatever" then I think that shows you are setting yourself up to totally let go and have the best damn race of your life! You always have these awesome training runs and then get disappointed when you race. Now you have nowhere to go but up. This "meh" run is making the way for a great race! I believe in you!

    1. I thought you were going to say I was setting myself up for failure there for a second! :) I thought about that- my races that had awesome training runs didn't go as planned, so maybe this yucky training run means good race?

    2. Nope...I meant you are giving up what isn't in your control because the training is done, you are doing everything right so the stars just need to align! You got this.

  6. Girl! You are a speedy one!! Sorry your run felt Bleh... but you will do fine! you are a good and strong runner!

    By the way, on my way to work I head on NPR that the Medical Marijuana bill is on the way to the Governor's desk! and I got all excited for you !!

    1. Thank you!

      I heard the news too! We are so excited! :)

  7. I like that mantra! Thanks Karen!!

  8. You did a tempo run...BEFORE work? DUDE. YOU ARE PREPARED.

    It took me and my legs all day at work to muster up the courage and will to get out the door for all 18 weeks of this plan and you got out of bed and oh hey lets just go run race pace. That is badass. You are ready. It should feel hard in training. It WON'T feel hard on race day. YOU ARE READY. LAST ONE FAST ONE. WHY NOT ME. IF IT'S HURTING ME IT'S KILLING THEM. And all that inspirational stuff. GO LIGHT IT UP!!!!!

    1. LOL you are fun. :)

      I just gotta get stuff done before work because otherwise I am just too tired. Also some nights I have piano lessons so I can't do it after work.

  9. I can't believe how fast April is going already!!! I think it's common to feel unprepared before a big race but I have no doubt you will bring it and you'll do great!

    1. It is going fast! I'm excited though. SUMMER.

  10. I think this is a good sign. Remember how the last time you went out for a race pace run before one of your races and completely nailed (and exceeded) your pace goals - but then didn't have the race you had hoped for...? I think this time it will be the opposite. You might not have nailed your race pace run, but I think you will do great for your half marathon. You are ready!

    1. Thanks for the pump up. Kristen! Oddly, I just had a SUPER speedy 6 miler. It felt effortless. Maybe my progress is just not linear at ALL.

  11. You got the "bad one" out of your system. And by bad one, I'm talking relative. I think you're far more prepared than you give yourself credit for. Just chill and let things fall into place.

    1. Thanks Marcia! That's what I plan to do. I'll either feel great on race day or MEH.

  12. You know, I think a long taper is going to be really good for you. This run was fine, it was a shakeout, whatever. By the time the half comes around next weekend, your body will be well rested but still tuned up from your training. I have a good feeling about this!
