
Friday, April 22, 2016

5 Things About My Race Tomorrow (Friday 5!)

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Today's Friday 5 theme is a "free" day (per the rules of the Friday 5 Link Up), so I thought I'd give you the run down about my race tomorrow....

1. I have no clue what to expect. The training I did between April 2nd and now was kind of weird. I've had fast days, I've had slow days, and I've had glute/hammy issue days. The truth is, I have no clue how I am going to feel on race day until I start running.

2. My pie in the sky goal is a PR!!! Can I just get a sub 1:38:07 please???

3. I'm going to carry the following items with me: Salt tabs, TP, Ibuprofin. The thing about the TP is, if I don't have it, I'll need it. If I do have it, I won't need it. I *might* carry water. Not sure about that one yet.

4. My race plan: Try to stick around a 7:25 pace. If I am feeling good around Mile 9 and want to crank it up, I will. But I am not banking on the fact that I will feel good. I fully expect this race to suck. Ha! Maybe I do have expectations!

5. This race looks a little strange. It's the Movie Madness half marathon. It starts and ends on City Island. The route is very similar to the Capital 10-Miler except no bridge, more Riverfront, and more Greenbelt. The reason it looks strange... All the old race pics feature people dressed in costumes. No one is just dressed like a runner! I don't have a costume! Am I going to be the only person who isn't dressed up!? Time will tell.
Hey, have a GREAT FRIDAY!!! We have off school today so I know mine will be great!

Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5!


  1. Good luck in your race and enjoy your day off!

    1. Thank you Lisa!! So far went out for bfast, wore my pjs the rest of the day, did a puzzle and had a glass of wine. Day off = success!

  2. I have a very good feeling about tomorrow for you! You are gonna kill it. Go have fun!

  3. Have fun! I can't wait to read about it!

  4. Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it goes! I wonder if runners will dress up like movie stars? They did when I ran the 5k a few years ago!

  5. Oh, enjoy your day off! I forgot you were racing that half tomorrow. I can't wait to see how it goes! I think that 10 mile race will work for you as perfect prep for this. GO GET IT, MEG!

    1. Hoping I have gotten some fitness gains from that race! :) Thanks Suzy!!!!!

  6. Good luck on your race tomorrow!

  7. From the one race I did with this organization, not everybody is dressed up, they only take pictures and video of those dressed up. But maybe you could do a quick Forrest Gump costume... This way you will be dressed in a Costume, AND as a runner!

    Have an awesome Half Marathon tomorrow!

    1. Haha that is a great idea!! I know you had a Garmin I could borrow, do you have a fake beard too??? :)

  8. Happy Friday! I'm jealous you have the day off. I actually got to work late today because I thought it was Saturday and when my alarm went off I turned it off and went back to sleep!!!! When Adam's alarm went off he was like "why are you still here?" lol Oopsie! My coworker said his daughter thought it was Saturday too and didn't want to go to school. I'm glad I'm not the only confused one :)

    You are going to have a great race tomorrow no matter what! Positive Mental Attitude! PMA! No matter what you are young, healthy, able to run and lots of good things are happening for Paul now! There is nothing to be upset about. Even if you don't get your PR (which I think you have a good shot at) life is still great!!

    1. Paul is so confused today too because I am off work. He keeps thinking it is Saturday. No, it's Friday!

      I definitely agree, life is still great no matter what!!! :) I get to leave the race maybe not with a PR, but a house full of 2 kitty cats and a great husband!

  9. Good luck on your race! Hopefully you're feeling good on race day!

  10. Sometimes no expectations are best... and I am sure you will not be the only one in running clothes. I can't imagine 100% of the runners in some kind of costume. Even just thinking about the chafing of something like that makes me cringe.

    1. I agree, no expectations means no pressure, right? So I have heard that there are runners not in costume but when they show pictures to advertise they only show those in costume. I guess that makes sense. Oh well, I will be going in my "33 year old woman runner" costume. ;) I agree with the chaffing thing! Augh!

  11. You're going to have a great race. Believe it. How odd they only show runners in costume. I wouldn't hesitate to not wear one though if it's not your thing.

    1. Not my things for tomorrow. Tomorrow is serious. But if I was running a race for fun or whatever I would have no problem running in costume.

  12. Thank you Karen! :) I am enjoying my day off and really hoping for those fresh legs you speak of. :)

  13. I'm positive you'll see some more serious runners (those gunning for PRs and sub-1:40s) not in costume. I'm so excited for you! I know your training has been weird LATELY but it was so on point before that that I think your body will find a good groove and carry you to your goal. Push hard and keep that sub 1:38 in sight!

    1. Thank you Ali! That is a good point, I may just have this in me due to all the hard work I put in for the 10 miler.

  14. I'm so excited for you!!! My half marathon is next weekend and I am aiming for the same goal. I will be cheering you on and sending you good race vibes. :) You got this.

    1. Cool!!! Thanks for the good vibes. You know I will reciprocate next weekend. ;)

  15. I enjoyed reading your recap of your race, not the fact that things did not work out as planned. At least one thing you learned about this race was not to put your salt tabs in your bra. Your mother-in-law's comment was hilarious LOL!

    1. I know she is funny! :) Also, how did I not know to be careful with my salt tabs??? It's not like this was my first foray into tabs. I'm an idiot.
