
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

When I'm blue, I run.

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On Monday morning, I had my first deviation from my training plan. I was supposed to lift upper body but instead I ran 5 miles. 

When I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm went off, I was feeling blue. It's a hard feeling to describe. It's like when you're homesick, but you are at home already. That's the best way I can describe the blue feeling I had. Yes, the dark, cold winter has been getting to me. And I'm sure it didn't help any that it was a Monday morning!

Sometimes when I am blue, I like to stay inside and lift. But that day, I was really feeling a run. Oh well, I'll get my lifting in on Tuesday or Wednesday. Sometimes you just need some mental miles!

The sun was up when my run began at 6:10. How weird! The birds were chirping too! I better enjoy these couple sunny early morning runs, because after DST next weekend, it will be pitch black in the morning again!

My legs were tired but the run was thoroughly enjoyable. It was cold, but not too cold. I stuck close to my house because for some reason I like to do that when I feel a little bit sad. I cooled down with a walk and my regular stretching.

And with that, I was ready to face Monday. 
Do you ever get blue? Do you use running to cheer yourself up?


  1. Hi Megan - I started running after I had my second child to lose weight - it also helped with the postpartum depression that I didn't know I had. Now, it helps me remain very even keeled and happy. If I didn't run, I may need an antidepressant.
    have a great day! Kristen

    1. I am glad you found that running helped your postpartum depression. It is amazing what a mood changer exercise can be. It's a very cheap drug!

  2. Sometimes I find it hard to deviate from my plan in the morning because my brain doesnt really have time to even think about what Im doing. But yes, when I am having a tough day running definitely helps!

    1. I can definitely understand that. Sometimes I am a zombie in the morning and just go on autopilot!

  3. No matter what other exercise may be out there to try, nothing lifts my spirits like a run. Sometimes we just have those blue days, and I'm so glad I have running to rely on when that happens. I'm glad your run helped you face Monday!

    1. I agree, there is absolutely nothing like a run!

  4. Yes, I do get down sometimes. There was a time in my life when my mom was fighting cancer and I used swimming to comfort me. I used to say "no one can see me cry in the pool". I am glad we have those things that can lift our spirits and make us feel better.

    1. I am so sorry. :( I can only imagine how that felt. I'm glad swimming was a comfort to you.

  5. "When you're feeling homesick but you're home already." That is actually the best way to describe how I feel sometimes. I've literally cried in Andrew's arms saying, "I just want to go home" and we WERE at home. But I meant it in a different way, and he knew that too. Crazy hey? I think it's so cool that you wrote that!

    Glad those birdies were chirping for you. It's the best sound. :)

    1. Wow I wish you didn't know exactly how that feeling feels because it is such a sad feeling, but I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way!

  6. I'm so glad you wrote this post because I always thought I was the only one who felt that "homesick when you're already home" feeling. It's good to see that other people experience that too. I'm sorry that you felt that though because it's very disheartening. I'm glad that run got you ready to face Monday!

    1. Wow I didn't realize other people felt that way either! I am glad I am not the only one. It makes me feel more normal. :)

  7. I totally get it. I sometimes feel just "off" or "meh" for no discernible reason. There is always this expectation that if you're upset there needs to be a specific reason, but sometimes, you're just not in a good mood!

    I'd love to say that runs always cheer me up when I'm down, but sometimes they just don't. Sometimes all they can offer is a momentary escape from the stress but when I'm done running, I have to face it again, endorphin high notwithstanding. But that 45 minutes or so to just mute the stress and turn my mind off is still something to be thankful for!! Running isn't going to solve all the world's problems, but it's definitely a positive force in my life.

    1. I have totally been there too- just needed a momentary escape! But more often than not, I come out of the run more clearheaded, so even though my problems still may be there, I can handle them just a little bit better. Now there have been times I have been REALLY sad and I didn't want to run at ALL. That's just horrible.

  8. The reason I started running was to lose weight and stay in shape, but the reason I continue is what you talked about here. It helps so much to combat the blues :) Sometimes, I feel like I run to run away from my problems - the more miles I run the more distance between me and whatever is bothering me - but most times, it helps clear my mind and think rationally to come up with a solution!

    1. It is amazing how clearheaded you can feel after a run! I definitely have solved a lot of problems just by sorting through them on a run.

  9. I am sorry you were feeling so blue. Hopefully this change of weather as we head into spring will help with that! I continue to be impressed with your pre-work runs and workouts!

    1. Yes I am definitely hoping once spring is here to stay it helps. It seriously is usually just in the mornings. Probably don't want to go to work either. HA! Who does?

  10. Isn't it nice to be able to run to combat the blues? Best attitude adjuster ever. I rarely struggle with mood but the grey skies lately have taken a toll on me. Pretty sure I need some vitamin D!

    1. It is a great quick fix for those days where you're just a little blue!

  11. Aw Karen. :( I hate that feeling- when ya just want to go to sleep.

  12. Ugh yes I have had that blue feeling. It is awful. I do feel better when I workout or have a funny conversation with a friend but sometimes I don't even know why I feel that way. It's not often, but it sucks when it happens.
