
Monday, March 7, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Why does the weekend go so fast but the work week goes so slow? It is the question I ask myself every Monday morning...

Here is what we were up to this weekend!

I have a question. Why do first graders try to tell me what to do? I have a master's degree in education, yet six year olds want to do my job. Sigh. Some days (like Friday) I need more patience!

Paul pampered me when I got home from work. I watched TV and worked on my puzzle while he made us a delicious dinner!

Thanks for the salmon, Momma!

We watched a couple episodes of Survivor and then called it an early night. I love cuddling into bed with a good Mary Higgins Clark book! It was the perfect Friday night!

Race Pace Run Day! I ventured over to the Conewago Rail Trail for this run. 

It was a lot better than last week's run. It was just the right amount of a challenge or me.

I spent the afternoon with my friend Jennifer. We babbled for several hours and only stopped because I had to get home to have dinner with Paul!

He wanted sushi but I wanted pizza. The girl who ran 11 miles won!

Not pictured: The third piece of pizza I ate!

I finished my puzzle! My friend Kim got me this puzzle... just because!

That morning, I did a neighborhood six miler. Surprisingly, I felt pretty strong!

Sunday afternoon, Paul and I went to see the musical Shrek at the high school in the district I teach at. It was so fun to see students I remember as 9 and 10 year olds as high school students. They were all in their element and it was a great performance!

That evening, I was so tired. We relaxed on the couch and finished an old season of Survivor- Heroes vs. Villians. Ugh. Horrible season.

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. That puzzle is perfect for you! For once we did not have pizza over the weekend....oh wait yes we did. Who am I kidding?

  2. I think pizza after 11 miles is exactly what you needed! We went to a CSU men's basketball game Saturday afternoon--we both love basketball & they won so it was perfect. We also had family in town so it was a lot of eating and game playing with everyone. Fun times!

  3. I got out and did my first legit run since the marathon. It felt so good! I bet that musical was fun! Our school is doing The wizard of Oz (and they have a real dog as toto, yea, that made me happy to see a dog on stage)!

    1. I was in Wiz of Oz once and we used a real toto as well!

  4. Weekends do go by way too fast! That trail looks perfect for a long run. Glad you got to enjoy pizza after your tough run:)

    1. Isn't that precisely when pizza tastes the best?? It was just a frozen rising crust one but I really like frozen pizza!

  5. Awww that puzzle is really cute! :)

    That's so funny that your students want to tell you how to run class. I'm sure working with kids requires a kind of patience I just don't have! haha

    I'm glad Paul went with the flow and got pizza. After a long run I think it's really important that the runner gets what she wants for the rest of the night with regards to food and head rubs/back rubs/feet rubs and picking what goes on the TV :)

    1. I don't have that kind of patience either! Well, I do, but I have to dig it up for the absolute bottom of my soul.

  6. What a cute puzzle! And that trail you did your Saturday run on looks beautiful. I'm glad it went well :)

  7. I had no idea you have a master's degree but it all makes sense now. You're one intelligent chickita. Do you need the master's degree for teaching music?

    I need pizza.

    And good job on that race pace run. So glad you felt good about it.

    1. Thanks Suzy! I had to change my mindset a little but then I realized these race pace runs being hard is okay. :)

      I don't need a master's to teach music but in PA we need continuing education credits to get our level II teaching certification- which you HAVE to get within I believe 6 years of getting a job. You need 24 continuing ed credits so most people just go ahead and take a couple more classes to get their master's degree, which is what I did. I am glad it's over and done with!

  8. The struggle is REAL. I have a masters degree too, and the struggle is the same with high school kids. They know everything! Ha!

    Race pace runs are ROUGH. Great job getting it done! And, the runner always wins on the food choices, right?!

    1. Oh come on I am suuuuure those teenagers know more than you, right? Just kidding.

      Yes, runner wins food choices, that's one thing I learned from the comments today! :)

  9. I watched the new season of House of Cards. That salmon looked delicious!

  10. Someday I am going to send you a puzzle. I just have to come across the perfect puzzle. :)

    Are you watching the new season of Survivor? Any favorite? My character buy-in this season is Neal. My husband has Tai.

    1. We are watching the new season! Did you watch the latest episode? My heart was racing.

      Favorites: DEBBY, Tai
      Least Favorites: Scott, Jason

      Everyone else, I don't have a very good read on yet but I am sure their characters will be fleshed out more as the season progresses and I will get a better idea of whether I like them or not. I just think Debby is a TRIP and I am so entertained by her.

  11. I always want pizza after a good run! YUM
