
Monday, February 1, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up! (And a RANT!)

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We didn't do too much this weekend, but we did have fun! Sorry for the lack of pictures. I was too busy living in the moment to document everything for the blog!

This was our first full day of work all week and I was RUSTY. You would think I'd be brimming with energy and patience, but it was just the opposite. At 1:50 I thought it was nearing 3 o'clock. I almost cried when I noticed my error.

The rest of Friday wasn't too exciting. I did a puzzle and started another. We finished a season of Survivor. I started a Mary Higgins Clark book. These are the things I'll be doing when I'm 80, I'm sure of it.

For some reason on Saturday, I had it in my mind that I was going to run 10 miles. I didn't feel awesome but I didn't feel horrible either, so I figured I'd at least have a decent run. My paces were allllllllllll over the place, but I completed the run feeling strong. This run had some hills, so I used some muscles that haven't seen the light of day lately!

That afternoon I grocery shopped and did some house stuff. I also had to finish the puzzle I started the night before because friends were coming over to play games that evening and I needed to have it cleared off the table by then. There's nothing like having a puzzle deadline!


I went to Aldi to grocery shop and right as I was pushing my cart into line, a couple rushed right in front of me and put their stuff on the conveyor belt. What the hell!? I teach the kindergarteners not to run when they line up and not to push in front of people, but here there were two grown ass adults at Aldi doing it! It just freaking AMAZES me when I see adults acting like 5 year olds. 


We met our friends Bree and Lauren at Tokyo Diner for dinner. We love this place because it's usually pretty chill, the prices are right, and the sushi and hibachi are good. Let me tell you, we SHUT THAT PLACE DOWN. It wasn't until we noticed that the entire staff was cleaning and packing up that we realized we had been there for three hours and it was time to go!

Bree came back to our house to play games. We tried one we got for Christmas called Exploding Kittens. It is... interesting. After we played one game, we still weren't sure how to play it!

I went for a quick 5 miler in the morning. It was so warm out!

Paul and I spent the day just hanging out together. One thing we did was sing some Phantom of the Opera at the piano. That's right, my husband sang All I Ask Of You with me! AND he wants to go see Phantom! It's playing in Baltimore right now but it is also playing in NYC. We will see...

That afternoon, I made one of my favorite desserts of all time: Jam Coffee Cake. My mom used to make this when I was little and I loved it! I still love it. I had two huge pieces while we watched Survivor and I enjoyed every bite!

And this is why I'm not a food blogger! I know that looks disgusting, but it's SO GOOD!
Paul says, "Wellll your presentation isn't that great."

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Ways adults act like 5 year olds: GO!


  1. Why is your coffee cake green?! XD

    That is super rude of that couple...but maybe they were in a rush for a reason? I seriously have a hard time believing people would be so rude and childish if there weren't some emergency or something! Ugh.

    I've heard Exploding Kittens is just draw cards and hope you don't draw the exploding card, right? I haven't played it myself yet!

    1. That seems to be the only goal of the Exploding Kittens game. We are wondering if we are missing something because... well, it is a little dumb!

      Coffee cake is green because I made my own icing and I put green food coloring it!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) CHRISTMAS!!!!

  2. That coffee cake made me lol!! Exploding kittens sounds.....horrible! We'll have to try it sometime 😉

    1. Yes we can try it! :)

      Glad you like my coffee cake pic!!!

  3. I hate when adults do stuff like that! I feel like people are so rude when they drive alot of the time, and its like they don't care because you can't really see them.

    1. Yes, we fee more empowered to be assholes in our cars.

  4. I probably would have said something to the couple, like, "wow, you must be in a rush, you could have just asked..."
    I have been into playing bananagrams with the kids. I call it "no rules Scrabble"--right up my alley!

    1. You know I have never played that game, but I love Scrabble and word games so I would probably like it!

      Sometimes I am outspoken and sometimes I am not.

  5. I'll bet the coffee cake smelled delicious too! It does frustrate me when people act like misbehaved children, but I try to work on letting it go. It's their problem they are so rude, not mine so I don't want to take on that extra stress. I watched Straight Outta Compton this weekend and it's a great film! I also watched Burnt with Bradley Cooper and it was...well it had Bradley Cooper. But talk about food porn! I was drooling watching that film.

    1. Sometimes I speak up but that day I just let it go because I had a good podcast to listen to while I waited. And also they are soooo fast at Aldi it doesn't really matter how many people are in front of you.

      Bradley Cooper... I drool watching him. :)

  6. The coffee cake does look good--I'll admit the green icing threw me but I bet it tasted awesome. I hate when you are trying to merge into traffic from the on ramp and people won't let you in. It's like you have NO where to go. I get really mad and usually say things I am not proud of.

    1. Then green icing is delish!!!

      Paul and I started talking to other cars in the voices we talk to the cats in. Like if someone is going slow we say in high pitched voices, "You can doo eet leetle guy!" It makes us laugh.

  7. Haha! I love your coffee cake. I'm not particularly good at food presentation either. As long as it tastes good, it really doesn't matter. I really hate when I see adults getting into fights on facebook. Like seriously, all you are doing is making people mad... you are not changing anyone's mind!

    1. Yes, I don't think anyone's mind has ever been changed due to a FB post!

  8. OK here is my rant from the weekend. I went to the car wash. All the bays were full. I waited. There were no cars in front of me. When one car left the bay, I (had time) to finish typing a text, put my car in gear, and slowly drive into the bay. ( I tell you all this because to show that I was in NO hurry). Well after I had already turned the hose on I noticed a lady in a SuV hollering my way. I gesture "are you talking to ME?". She proceeded to holler at me for not waiting my turn. I told her there was no one in front of me. The more I thought about it the more mad I got. I wanted to walk over to the next bay and ask her "so where we're you?" I just wanted to know where she was that she thought it was her turn cus clearly she wasn't in front of me. Okay rant over. Sorry.
    Hey, is that Tokyo diner the one on 15 in Selinsgrove?

    1. Ugh! People over react sometimes.

      The Tokyo Diner is on Simpson Ferry Rd right near my house but they may have other locations!

  9. HAAAH HA HA HA HA! This is why I love you so much, is that picture of the jam coffee cake. I DIE. It looks like martian poo. I'm dying to try it though because I KNOW it's yummy. I'd totally budge in line for a slice of that bad boy.

  10. That coffee cake is really something! I want to try a piece just for the adventure :D

    BTW I love when I see "rant" in your blog titles. I'm such a negative nancy! I get so excited to read about things that make you upset so I can say ME TOO, OMG I HATE THAT because we're always on the same page with these things! Ugh, adults are the worst. They have no excuse!

    1. I am honored that I get upset about the same things you do. Seriously!

      It is just sooooo funny to me because every freaking day I am trying to teach MANNERS to the children of America and there are GROWN ASS ADULTS who act like 5 yr olds!!!!!!

  11. Looks like you had a great weekend! However, OMG THE GROCERY STORE RANT. I feel like I could write a book on how rude people are in the grocery store, particularly on the weekend. I swear people think they are the only ones in the store and have no consideration for others. I know I sound mean...but...omg...I FEEL YOU. I got angry for you reading that rant!

    1. Lines and driving bring out the worst in people, I am pretty sure of it! :)
