
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

My #1 Running Dream

This is going to be short and sweet, friends. I love reading and hearing about people's big running dreams and goals. I started to think about mine, and of course there are many destination races and PR goals I have in mind. But when I boil it all down, there is really only ONE BIG running dream that I have.

I want to feel strong and have the energy to do this thing that I love for as long as I possibly can. If I am lucky enough to live into my 80s and have the desire to get out there... whether it's running, walking, or hobbling... I hope I can do it.

It's actually making me a little teary eyed right now, picturing myself as a little old lady fiddling with her Garmin, checking her paces, pulling on bright pink compression socks... Will that be me? I don't know. But I hope that if I still love running, that I can still do it.
What's your #1 Running Dream?


  1. Love this <3 I feel the same way, sister! I hope I still love running, or at least doing SOMETHING active when I'm a wrinkly old lady :)

  2. This is completely my running dream, too! I know I will be able to swim forever and most likely cycle (even if I have to get a tricycle some day) but I want to be able to run forever. Doesn't need to be a lot (it already isn't a lot) but just enough to put a smile on my face!

    1. That's my thinking too! You know sometimes when I am out for a run I pass an old person walking and I get sad. I wonder if they used to be a runner, see me running, and are jealous. I don't want to be old and not be able to run and see other young thangs running.

  3. This x 1,000,000. Every time I'm at a race and see an older person cruising along it makes me tear up a little. I definitely want to be that person telling the young folk what Garmins were like back in my day!

    1. "Back in my day dearie, races were uphill both ways!!!"

  4. I agree! I want to be an old lady counting down my miles and kicking butt. Maybe like world record for oldest person to complete a marathon. That would be a pretty sweet accomplishment.

  5. Aww, that will be you! Although sadly Garmins will probably be a thing of the past. I don't know what fancy technology they will have out by then. Perhaps a microchip of some sort?

    1. Of course there will be new technology but I will still have a Garmin and a flip phone. :)

  6. Well, I would hope that by the time I'm that old I'm kinda over the need to track my runs with a GPS, but I get what you're saying :)

    It's interesting, I recently read an interview of Dave McGillivray and he was saying that a lot of the guys who were top of the line back in the 70s heyday are no longer running anymore. I wonder if it would be worth it to achieve the highest honors and glory in our sport if it meant I would burn myself out and not be able to run for the rest of my life.

    1. That is I think one of the perks about not being an elite runner! I feel like we can be nicer to our bodies and hopefully run longer!

  7. Whoa, that is some seriously smart perspective. I needed to read that this morning! I get so caught up in running in the moment, day to day, week to week that I forget that I love this sport and that love isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's good for me to take a step back and just visualize the long-term goal. Love it! Thanks Meg.

    1. I have to counteract the bad food pictures with deep thoughts from time to time. :)

  8. I agree 10000000000x over! One of my running buddies is in his late 60's and still runs Boston every year. While I'll never qualify for Boston, I hope that running a part of my life always.

  9. We share a running dream, girl. My dream is to place in races because someday I'll be the ONLY 90 year old out there finishing. I'll win by default in my age group. I plan to run FOREVER. It's why I'm so freaking cautious about getting injured and stuff. I just...I never want that dream to slip away.

    1. I am very cautious too! Hey, when I am 90 I'll come down for another race. :)

  10. I agree!! Im not sure if Im still be wearing the garmin or compressions socks, but probably!!

    1. lol! Maybe those things will be sooooo out of style by that point!

  11. I love thinking of myself as an 80 year old runner! I never think that long term but this post made me think about it.
