
Sunday, February 21, 2016

3 New Habits!

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Hey friends! I just wanted to pop in quickly on this Sunday to share with you a couple of habits I am really trying to incorporate into my life right now. They say it takes 21 days until something is a habit. That sounds like a long time...

1. Use mouthwash every night. I went to the dentist for the first time in almost three years! I know, that is so shameful. There are still no cavities in this mouth of mine, but the dentist did recommend that I start using mouthwash for 30 seconds every night. I'm going to do it! I have already done it three nights in a row. My new bedtime routine: brush teeth, put mouthwash in my mouth, pee, spit out mouthwash. I am really going to make the effort to continue to do this. I am just hoping I remember to do it before I cuddle up into my warm bed!

2. Walk. I want to cool down with a 1 minute walk for every mile of my workout. Last year I read the book Ready to Run and in the book they recommended cooling down with a walk. I did it for awhile but then eventually stopped. I would like to get back into this habit.

3. Stop the midnight snacking! Okay, so it's not exactly midnight when I'm snacking, but it is right before I go to bed. After I decide to go to bed, I head over to the pantry to see what I can stuff in my mouth quickly. Why? No reason. I'm not hungry. I'm not deprived. I had a hearty dinner and a satisfying dessert. I would like to stop doing this! Maybe Paul can lock the pantry door?
Is there anything you are trying to make a habit?


  1. I have been in the mouthwash habit for years, and I couldnt imagine not using it now! I know it helps my teeth stay cleaner but it also just makes me mouth feel cleaner and makes my breath fresher. I should be better about cool downs too, but I am always so rushed to get back inside after my run!

    1. I tend to be rushed to get inside as well. Especially with this cold. I do have to get up earlier now so I have time to walk!

  2. What mouthwash did your dentist recommend? I should start using it. Rick and I made it a habit to floss every night after dinner. We have been doing it for almost 3 years and it has made a huge difference. P.S. I always eat a snack right before bed. Helps me sleep better.

    1. Just Listerine, they said it could be generic. I hear flossing is sooooo good for your teeth. That is awesome you guys are in that habit.

    2. We kind of are dorks--it's our after dinner activity!

  3. I do mouthwash every night. Interestingly, I was using a fluoride rinse on the recommendation of my hygienist and at this last appointment she told me to stop. It wa staining my teeth. Sigh. I can't win. So now I'm fluoride free.

  4. I feel like I always crave chips but we never buy them at this house! I've found that I keep a small bowl of cut up baby carrots and dill pickles in the fridge and that satisfies my craving for something crunchy. I'm not sure what habits I'd like to make. I'll have to think on that one.

    1. That is a really good idea to have those foods ready. Especially the pickles because they are salty.

  5. I floss daily now too and can't imagine life before it because there is so much yuckiness. I'm a bit of a mouth/teeth freak and it's the first thing I notice on people. I have almost developed a daily morning meditation habit. I'd say I'm at about 80%. The next habit I need to conquer is not eating the free work snacks. High carb and very low in nutrition. I've gained about 5 pounds working there so far and feel like a zombie sometimes because of what I'm eating (or not eating).

  6. That "walk 1 minute for every mile" tip sounds good! If I do a run/walk instead of a straight run I hardly ever add a walk to the end since I feel like I did lots of walking throughout the session. If I do a straight through run I add a walk to the end .... but it's usually super, super short... like 20 seconds! I shall try to incorporate this 1 minute rule into my life too!

    1. If you do, let me know how it goes! I have been walking after but more like 2-3 min. That's not much, but hey it's better than nothing!

  7. Good habits! I didn't go to the dentist for like 6 years, and when I went the dentist was all "keep doing what you're doing, your teeth look great!" but then when I told her I don't floss she got all defensive. I read an article about how flossing is actually kind of pointless. This is a weird tangent, but yeah.

    1. I thought you were supposed to floss and always felt guilty for not doing it! Maybe I shouldn't feel so guilty!?

  8. Oh I hope Ali is right about flossing because I hardly ever floss... Walking for a minute/mile is a really good idea, I should really do that too. Lately, Frank and I have completely cut out eating out. It was hard to break the habit, but it's been a while now and it seems like we've succeeded.

    1. I know 1 minute is a pretty arbitrary number but I guess it could be a good guide. Good job and stopping eating out! Did you do it to save money, eat healthier, or both?

  9. Do you floss regularly? Highly recommended! I have started brushing my teeth after lunch at work, too - I deal with a lot of people, so I think it makes me more respectable. :-) I think I will start using mouthwash more often, too. And midnight snacking...I'm guilty!! Need to cut back on crunchy salty snacks!

    1. No I have never flossed unless I have had something stuck between my teeth. I do have toothpaste at work and brush my teeth there after lunch! My students look at me weird and I am just like.. well I want my mouth to feel clean!

  10. I am sad to say I never even tried flossing to I didn't even have a chance to fall off the wagon! I am still going strong on the mouthwash though!

  11. I really need to get better about cooling down after my workouts. I literally go from 60 to stop. That's a really good habit to practice. I would also like to get into a better habit of making the bed.

    1. I don't make the bed but sometimes Paul does and I love when he does.

      Yes you should totally take the time to cool down. But I understand you only have a certain amount of time.
