
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snow Storm!

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The buzz began almost a week ago. Central PA would be hit by a significant snow storm. Rumors swirled that an accumulation would range between six inches and two feet.

As the week went on, it became more apparent that we would be hit with snow on Friday evening and it would not stop until late Saturday evening.

While I was excited at the prospect of our first snowfall, I was also dismayed about how panicked the media was about this storm. It was as if Central PA never had a snow storm before! The local news was showing people stocking up on milk, bread, bottled water... Really? It looked like the only day we would be stuck inside was Saturday. That's one day!

I had everything I needed for one day indoors: books, puzzles, wine, and KITTIES!

The snow started Friday afternoon. By Saturday morning, we were blanketed! It was clear we may be stuck inside for more than a day!

The snowfall did not stop until after 7pm. Official measurement at HIA was 28.5 inches.

Here is what it looked a couple hours before the snow was winding down...

 There is a car in this picture that you just can't see.

 It's almost as high as our fence! 

I went outside to shovel and after a little while my neighbor came and did my whole driveway with his snowblower! It was so nice of him. It saved me at least an hour and a half! 

Pretty much everything shut down on Saturday- even the USPS. I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring. I am not a fan of driving in snow, so I have a feeling I will be inside again. If you do venture out, be careful!

Do people in your area panic when there is a storm?
How much snow did you get?
What is your favorite thing to do when stranded inside?


  1. OH wow! That looks fun. Yeah I was supposed to travel down that wayish buuuut nope! We got probably 5-7 inches. Not crazy, but yeah people were in panic mode!

    1. I understand being worried about roads. I don't even like when there is a couple inches because I am worried it will be slippery! But usually once the sun comes out, the main roads are good. I have been looking at traffic cams this am and the highways have tire tracks but that is about it!

  2. WOW!!! You really got a lot of snow! We got 18 inches at one time near the end of November and I thought that was a lot. Does the city pretty much shut down? Will you have to go to work?

    That was really nice of your neighbor to snow blow your driveway. My husband bought a snow blower when we moved into our new house and it's been a lifesaver (for us and our neighbors). :)

    Enjoy the quiet day inside. It sounds like you are set with all the necessities for survival!

    1. I live across the river from Harrisburg, and there is a ban on traveling on city streets right now. No USPS in this area yesterday. I didn't see a single car on my street until this morning! So yes, I would say it shut down. I have friends who's streets aren't even plowed yet! We are lucky!

      That is wonderful you help your neighbors out with your snowblower. I would do the same. I actually see a lot of people (older) out shoveling right now and I feel like I should go out and help since I am able bodied.

  3. People in Colorado don't panic for snow storms. We are used to them. I do remember back in December 2006 we got 2 blizzards right in a row and they were both intense:
    Those storms were followed by yet another in January! They just kept coming and coming...

    That was so challenging especially since we brought Macy home as a puppy on the day of the first one (being stuck inside w/ a puppy...yeah, don't put that on your bucket list).

    We were not affected by your blizzard but a bit of snow is coming tonight (just a few inches).

    When we are stuck inside, I try to make my house smell yummy by cooking chili and baking banana bread. I also watch documentaries and complain. LOL. Can't forget my complaining about how much I truly don't like winter!!

    1. DAMN that must have been a pretty epic time in CO! I bet you had to keep shoveling pee trails for Macy outside. She must have though, "Is this how I will be peeing forever???"

      LOL @ you liking to complain. :)

  4. I thought it was crazy how over dramatic the media was being. You explained it spot on, as if the east coast has never had snow before. Stay warm and cozy, hope it doesn't last too long.

    1. I hope so too! I want to go to the grocery store today. It is a mile away, so I may venture out!

  5. I think it's cool reading about snow storms on other peoples' blogs! ;) That is a lot of snow! we just got the tail of that storm last night and our snowfall was minimal thank god!

    Around here the grocery stores are nuts when a storm is coming!

    1. Hahaha well you guys got your fair share of winter already!

  6. People don't panic here--we get a lot of snow and it's not out of the ordinary. But the news people make it seem like we never get snow. Even one inch is newsworthy. Seriously. The only bad thing that happens is people forget how to drive. Every.damn.time it snows.

    1. I hate driving in the snow!!! I am good at it, but I go very slow. I made it to the grocery store today. One person was riding my ass and then another whipped out around and passed me!

  7. Wow, that's some serious snow!! I'd split it with you. Actually, I'd take all of it so I could be snowed in for awhile. Unless the Internet service went out. Now THAT would be a crisis. Good luck in Snowy Town! I have an SUV, but I still drive like a Grandma in it. I'm not that fond of ending up in a ditch.

    1. Same! I drive slow and keep a lot of distance between me and the car in front of me.

  8. Will you be having school on Monday? I saw that the school I use to work at down there is going to be closed. We ended up getting about 3 or 4 inches. It was just another snow fall up here, nothing drastic. I do have to laugh about the people who stock up because they think they will be snowed in for weeks. I was listening to the radio the other day and the Dj was making fun of everyone buying bread and milk. He says "are these people stocking up so they can eat french toast all weekend?"

    1. Got the call at about 1pm that there will be no school tomorrow. It's nice knowing early so I can enjoy the 3 day weekend!

  9. Yes! It's supposed to be above 30 for a couple hours today and it will be above 30 for most of tomorrow.

    Come on, now don't you need the news to tell you it is snowing? Because you know you can't just look out your window?? ;) We have not had the news on at all! I meant to turn it on, but instead I just checked FB to see people's deck photos. :)

  10. I always feel like if I really couldn't get out of the house for a week we have enough food to survive, although I think we would get really bored eating the same things (like canned soup and frozen meals) every day! I just made sure we had toilet paper and batteries and of course stocked up on alcohol:)

    1. Same here. We have plenty of food, but not enough of the foods I want. :)

  11. I'm jealous of your snow. Nothing is cozier than a fire going and a good book during a snow storm!
