
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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I was basically forced to take a lot of recovery time after BDR due to getting sick. The night of the race, I had a sore throat and headache which lingered for the next several days. Add in some hot flashes, chills, and an overall feeling of fatigue, and it made for a pretty crappy couple of days. The old me would have still worked out through the sickness, but these days, I have no desire to workout when I am sick. I opt to sleep in and try to kick it as fast as possible.

Sunday was the race, here is what I was up to the rest of the week.

Monday- Rest from BDR. I traveled home. My quads were sore, which was surprising. Glutes were fine. Calves still sore. Astonishingly, the IT band was not affected by the race!

Tuesday- More rest... if you count a full day of work, 4 piano lessons, and directing two chorus concerts and one dress rehearsal as rest! Oh, no wonder my sickness is lingering!

Wednesday-  Back @ home since my quads and calves were still a little sore. Later in the day is when my sickness hit it's peak. After work, I was quite the bear to be around. Sorry, Paul. :(

Band Asst. Pull Ups (wide grip)- 5x6
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Row- 5x10x25lb
Band Asst. Pull Ups (neutral grip)- 2x8, 3x6
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 4x15
Bicep Curl- 4x8x20lb

Thursday-  I slept in, hoping I would feel better. I felt pretty good in the morning, but there is nothing like teaching and singing all day long (and then teaching four piano lessons after school) to make you feel crappy again.

Friday- I finally woke up with some energy! Also, my calves didn't hurt at all! I decided to go out for a run. The goal was 3 painless miles, but I made it to 5. Nothing hurt or niggled, so that was great. I was soooooo sloooooow though!
Man, sorry this post is such a Debby Downer!
Do you workout when you are sick?


  1. I am glad you are feeling better. I often get sick after a
    "stressful" event too. I think I skip if I am not in the middle of training for something big, or what else I have going on. I would have rested like you this week.

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I think it all just caught up with me. Rather this week than next week when it is CHRISTMAS. :)

  2. Glad you are feeling better! I got sick after Chicago...but I"m around all those sick kids for my job, so it's not a surprise. They say those distance events really knock your immune system down.

    1. I had a dream about you last night!!!!!! You were staying at my house, but it wasn't my house. I was trying to tell you to stay in the guest room but you insisted on sleeping on a chair in the living room. Then the only drink I had to serve you was apricot juice. :)

      I wonder how you stay healthy seeing sick kids all day? I do too with teaching, but they are not ALL sick and I don't have to touch them. You must have a really strong immune system.

  3. I am glad you are on the mend and hoping you get to sleep in today! I used to work out every matter what. Now I take the rest my body needs to recover. I try to sleep as much as I can because in my opinion that is the very best thing you can do for your body.

  4. I was glad that getting sick corresponded with recovery days, because by the time I feel better, I'll be ready to workout again :)

  5. Yes, same! Runny nose- no big deal. Even mild sore throat is okay. But chills/achy- NO! I'm too old for that shit!
