
Friday, December 18, 2015


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Marcia @ Marcia's Healthy Slice hosts a Runfessions link up on the last Friday of every month. Be sure to check out Marcia's blog and some of the other wonderful blogs that do the Runfessions link up!

1. Runfession #1: I still did not look at my mile splits from my half marathon this past Sunday. I am not proud of my performance and looking at my splits is going to be rather painful! Is it okay to not investigate them further, or am I being a chicken?

2. Runfession #2: I use the bathroom so. many. times. before a race. It is amazing I do not collapse from dehydration before I even cross the starting line. Seriously, I was in the port o john during the national anthem at the race on Sunday. I am sorry, America!

3. Runfession #3: I didn't do a serious stretching session right after the race. I stretched my calves a bit and did a short couch stretch, but that was it. The first time I really stretched was during my lunch break at work two days later. Hey, I guess that's better than nothing!

4. Runfession #4: I refuse to give up! After a side stitch and calf cramps deterred my PR dreams on Sunday, I am even MORE determined to KICK ASS at my next race. I have some learning and preparation to do first, but I am not deterred!

5. Rufession #5: I am pretty sure I am running another race on January 2nd. It is not a half marathon. It's this. What do you think!? Looks interesting, right?????
What are your Runfessions today?


  1. I think it's totally ok not to examine your splits further....but I think you will. Oh my! Your Jan race looks interesting. Very! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Haha see I am leaning towards NOT examining. :)

  2. That race looks fun! Strategy seems interesting! I don't look at my splits too much either...

    1. Yeah I have an idea of a strategy but have no clue if it will work because I never ran anything like it before! That's why I think it could be fun- zero expectations.

  3. I am the same way, I wanted to forget everything that had to do with my marathon. At the same time I believe in analysis and it's vital to look at past results to build a plan moving forward.

    I have the never give up attitude as well. I am dedicated to having a redemption marathon because there is no way i can walk around with that sour taste in my mouth.

    Wow that run looks amazing. Such an interesting concept. I'm going to look for one in my area lol.

    1. You're right, it is good to analyze. I guess looking at the splits I would just be like, "oh yeah, that's where I got my side stitch... oh yeah, that's where my calf cramped" hehe.

  4. I'm with you on 1 and 5. My last marathon - haven't looked at the splits. I can't. BUT I also refuse to give up :) Love this post so much!

  5. I think you should look at your I always say "it is what it is". You did an amazing job, Megan.

    That race looks awesome. I love it.

    My runfession is that I have no drive to run outside in the cold/snow anymore. Twice this week I have gone inside to use the indoor track. Prior years, I was all over the cold weather but not right now. I am just thankful I have the track option but am literally dreaming about running in nicer weather with no snow/ice on the roads!!

    1. Oh man Susan it is too early to be not into running in the cold! :)

    2. Here is wishing we get a December heat wave. We got a pretty huge storm Monday night so the last time I ran outside was Monday. I think tomorrow it will still be too icy but hoping to get out again on Monday. At least I don't have to do the treadmill. Somehow that track is better...

  6. Whoa, okay that race looks NUTS!!! That's some serious mileage too, and mentally tough. I LOVE IT. How fun!!! And you could never gross me out with diarrhea talk. It's my life.

    1. I was thinking you would KILL IT at that race! Like, you would win.

  7. Yea, I am a porta potty addict too....
    I read your race recap. You placed first in your AG, that is so amazing ! Congrats.

    1. Thank you, Karen! It was a really tough race. I am still not recovered.

  8. A lap, but then another lap, another lap, another lap!

  9. Shake off your last race you obviously learned from it and are moving forward! I too have heard the anthem from the john as well! :) Wow that last man standing race does sound interesting!!! Good luck and what a way to start off the new year right!

    1. That's what I thought! It would be fun to do a race in which I have no CLUE what to expect! My dad is doing it as well, so that will be fun.

  10. I totally understand #1. This is the reason I'm glad I went Garmin free at my last half marathon - I don't even want to know how slow some of those miles were and now I'm glad I never will. Sure, it's good to analyze performances to find learning opportunity but honestly what more are you really going to learn from knowing your mile splits? You already know everything you need to know, I think.

    My runfession is that I've only run one time each of the last 3 weeks. Oops. #sorrynotsorry

    1. Wow! Well I know you only run in the "off" season if you want to/feel like it, which is obviously I very balanced way to go about it! :) I ran for the first time since the race TODAY! I was slow. So, so , so, slow.

  11. I think looking at your splits might help you verify if your memory of when things went downhill is accurate. I looked at mine, remembering that mile 16.5 was when I told Matt and Steph I was really having trouble breathing and wanted to quit, and sure enough that's where my times really slowed. It helped me feel like I was in tune to my body, because the splits validated it!

    Then again, if you want to just call this race a wash and move on with your training, then ignoring your splits isn't the worst thing you could do! :)

    1. That is a good reason to look at the splits- I can get behind that! Now I just need the courage.

      I knew you wouldn't quit. :)

  12. I obsess over past races from time to time...more during the race than anything! On with the show... :) You'll do great in January!

    1. I barely ever race so there is not much for me to obsess over!

  13. I didnt stretch right after my marathon, and didn't even foam roll or stretch for a few days! Not ideal, but it was really tough with all the traveling I was doing.
    I go to the bathroom a million times before a race too.

    1. If I was home I definitely would have stretched! You are right traveling can put a wrench in things.

  14. Last man standing? I can feel my competitive juices flowing...

  15. I am totally with you on #2. The last man standing sounds interesting, although I'd never be able to run fast enough to finish.

    1. I am thinking I will be able to do 8 laps BUT I don't know. Last time I made race plans they didn't work out so well. ;)

  16. I can relate to the stretching situation. I am stretching more than ever these days, but I know it still is not adequate. I'm also doing a race on January 2nd...but mine will be while on our family trip to California ;-)

  17. I admit I rarely stretch after a race. I'm usually so caught up in the moment!

    1. It's definitely different than just a training run. :) OH well I guess it doesn't hurt once in awhile.

  18. That race on January 2nd sounds so interesting, I've never heard of anything like it!

    I didn't stretch until I got home on Sunday and my right hip has been tight all week - it finally started loosening up yesterday. Today it feels almost normal!

    1. Oh good I am glad your hip feels almost normal.

  19. The great thing about running is that there's always another race. Why look at your splits now? Just get ready for the next one. ;-)
