
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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What a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! I had off Thursday-Monday.

The absolute best part of having several days off work was going to bed whenever I felt like it and waking up whenever I felt like it. Seriously, there is nothing better than not having to get up at the butt crack of dawn!

You can read about our Thanksgiving Eve here.
You can read about our Thanksgiving Day here.
And Friday through Monday... well, keep reading!

I woke up on Friday morning feeling extremely happy that I had nothing on my agenda until Tuesday! We had zero plans, and I didn't intend on making any. I was tired and ready to just chill.

My workout was an easy run around the neighborhood.

That afternoon, Paul and I went for a leisurely walk.

We spent the evening binging on Survivor Samoa and eating (not binging!) Thanksgiving leftovers.

Jelly was my buddy!

I went for a run on Saturday morning but I just wasn't feeling it! I was quite tired and my stomach/chest felt fluttery due to drinking way too much coffee. Do you know the feeling I am talking about? It took quite awhile for me to warm up and actually start feeling good... about 5 miles. I stopped at 7 because I figured I may as well do my long run when I am feeling better. Sunday I would rest, Monday I would run 10.

When I got home, I decided to take advantage of an empty schedule and lifted chest. It was just a short little workout. Here's what I did:

Chest Press- 5x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x20
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Push Ups- 5x10

Then we ventured out to Ross, Wegman's and Target. I don't mean to brag, but just by hitting up those three stores and a huge order from Amazon, we single handedly got 80% of our Christmas shopping done!

Chrissy loves when we come home with new items...

Warning: It is now time for some Survivor Nerd Talk.

That evening, we started Survivor Heroes vs. Villians. After just one episode, I was already hating it! It seems like it is Micronesia Part 2. I hate so many of the returning players... Parvati, Amanda, Cirie, Stephanie, Tyson... I'm not sure we are going to finish the season because Survivor is supposed to make you HAPPY, not ANGRY!

I lifted back in the morning. It took about two hours because during my rest periods, I cleaned the entire house! Here is what my workout looked like:

Band Asst. Pull Ups (Wide Grip)- 5x6
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Dumbbell Row- 5x10x25lb
Band Asst. Pull Ups- (Neutral Grip)- 5x6
Bicep Curl- 3x15x15lb
Plank w/ Knee Tuck- 3x25
Plank w/ Row- 3x10x10lb
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 3x15

Then I finished decorating the house for Christmas. I got up all the outside lights, inside lights, greenery, and other little knick knacks. I took a break for puzzles and then finished up by hanging all of our ornaments on the greenery. Don't worry, I plan on doing a blog post in the near future which will basically just be a photo dump of pictures of all my decorations! I am sure you are wondering what a person who names their cat CHRISTMAS does to their house at Christmas time.

I even wrapped a couple presents and put them under the tree!

Christmas "helped".

Monday Bonus! Here in Central PA, schools have off the Monday after Thanksgiving because it is the first day of deer season. I know, that makes us sound like hicks. And there are hicks around here. I am sure it doesn't surprise you that I don't consider myself one of them! However, I am not going to complain about having a Monday off work!

My day started quite early- earlier than I normally get up! Paul was having a rough night so I ran out to get him some meds. I was wide awake, so I got an early start on effing around on the internet and drinking coffee!

I did do some productive things... like fold every piece of laundry in the house and finish my puzzle!

There is a method to my madness...

This one was hard!

Then I went for a 10 mile run on the Conewago Rail Trail. It's about a half hour drive from my house, and sadly, part of the reason I drove all the way there was because I didn't think I would run otherwise! I just didn't feel like running. 10 miles seemed like a long way. Luckily I got into a groove. My IT band felt really tight around mile 7. It was weird! It normally does not bother me during a run.

Another reason I drove all the way to the trail was to cash in on some "free" time. Paul's mom took him to his treatment that day, so I did not have to stick in my neighborhood for my run. It was certainly a freeing feeling to know I was not needed by anyone!

When I got home, I took the longest shower in the world. By the time I was done stretching, Paul got home and we played some games!

I didn't mention it, but all weekend we were very diligent at catching up on Jeopardys. I will admit, we had to delete a couple episodes due to feeling overwhelmed at how many we had to catch up on! So we made it through the Tournament of Champions and on the final episode, there was THIS clue:

(It's only about 20 minutes from where we live now.)
We could not believe it! I love when a clue has to do wit our neck of the woods. 

It was the perfect end to the LONG Thanksgiving Break!
Do you think it's weird we have off for the first day of deer season?
Have you ever heard of Three Mile Island?
When was the last time you had 4 days in a row with nothing to do!?


  1. Sounds like such a wonderful break for you both! I love they have the beginning of deer season, off. Why not?!? I had all last week off from work. I did have a few appts scheduled in there but normally I am stressing about getting those done during my work day so it was much better. I even had a massage on Tuesday afternoon which marked the end of appts and the start of mostly nothing. We went to the hockey game, hit up one store on Black Friday, set up most of my new office, watched a ton of football, got the house decorated and even got to see a movie (my favorite). Going back to work yesterday was sad :(

    Was it so nice to be out on the trails? I know running around the neighborhood gets challenging. I often tell myself I need to go drive to new locations to run, but then I am lazy about that and then when I am running, I think "I am so bored".

    How is the IT band post run? Is your race in just under 2 weeks?

    1. Yup just under two weeks. It was tight last night. Ran 5 this am and it felt a little tight but not as bad as yesterday. I am going to lift Wed and Thurs. I am going into "keep my shit together" mode. I don't want to have any problems in FL!

      Normally neighborhood is fine for me as I listen to podcasts and just get in a zone. I actually felt a little uncomfortable on the trail at first. There were no other cars in the lot so I knew I'd be out there are alone. I did end up passing a couple other people who had parked in lots farther down the trail but 99% of the time there was no one around, which I used to be comfortable with but not anymore since I have not been in that situation in awhile.

  2. That is really nice to have off the day after Thanksgiving break! Yesterday was such a struggle for me. Looks like a great weekend!

    1. I think today is going to be my struggle! Work and then 6 piano lessons.

  3. Yay for a long, relaxing weekend! Go you for knocking out so much holiday shopping. I've been finding way too much for myself. Haha! I'll take a Monday off any way I can get it!

    1. I only work 2 mondays in Dec, now that is something to celebrate!

  4. I'm glad you have a long relaxing break! My school gives both Monday AND Tuesday off for deer season. Talk about living around hicks.... :-)

  5. That's pretty funny that you get a day off for deer season!

  6. I remember getting that day off when we lived in PA! Surprisingly, we do not have the day off in NH.
    6 piano lessons is a LOT in a row. 3 in a row is the most I have--it can be a challenge when it is one of those weeks (like this one, a holiday) where no one really practiced...
    Loving the Red Sox gear, Paul!

    1. Oh man I hope my kids practiced or it will be horrible!! :( I do have one half hour break buuuut I'd rather have them all in a row and be done at 7 instead of 7:30! I will tell Paul what you said about the Red Sox :)

  7. Okay, whoa. You got most of your shopping done already? I am SCREWED. Love your tree, it's perfect! And that picture of Christmas yawning is brilliant. Cats make me so happy.

    1. The hard part is the getting the idea part. The EASY part is clicking "order" on Amazon! :)

  8. I'm in "be super careful and don't get injured" mode too. Every little twinge feels like an injury haha. I've made it this far...I'm super paranoid about getting injured during taper! Time to play it smart. I'm glad you are!

    1. We are in the same boat! All my twinges are magnified right now! :(

  9. Sounds like a nice relaxing break for you! We don't get the day off for hunting season here, but it sounds like something we would do!
    Congrats on all of that holiday productivity. I still have to think of gift ideas!!

  10. Hmmm I left you a comment yesterday about cats + wrapped gifts and now it doesn't seem to be here! :'(

    I can't believe your kitties allow you to have wrapped gifts under the tree! As soon as I put a wrapped gift down Cecil immediately starts biting the edges! I have to keep all of our gifts locked away in a closet ... that is if I wrap them early. Sometimes that doesn't happen and I just toss everyone's gifts in a gift bag with some tissue paper and call it a day :D

    1. Aw I am sorry it's not there. :(

      The tree is on a cabinet 4.5 feet off the ground! That's the only reason there is a tree let alone wrapped gifts!!!

  11. Oh, Christmas gets up on there to eat the tree, even with it way up high! Wait for the vlog tomorrow and I will show you!
