
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog Post Revisit: Fitness Bucket List

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Almost two years ago, I wrote a Fitness Bucket List for myself. Today I am going to revisit that post to check in with myself. Have I crossed anything off the list? Do I no longer desire to do some of the things? Do I have anything to add? Let's check it out and see!

Here is my original list! After each item, I will comment on whether I have reached the goal, and if not, whether it is still a goal of mine.

1. Become a personal trainer and help others 
cross things off their Fitness Bucket List.

Success! I became an ACE certified personal trainer in June, 2014. Since then, I have helped many people achieve their fitness goals. I hope to help more!

2. Lead a marathon pace group.

Since writing this list, I have not even run a marathon. The thought of running 26.2 miles for myself right now seems daunting, let alone running it with many others' hopes and dreams riding on it. It is definitely something I would love to do someday. At the moment, leading a half marathon pace group sounds like something I would feel much more comfortable doing. But life is long, so maybe I will eventually pace a half and then a full.

3. PR in the marathon, half marathon, 5k, and mile.

Wow, I basically want to PR in everything, don't I? Who doesn't!? I haven't officially PR'ed in anything yet, but I do hope to PR in the half I'm running 9 days from today! I feel like I have a good base in which I could possible 5k PR in the coming weeks, but I promised myself I'd lay low after the half, rather than risk injury or burnout.

4. Run the following races:

San Francsico Marathon
Big Sur International Marathon
New York City Marathon
Stinson Beach 50k
Silver Falls Trail Marathon
Catalina Island Eco Marathon

Well, I can no longer find a website for the Stinson Beach 50k, but I remember the reason I wanted to do it was because the course was much of the Dipsea Trail, which runs from Muir Woods to Stinson Beach. I got to run on that trail when I was in California with Paul several years ago. it was one of the most beautiful runs I ever did!

I would still love to run San Fran, Big Sur, NYC, and Silver Falls (oh my word you must google pictures of that!). I would like to replace Catalina Island with Chicago, after hearing so many good things about it!

I have not actively been trying to run any of these races, but I feel like it is something I should make a priority! Even if I do one every 3-5 years... (Travel is expensive!)

5. Run the entire Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania.

Since originally writing this list, I have traversed 18 miles on the AT. Eighteen NEW miles, that is. This would still be a cool thing to do, but since I am not that into trail running right now, it feels like more of something I'd like to do just to say I did it. But if when I get back into trail running, it could become more of a goal. But right now I don't care that much about it.

6. Do 10 pull ups in a row.

Yes, I still want to do this and no I can't do it yet! This past winter, when I wasn't running much and lifted a lot more, I PR'ed with 6 pull ups! I was so proud of myself! But now I am running more and lifting less so I don't think I could do 6 pull ups anymore. I haven't tried in awhile... I do band assisted ones most of the time. But yes, yes, yes, I want to some day be able to bang out 10 pull ups! It's just hard to be in top lifting shape and top running shape AT THE SAME TIME. Right now I am more in my top running shape.

7. Become a Zumba instructor.

This is something I want to do waaaaaaaaay down the line when I retire. I love dancing and Zumba makes me so happy! It doesn't make my IT band happy but that is another story... If my IT band is back to normal by the time I retire and Zumba is still a thing, I hope to become a Zumba instructor.

8. Learn to take one rest day per week.

I take 1-2 lower body rest days per week and have made HUGE strides in not getting anxiety about taking full rest days. I am so glad this is something I have figured out for myself!

9. Stretch/foam roll every. damn. day.

Yes! Well, I foam roll when I feel like I need it, and I do stretch after every single run. I am so proud of myself for implementing this one!

So let's see...

I accomplished: #1, #8, #9
I am working toward: #3, #6
I did not even seriously attempt: #2, #4. #5. #7

That's not so bad!
What is in your Fitness Bucket List?
Have you run any of my dream races?


  1. Way to go on accomplishing 1/3 of your goals. That is amazing. When you learn to teach Zumba, you can attempt to teach me because I did it once and I was a mess. My fitness goals right now are to be able to do a unassisted pull up and dip (I am far from this but work on it a lot) and move away from so much cardio and more into weights. I am getting there in baby steps :)

    1. Hey if you are working on it, you will get there! Dips scare me as I always, always feel my triceps ripping when I do them! Assisted, of course.

  2. Nice job sticking with your goals! I would love to run a marathon that has beautiful views the entire time, or is in an epic city. Space Coast was pretty, but rather redundant. I always get to see ocean - I want to see trees! Unfortunately, BDR is probably going to be pretty boring - houses and maybe some water to see. I'll be driving the course this weekend so I'll report back lol.

    1. Yeah I was just going to say- report back! I am pretty sure I am going to listen to podcasts during BDR. I am sure I will find the scenery at least a little interesting!

      I have never run a race with an ocean view, that would be cool! So next you will have to come stay with me and run a race in PA!

  3. You are doing so great! I love that these don't have a time limit, like alot of goals typically do. I would love to be able to do 1 unassisted pull-up. I got a pull-up bar but now I need to get a band because otherwise I'm not gonna be able to learn!

    1. That is awesome you got a pull up bar! Bands work well or just using a chair. I sometimes use a chair if I want to do more reps and need more asst. for them.

  4. I need to do a better job of foam rolling. You'd think I'd have learned by now--when I don't stretch or foam roll, I start to hurt...

    1. Stretching and foam rolling is my prime opportunity to catch up on trashy/mindless TV shows! Or the news, which is often pretty tashy too!

  5. 6 pullups is badass. I was dancing in the street last year when I could do 3. Yes, come run Chicago. The weather is great here as long as I'm not running. I'll come cheer for you. I've run NYCM and it was all kinds of awesome. Big Sur is on my list, but only after i get my ass to London and Berlin and finish those majors already.

  6. Ok, I am shocked the Toledo Glass City Marathon is not on your bucket list! haha No, I haven't run any of those races. They all are pretty awesome! I'd love to run Big Sur. Or, just watch Big Sur. I'll take a vacation in California any day!!
    I am working on stretching every day, but foam rolling makes me more sore! I tried rolling several days in a row for my glute issues and it just irritated it more. Guess it depends on what body part you are working on ?
    Oh - and doing just one pull up would be quite the accomplishment for me!

    1. LOL you are funny :)

      CA is so pretty, we love it there!

      I am sure the whole foam rolling thing does depend on the body part, what the problem is, and of course the person!

  7. Nice. I like it. I can do one pull up and that's about it. And you know, I'm not a big fan of beautiful marathons because I always feel guilty for not looking up at it while I'm running by everything! When I do my marathons, I'm all fixated and catatonic.

    1. I did not know you were not a fan of beautiful marathons! So do you purposefully pick ones with an ugly course? :)

  8. What was your dream race? I think you will crack two and a half if you keep working at it!

  9. You knocked off a lot of things from your BUCKET LIST in just two years! Most of the things on my bucket list won't be checked off for a very long time ... years, decades! haha

    I think you would be such a great pacer, I hope you go for it someday whatever distance you decide to do!

    1. Hopefully when I retire I will have more time and money to knock some races off my bucket list! :)

  10. I am still sad I missed out on Big Sur but to me honest, I don't have any desire to go back and run it. Perhaps my sister will try it for a third time?

    Isn't it funny how things we've wanted to do in the past don't seem so important and along the way we've discovered new things we want to try?
    How long is the AT through PA?
