
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Half Marathon Training: Speed Work

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On Friday morning, I was scheduled to do speed work. I really did not feel like getting out of bed! Why are my rest days always scheduled on weekends when it is gorgeous outside, and my speed work is scheduled for dark and early when I don't want to get out of bed!? (That's a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer it!)

But get out of bed a did, because it had been two weeks since I had really pushed myself in the area of speed, so I was due to run some paces that has a “6” in the beginning of them.

I didn't decide what I was actually going to do until three quarters of the way into my warm up mile. I would do 800s. I thought about Yasso 800s, but that would require me having to know exactly how long it took me to run each interval. That sounded like it was going to be a pain in the butt, so I just sprinted an 800 and then recovered for the same distance. For my first two 800s, the recovery period seemed too long, but by the third, I was happy for the 4(ish) minutes of easy running in between each sprint!

I don't really look down out my Garmin during speed work since it is so dark out. Of course I have to know when each 800 begins and ends, but as far as pace is concerned, I'll glance down once or twice per workout just to see what's going on! It appeared that I was running the 800s around my 5k pace (6:15-6:45). I was out of breath. My chest was hot. I felt pukey. It was basically a typical speed workout. Nothing notable. I just got 'er done.

Maybe I will try real Yasso 800s someday! From what I understand, you are only supposed to recover for the amount of time it takes you to run the 800? That sounds like torture, but I am sure it's a great workout!

I only have 2-3 more speed sessions before my half marathon, and one of them is going to be a RACE! I know I am really dangling the carrot in front of you dropping that bomb on you at the end of this blog post, but don't worry, I am posting about the races (yes I said RACES!!!!) in a couple days...
How do you do 800s?
When you do mile repeats, how long do you recover in between?


  1. Reading this post reminded me of my Yasso 800s that I did this summer. I'd drive to a parking lot near a paved section of my running trail and just give er'! It was always the hottest day of the week when I had speedwork. But man I felt so good when I was done! I can't wait to hear about your RACES!!!

    1. I think I remember seeing pictures of that! You were FLYING!

  2. Wow--impressive! Excited you have some races--what a perfect way to get speed work done! I just did my speed work on my bike. No rhyme or reason to how long the intervals or recovery are. Just go with the flow....

    1. I used to do speed on my spin bike. What a great workout!

  3. I can't wait to hear about the races you have planned!

    1. Tuesday I think I have a post scheduled about it. :)

  4. I don't do 800s--I feel like I should but my coach has me do mile repeats, 2 mile repeats, and gulp...3 mile repeats! I do love speed work though--I like that you get to go all out and then rest/recover. That's my style of workout...

    1. How long do you recover in between your mile repeats?

  5. Awesome job! I due a 400 recovery for both 800's and mile repeats, and 200m recovery for 400m repeats.

  6. I usually do my 800s on a track. Warm up for 2-3 miles, and then 6x800. I walk/job 50-90% of the time it took me to do the 800 as recovery. So if it took me 3 minutes for my 800, I will wal/jog for 1.5-2.5 minutes for recovery and then begin again. I cool down for 2-3 miles after. I cry, whine, and suck a lot of wind. It's not pretty, but I love me some 800s!

    1. That sounds like a killer workout! It's like speed work + a long run! (for me anyway!)

  7. I definitely believe running faster makes you faster!

    See I chose Friday because I feel GREAT on Fridays! Usually. lol.
