
Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up! (Family, Running, & Puzzle PRs!)

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My weekend was full of family! I loved it! 
I hope you had a great weekend as well!

On Fridays, I always awake feeling excited to take on the day! My day started with a 6 miler around my neighborhood. It was nippy so I had to get out the long sleeves for the first time this year!

I was sooooo ADD at work on Friday! I ended up with a lot of time to get some planning/prep done because two of my classes were on a field trip. 80 minutes to PLAN!? UNHEARD OF FOR A TEACHER! I couldn't even focus on what to do. First I started making emergency sub plans, then I started looking at budget stuff, then I was like hmmm maybe I should get my lesson plans ready for next week... I was a hot mess but did end up getting some items crossed off my to do list.

When I got home, Paul and I caught up on a bunch of Colbert Reports while STUFFING our faces with pizza and cheese fries. How healthy!!

I was so happy to be home on Friday with the kitties and my favorite guy. I needed it! I started working on a 1,000 piece puzzle!

I had a great run on Saturday morning. I wasn't looking forward to it because it was chilly, windy, dreary, and rainy. However, I was hitting some great paces and ended up running 10 miles @ 7:43 pace. It is time to start thinking about what I want to do at the Best Damn Half in December...

Then we went to my brother and SIL's house to celebrate my niece's birthday. We had so much fun with my family!


That night, I went into puzzle land. Puzzle land is where I want to be.

The first thing I did on Sunday morning was drink coffee and finish my puzzle!

1,000 pieces!!!!! This is a PUZZLE PR!!!

Then I drove up to Millersburg to run and visit with my parents. I ran 8 miles and I CRUSHED it! It is so weird running around my hometown. Almost half this run was done at my high school track. I ran around it at least 14 times. I lost track. Here are my splits...

7:54, 8:16, 8:02, 

Then I really started to get warmed up...

7:27, 7:11, 7:12, 7:00, 7:06

After my runs this weekend, I have to start thinking about what I want to do at my half! My speed is getting amped up so I am thinking about doing more than just running it for fun.

My brother, SIL, and their girls came up to my parents too and we all had dinner together. It was lovely! I love family time! No pictures. I was just living in the moment.

Paul was spending the day watching football with his friends, so when I got home, I did some blogging and... what else... started another puzzle!

Oh, here is the song I wrote for my niece! It has been awhile since I posted a uke video and I have been practicing!
Tell me about your weekend!
Do you have nieces or nephews?
When was the last time you ran on your high school track?


  1. 1000 pieces??? Amazing! You are seriously unleashing some speed! A 7 minute mile for me usually involves vomit.

  2. Great job with your running! and with that puzzle!
    I have one niece who is 6 months old today!

    1. Thank you! Happy 1/2 birthday to your niece! :)

  3. You are getting speedy--I say you go for it for your upcoming half!

    1. That's what I am leaning toward but I hate the pressure and the risk of FAILURE!

  4. Such a beautiful voice you have and what a sweet gift to her. Have you been following a training plan or do you just run whatever you feel like that day? You have gotten so fast, I know you are going to kill it. I want to follow along online when you ladies run this December. Rick and have have LOTS of nephews and one niece. Only one nephew on my side but many on his side. The youngest are 11, 11 and 4. The rest are in their 20s and 30s. We have fun watching them play their sports and do any school events and the older ones are just fun to hang out with!!

    1. I love hanging out with my aunts and uncles, but it's hard to believe someday my nieces will be like, ADULTS and I'll get to hang out with them! Your niece and nephews are lucky to have a great aunt and uncle!

      I have not been following a training plan except for a loose one I have in my head. I do a long run on the weekend (anywhere between 8-15 miles at this point) and try to do speed work every 9 days. But nothing is PLANNED. I just kind of go by feel.

  5. You are so speedy! I've never seen you not hit a goal before, so I think whatever goal you set for yourself you'll definitely reach during your half! :)

  6. Do you ever listen to Amanda Palmer? I have a girl crush on her. I read her book The Art of Asking and then listened to a couple of her songs she plays on the uke. She's crazy, and awesome. I have no idea how you do puzzles. They make me homicidal.

  7. Sometimes I think I would be a great secretary but the older I get the more ADD I am, so I am not sure I could do it!

  8. That is an awesome pace. I love puzzles they are challenging and relaxing. Cats are the best pets. Mine sleeps on me if I sit in any chair, she is my daughter, I have three sons so I deal with lack of girls with a cat. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Wow 3 sons!!! I am sure you need your relaxation time with your daughter. :)

  9. Great job on your runs! I can't wait to hear how your half goes!

    I use to love to do puzzles but I haven't done them in YEARS! I rarely have enough to relax and when I do I like to read for pleasure (something else I don't do enough of). I got 8 miles in on Sunday! Was suppose to do it Saturday but it rained here!

    1. Good job on 8 miles! It was rainy here too but it was only misting when I went out. Reading for pleasure is the best. I like to do that before I go to bed.

  10. OMG your speed is definitely coming back! In December the average high for Cape Coral is 76*F and the average low is 55*F which sounds like perfect racing weather to me!

    I love the birthday song! You are such an amazing singer. I would buy your album!

    1. That does sound like good racing weather- especially if it's on the low end of the scale!

  11. That puzzle is insane! How long does it take you to complete a puzzle like that (if you were to work on it from start to finish)? What do you do with the puzzle once you have completed it… do you keep them or do you sell them or trade them for a new puzzle?

    I haven’t ran on my old high school track, but I run on the community college track. It’s been a while though. You were running some great paces!

    1. Good question! This puzzle wasn't that bad because as you can tell there are lots of different colors and patterns going on. It's harder to do a puzzle that's like one big blue sky than something like this. I would say this 1,000 piecer probably took me 8 hours? Of course I divided it up hehe. This puzzle I took to work to give to someone since it is a good puzzle. Most of my puzzles are from the dollar store and have missing pieces so I throw them away. If it isn't missing pieces I will just throw them in a closet hehe. I only ever buy puzzles at the dollar store or at a thrift store because otherwise they are expensive! This one was $2.97, which is the most I have paid for a puzzle in a long time!
