
Tuesday, October 6, 2015


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Marcia @ Marcia's Healthy Slice hosts a Runfessions link up on the last Friday of every month. Obviously, this is not the last Friday of the month, but all of my Runfessions came to me this past weekend, so I am posting a little late! I hope this is not bad blogger etiquette! Be sure to check out Marcia's blog and some of the other wonderful blogs that do the Runfessions link up!

Runfession #1: On Saturday, I put compression socks on for the first time since... Vegas!

Obviously, compreshies don't go with sundresses and flip flops, so I didn't wear them much during the summer. (I know, it's a horrible excuse.) After my 10 miler on Saturday, I tucked them on under my leggings and felt like a good little runner who follows the rules.

Vegas, baby!

Runfession #2: I straight up ignored someone who asked me for directions during my run on Saturday.

Normally, I am more than happy to give directions. But guys, I was going at a really good clip and I wanted to maintain my pace! I felt really bad for ignoring the man because he was older and clearly lost. But didn't he see I was wearing my Boston jacket and that I MEAN BUSINESS.

Runfession #3: I want to set a challenging goal for myself at the Best Damn Half in December, but I am scared that I won't reach the goal and I will disappoint myself.

Not only will I disappoint myself, but I will have to post on my blog that I TRIED SOMETHING AND FAILED. I don't like that. And I don't like that I don't like that. It makes me seem like all I care about are appearances and that I take myself too seriously. Which I don't think I do, but clearly I must at least a little bit or I wouldn't be scared to announce a goal and take the chance that I might not achieve it. It goes against everything I tell my students! TAKE RISKS!

So those are my Runfessions today! Tell me one of your Runfessions!


  1. I am afraid that my opportunities for PR's are going to come to an end (the whole AGE thing...).
    I ran a 1/2 on Sunday and threw my water cup on the ground. I am one of those people who carry it until I see the trash (seriously). On my cool down walk on Monday I picked up trash on the main road as "penance".

    1. lol that is a great Runfession! I agree with Karen, you are very speedy!

  2. I am worried about injuries too...

  3. I can see how you wouldn't want to "put it out there" and then not meet your goal. I would be the same way. In fact, I used to keep my data on Strava and some of my friends followed along but I stopped doing that....I didn't like the "pressure" of having others see every detail of my workouts. I have 2 runfessions. (1) I avoid any types of hills (even small ones) and (2) before every run I get a little nervous because I am afraid I will injure myself.

    1. Oh I wish you didn't fear injury but I understand the thought process because I fear it too!

  4. That's funny about the not stopping for directions thing. It always seems to happen during a timed run of some sort. I don't have much of a runfession other than I have to do all my runs on a treadmill right now so I'm close to a bathroom. Hello stomach bug!

    1. Ewww yuck you still have that? Thank goodness for the treadmill!

  5. Oh goodness! I Love these! I actually love that you ignored someone asking for directions. That is SO annoying. I actually had a car try to stop me on my bike for directions. I whizzed right past. Thanks for linking up! Better late than never. : D

    1. I will try to plan better next month I promise!! :)

  6. I was once out running and I had someone stop me and ask to take a picture for them with their phone (it was outside the art museum). I did it, but I was super annoyed by it, and then I felt guilty for being super annoyed. But in our defense, it seems like common sense that you don't ask things of someone who is running. I mean, really.

    I know how you feel about being scared to put goals out there and not achieve them. I felt that same fear about my marathon this Spring, and now about my half marathon this fall. But then I remember: what's the worst that can happen? It's disappointing, yeah, but then you get over it and move onto the next race. It might feel awkward to report about it on the blog, but who is going to think less of you? Missing goals happens to run bloggers ALL the time. We get it.

    Lauren Fleshman said something very wise about this that I always take to heart: "My goal has been to go to the Olympics. I haven't achieved it yet...but I'm no worse off for trying." In the process of striving for her goal she met her husband, won multiple championships and made tons of friends along the way. Even if you don't reach your goal, the training you do to try and achieve it will improve your running in a way that it might not have improved had you been too scared to set a goal

    1. Okay I am going to print out this comment and tape it to the back of my training schedule I plan on making! You are really motivating me, Hanna!!!

    2. I had not heard of that quote before but I love it so much. Thanks for sharing, Hanna!

      I'm the same way as you, I get so nervous putting my goals on the blog, but doing so holds me accountable. When I think about skipping a workout or slowing down in a race, I always think "do I want to have to post about this?" It sounds ridiculous but it's true. I really think I would have given up around mile 18 in Portland last year if I didn't write a running blog! I just had too much pride to have to come home and say "I quit."

    3. I am glad you didn't quit too!! It can certainly hold us accountable.

  7. I say take a risk and set a challenging goal for your half marathon! :) Runfession: I am not supposed to run until I get the OK from my doctor, but I wanted to experiment and see what it would feel like if I just took a teeny jog (like 50ft). It wasn't much at all, but it felt good.

    1. Ooh that is a GOOD runfession. Your secret is safe with me. I bet it felt AWESOME!!!

  8. I have NEVER worn compression socks. EVER. Not even for a minute. :)

    And re: #3 . . . I tried something and I failed. I tried to PR at Portland on Sunday and I failed. I failed hard. By 17 minutes. But you know what, I tried. I felt EXACTLY the way you do about setting a really hard goal. I was terrified of failing. I was so worked up and nervous about this race. Guess what. I failed and nothing bad happened. Instead, I got a list of things to work on and a few new goals. Do it. I saw your post about your run and how fast it was. You are amazing. Seriously, I will be mad at you if you don't push really hard for this, because you have it in you.

    I was JUST talking to Bee about this, too. She was doing XC last night and keeping pace with a 9 year old and was only steps behind a 12 year old who is as fast as some of the fastest boys on the team. Even the coach was stunned. They were doing 400m hill repeats. Every time she got back to the start/finish, she started gabbing immediately. Everyone else was gasping for breath and turning red. That told me that she wasn't putting it all out there. She thought I was mad that she was slow (she wasn't). I was actually mad at her for not putting in the full effort. There is nothing worse than not trying.

    You also don't need to broadcast your Big Goal (tm). I mean, unless you want to, but you can keep it to yourself. I will still cheer you on because you are the fastest mortal I know. :D

    1. Man I really needed to hear this! Thank you for sharing that story about Bee. Maybe she can come train for the half with me!

      I am proud of you for going for your goal at Portland.

    2. She'll ride her bike in front of you yelling at you to go faster! Haha!

      Seriously, go big or go home. ;) You lose NOTHING by trying. It's scary, but no one will think less of you if you miss your goal. I don't think you will, though. You're smart and you know so much about training. I think you'll kill it. That's my bet. If we're taking them. $5 on you nailing it!

    3. You're the best, thank you for the pep talk! Wish I didn't need it. :)

  9. I am afraid to set goals for my next marathon for the same reason! I don't want to disappoint myself.

  10. I have ABSOLUTELY ignored people who have talked to me when I was running (hey, my iPod is on, I can't hear them!) and I haven't worn compression socks since June. I need to dust them off this week! My runfession: I haven't taken an ice bath all summer and I know it will help me, I am just too damn lazy!

    1. Eek well I don't blame you for not taking an ice bath because it sounds horrible!! But since it will help I hope you summon up the strength to do it!

  11. Obviously the Boston jacket means you are serious... why don't non-runners understand that? :) I'm with you on putting your goals out there. For the many years I tried to BQ, and didn't, I suffered some extra sadness and disappointment when I had to break it to my Facebook friends that I didn't qualify... again.. after all of that talk about how it was going to happen this time. Of course, probably only 5% of my FB friends even understood what I was talking about, but still, it was humiliating!

    1. Yes, that is what I am scared of- breaking the news to people. I totally understand what you are saying.

  12. These are awesome! My Runfession: I have flat out lied to people who wanted to do something together by telling them I already had plans. Plans here = long run to do/long run

    1. lol you shouldn't lie! Just tell the truth, they will think you are AWESOME for it. :)

  13. I've been wearing my compression socks ALL the time lately! It feels so good to be able to wear them again. I didnt wear them running over the summer because it was just too hot. Also, I hate stopping to give directions. Plus I usually don't have the answer to whatever the person is asking about:)

    1. I truly do not like compreshies but I will do it if it helps me recover! They're so hard to put on and take off and when they ARE on I feel... trapped.

  14. Runfession: I purposefully elbow people who are running towards me if they don't move over. My biggest running pet peeve is when people are walking 3 deep and don't move. I don't know where they expect me to go?! So I've started throwing 'bows #sorrynotsorry

    1. lol you are so tiny and bad ass for passive aggressively elbowing people!

  15. I ignore people on my run all the time. I'll wave or nod or smile, but stop to give directions? NO way haha.

    1. I totally understand not wanting to stop. If I am running all "la la la" and don't need to get back to my house at an exact time and am not worried about my pace, I would stop and help. But if I am on a time frame or my pace matters, SORRY!
