
Friday, October 9, 2015

A Day In My Life (Monday)

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I woke up several times during the night with a scratchy throat and what felt like the beginning of a headache. It got worse throughout the day which was not fun. I hate teaching when I don’t feel well. It is especially hard to talk and sing all day long when my throat hurts. But enough complaining. Here was my day!

I woke up at 5:45 am and did my usual “fiddling” on my computer while I drank some iced coffee and woke up.

Then it was time to LIFT! I did chest, core, and some glute exercises at home. None of the cats came to visit me during my workout, which was sad!

Then it was time to get ready for the day. 

I went from this:

to this


in about 15 minutes. It doesn’t take me long to get ready!

I eat breakfast on the way to work. I had a small piece of chicken and a protein bar.

I arrived at work at 7:55am.

Then it was a full day of teaching. I sort of had a short fuse due to the fact that I wasn’t feeling well. I was not standing for any silliness!

Lunch was early- 11:00. I actually did end up eating at that time because I was starving. When I am sick, I get really hungry.

I love peanut butter filled pretzels!

The afternoon was a struggle. My energy was completely zapped. Somehow I made it until 3:40- quitting time!

Me at the beginning of the day:

Me at the end of the day.

A very tired music teacher.

Normally on Mondays I head straight home and have a “free” evening of no piano lessons, but on this Monday I got to go hang out with my nieces for a bit while my brother and SIL ran an errand.



These are recycled pictures. Come on, there is no time to take pictures when you are baby-sitting little ones! I just wanted to be sure to show you how cute my nieces are.

Clementine missed her mommy so every time she started to "brutz" (I believe that is PA dutch for cry/whimper) my main mission was to distract her and make her happy. Then I had this conversation with Ellie:

Me: Does Clementine cry when Nanny is here?
Ellie: No, she laughs.
Me: Does Clementine cry when Grandpa is here?
Ellie: No, she laughs.
Me: Well why does she cry when I'm here?
Ellie: That's just the way it is.

They fed me lasagna! It was only 4:00 pm, but I was starving. 

I got home a little after six. The kitties missed me!

So did Paul. He poured me wine and grilled me turkey burgers. I was feeling pretty crappy so he was taking care of me. My throat was raw and I had a pounding headache.

I had a pretty big dinner. I ate what is pictured and then another stack of Pringles. We watched Colbert while we munched.

Then it was time for ice cream. I eat it straight out of the carton because I live on the edge!

And with that, I was ready for bed, and it was only 8pm!


That's how I roll when I am sick... eat EVERYTHING and then go to bed early. I was hoping to feel better the next day!
Do you get hungry when you are sick?
When was the last time you changed a diaper? (On Monday, I changed my first one in about 15 years!)


  1. Oh, no! That sucks you got sick. How are you feeling now? I hope you didn't get sidelined this whole week w/ a cold. Uh, yes, I eat a lot every day but when I am hungry I do eat more. I know my body is fighting germs so I just go w/ it because I know it's helping. I have not changed a diaper in about 9 years and I am totally OK w/ that. Happy Friday (yay). Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned.

    1. I feel great today! Luckily it only hung around a couple days. :) Have a good weekend! I am sure you have fun stuff planned too.

  2. Awe, feel better Meg! I always get sore throats. ALWAYS. It's my sign that I'm overtired and run down. And yes, I get hungry when I'm sick too. It's weird! Hope you feel better soon!

    1. I think it's weird to be extra hungry when you're sick too! I feel a lot better now, woohoo!

  3. I am the complete opposite I don't eat when I am sick. 8 pm is my usual bedtime lately.. It has been 12 years since I changed a diaper. I hope you get to feeling better.

    1. 12 years- that must be nice!! Although I am sure having older children comes with it's own kind of stress!

  4. I'm jealous of your nice looking classroom!
    I don't usually have much of an appetite when i'm sick. A few days this week I went to bed a little after 8pm too. Call it exhaustion from the week!

    1. It can catch up to us at this time of year! Hope you get to recharge this weekend.

  5. I hope you are feeling better – being sick is no fun at all. I’m sure it is tough when you are around kids all day too! I am paranoid about getting sick right now because of Axel. Whenever I start feeling even a twinge of anything, I start upping the vitamin C and doing whatever I can to fight it all. It’s crazy because I feel like my immune system is wiped from the lack of sleep and go go go. Oh, and changing diapers? I had never changed a diaper before having Axel… now I’ve changed 100s.

    P.S. You clean up nicely! ☺

    1. lol thanks! I like seeing bloggers in real life clothes and work clothes too.

      You never changed a diaper before Axel? Well I am sure you are a pro by now!

      I would be worried about getting sick if I had an infant as well, but I am sure it would be fine. As for being around kids- they are allllways sick so I am surprised I don't get sick more often. You would think I would. They're always throwing up and stuff and I never get the stomach bug. That being said, the worst part about being around kids when you're sick is just having to talk/sing all day and deal with the noise. And I am not as patient as I need to be when I am sick. Basically, I can be a big 'ol bitch.

  6. Wow, you get ready SO fast!!! I think if I haven't run in the morning (and therefore have showered the night before), I get ready in 15 minutes. But if I have to shower, it takes me 25, at least!

    1. Well there is no shaving involved it is basically just a rinse off. Also, I am not good at hair/makeup so I just do the bare minimum!

  7. I lay out all my clothes the night before! Yes those power bars are the BEST. I normally don't eat bars anymore but there was a DEAL!

  8. Okay I am so late reading this but I'm sad to hear you were/are sick. :( It is so tough teaching when you're under the weather. I kept telling my students "Ms. Callaghan" is not feeling well today so..." etc. They were sympathetic at first but it quickly wore off.

    1. Aw yeah the younger kids can be very sweet and sympathetic. I went that route with Kindergarten. I dropped the bitch routine and did the "poor pathetic me" routine haha.
