
Thursday, October 8, 2015

30 Things You Should Know by Age 30: (Oh, the things I click on... and I'm 3 years late!)

I came across this article over the weekend. I am notorious for clicking on fun links such as this. Sometimes they inspire a blog post! Here are 30 things one should apparently know by 30! I am 33, but I am rounding down these days...

1. Change a tire. I have never changed a tire, but my parents get me a AAA membership for Valentine's Day every year. I mostly use it when I lock my keys in my car. That hasn't happened in a few years...

2. Operate a grill. Paul is the Grill Master at our house. I have never used the grill, but I am pretty confident I could do it if I had to.

3. Pair wine to a meal. I know how to use Google, so can I say that I at least could do this if I cared to? But seriously, in my opinion, boxed wine goes with everything.

4. Swim. I was on swim team growing up and I do still know how to swim. I can't say I am fast or anything.

5. Change you oil. NO. Why would I do this when I can just swing past Jiffy Lube on my way home from work and have nice, dirty, young boys call me ma'am and have my oil all changed up in... well, a jiffy!

6. Throw a football. Sorry. I run marathons. Next question.

7. Do your taxes. It's called Turbotax.

8. Take a decent picture. Sure. I mean, I am not a photographer, but I think if you have a decent camera the pictures just take themselves! Or just go to New Mexico, where it is so beautiful that you don't even have to be good at taking a picture... they all turn out breathtaking!

9. Build a respectable wardrobe. Yes. I mean, I do have some “young” clothes, but I know when they are appropriate and when they are not.

10. Fix basic household problems. Like a cat that pees everywhere? I AM SO GOOD AT CLEANING UP CAT PEE!

11. Dance like an adult. I never even knew how to dance “cool”, so I have been basically dancing like and adult my whole life.

12. Get around without a phone. I have a flip phone so I am a master at surviving EVERY SINGLE DAY with only 3 options: 1. Call someone. 2. Text someone. 3. Take a picture of my cats.

13. Parallel park. I grew up in town, so I could parallel park before I even had my drivers license! It also helps that now I have a tiny little red Chevy Cobalt which can squeeze into spots more easily. Although Paul and I are fans of the Pull Through. You know what the Pull Through is, right? It's not a sex act. It's when you go to park in a spot, but the spot in front of you is open, so you pull through. Then when you leave, you can pull out (again, not a sex act) with your car facing forward.

14. Play a vinyl record. When my first graders earn a reward day, I play a RECORD for them ON THE RECORD PLAYER and they are mesmerized!!!!! Then they ask me how it works and I tell them, “I don't know.” I guess I should be more prepared for these reward days.

15. Balance a checkbook. I just realized that the Business Math class I took my junior year of high school is now completely obsolete. Why must one balance a check book these days when there is online banking!?

16. Jump start a car. I sure have needed my car jumped before, but remember, I have AAA.

17. Tie a tie. I have never worn a tie but I remember learning how to do this in home economics class in 6th grade. How archaic!

18. Nail a job interview. The last time I had a job interview was 11 years ago! I honestly don't know if I could nail one right now. The tone quality of my voice is “16 year old valley girl” but I feel like I am animated and warm, so hopefully that would help.

19. Make a decent cocktail. Out of all the things on the list, this is the thing I am best at! Ask anyone who has been to my house for a game night. I make good drinks. And I don't eff around.

20. Iron clothes. I don't iron but I am really good at getting cat hair off clothes. Why is "get cat hair off clothes" not on this list?

21. Ride a bike. Yes I can ride a bike. I wonder what percent of the population doesn't know how to ride a bike?

22. Cook. I am a casserole girl.

23. Drive stick. No clue how to do that.

24. Control your drinking. Yes. I am a one hit wonder.

25. Control your anger. I did smash a place once. ONCE.

26. Choose a date. I'm married, but I feel like I can plan good nights out when it is appropriate! Let me tell you about some fun things we have coming up! Next weekend we are going to see Mitch Fatel on Saturday night and Knoebels Grove on Sunday. In November, we are going to see Jerry Seinfeld and The Book of Mormon!

27. Keep a living space. Hmmmm...

28. Build a fire. I watched Paul build lots of fires.

29. Brew a cup of coffee. Again, that is Paul's job.

30. Start a conversation. I love to talk!
Have you ever smashed a plate?
What is your drink specialty?
Anything on this list you are particularly good or particularly bad at?


  1. Oh man, being an adult is so hard. Like you, AAA and Jiffy Lube takes care of all my car problems, but I do know how to drive stick!

    14. One of my part time jobs in college was digitizing the college library's record collection.
    28. Yep, can build a campfire and a woostove fire.

    25. I threw a TV out the front door, once. I'm much better now...

    In all, I guess I adult pretty well...

    1. lol I can't imagine what Derek did to make you throw the TV out the front door! ;) Thanks for sharing that!

  2. I think I am especially good at planning dates! I keep us very busy w/ lots of fun stuff each weekend. I have not ever smashed a plate, but I would imagine that would feel kind of good. I can parallel park but Rick is excellent at getting the car in the "getaway position" -- backing it into parking spaces....even small ones! As far as changing a tire, changing oil, doing my taxes....well, I just throw money at those problems & let someone else take care of them for me :)

    1. Yes you are a GREAT date planner! Haha @ throwing money at problems. :) sometimes throwing money is WORTH it to not have to do it yourself!

  3. this was a fun post to read, and i'm totally a fail at so many of these (tie a tie? change oi? what?!). but i can totally parallel park better than anyone else i've ever met (thanks, college boyfriend who lived in the heart of the city), i'm an awesome stick driver (the only cars i've had have been sticks, including trucks/SUVs, so i'm super comfortable there and way prefer to drive them!), and i'm pretty decent/good at controlling my anger and choosing wine to go with food. so i count the important ones as checked. :)

    1. lol you definitely have all the important ones! Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. Hilarious!! I honestly can't make a cup of coffee. Even the Kuerig machine confuses me because I drink iced coffee out of a container from the store!! And I can't make a cocktail (ingredients too expensive, I'll stick with craft beer). I have changed my oil once (my Dad taught me when I got my license) and can change a tire. I'd say I'm best at starting a conversation :)

    1. Wow you have most of the car issues under control! If we ever hang out I will make the cocktails!

  5. Well, I can swim and ride a bike, and I'm 37. Shoot, I've got a lot to cram in now.

  6. I never knew that the "pull through" was a thing. I mean, I've done it, I see people doing it all the time, but I didn't know there was a term for it. The things I learn here in the blogosphere.

    And I still cannot dance.

    1. Well that's what Paul calls it. I get harassed if there is an opportunity to pull through and I don't do it!

  7. Haha I love this- and perfect timing as I just posted about how Im not feeling like Im actually turning 32. I have not learned alot of these things so I am a few years late too!

    1. I know it is funny we both posted about an age thing on the same day! :)

  8. Ironing clothes is so 2008! I was telling my mom the other day that there is no reason to own an iron anymore when you can just buy wrinkle remover spray! I'm really glad we have online banking and don't have to balance a checkbook anymore either. We really are living in the golden age ;).

  9. I used to be able to change a tired...we learned in LMS class in high school. But yeah, I haven't done it in forever. In theory I remember how, but I don't want to test it!

    I also can't parallel park unless I'm pulling through, but we don't have parallel parking in Florida really. Learning how isn't on our driving test!

    1. Really!? That is so interesting that you don't need to parallel park on the FL driving test!
