
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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My week started and ended GREAT! The middle was MEH.
It seems like my body is just not able to perform as well at Dark O'Clock in the morning as it is mid morning when I had time to relax and fuel. Which totally makes sense, I guess.

PS. Sorry there are so many spaces/gaps in these recaps. There is something wrong and I don't know what. In the draft there is the normal amount of space and then when I publish.... gaps.

Long run day! I ran 12 miles and felt great!
You can read more about it here.

3 slow/hot neighborhood miles. Then I lifted chest at home.


Chest Press- 4x10x25lb
Bicycles- 3x8
Push Ups- 4x10
Shoulder Press- 4x10x20lb
Ball Pass- 3x8
Tricep Dips- 3x15

5 sloooooow neighborhood miles.

Same as Monday. But in stead of sloooooow , I was

Back @ Home

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Rows- 4x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 4x8
Bicep Curls- 3x10x15lb
Ball Pass- 3x8
Planks- 3x45 sec

I was feeling very weak.

5 neighborhood miles.
I was really pokey.

And now here is the run that doesn't quite make sense...

Real feel was 93 degrees.
I did 10 miles @ 8:12 pace.
All my other runs this week were in the high 8:30s and 8:40s. Do I really peform that much better when I don't have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn? (We had off work and I slept until 7:30am!!! GLORY GLORY!!!)

I'll be writing more about this run tomorrow!

If I counted right, I did 37 miles this week!!!!! My knee/it band felt the "normal" amount of irritation on all runs except Thursday and Friday. Thursday it felt very weak. Friday it felt strong!
What time of day are you at your PEAK for working out?


  1. I applaud you for getting up at o dark thirty to run and work out. I couldn't ever make that when I was running higher mileage I had a few 6 am runs but that was during the summer and it was light out. My week started and ended strong but the middle was meh, too! I only got to the gym Monday and Friday and the rest of the week I worried about school work! Going for a run this morning, I hope it's a good one. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Well you know how it is during the school year- slow, tired runs are better than no runs at all! I hope your first week back wasn't too chaotic! Enjoy a long weekend!

  2. Up and out before the sun for me. I love it and it's what my body prefers. Today was 2.6 miles in the mtns! And my pace was not much slower than at home.

    Nice job on all your runs. You are just amazing.

    1. Oh I bet it was BEAUTIFUL!!!! :)

      Thank you for your kind words! I felt like hot stuff yesterday haha. That just means a bad run is around the corner. ;)

  3. I'm having a hard time adjusting my running for the school schedule. So far I've been running around 6 or 7 pm when the temperature is lower. Getting up early just does not work for me.

    1. I totally understand. Even though I am not doing so well these mornings, mentally it gets me ready for the day.

  4. Wow, that's a great run for the heat and humidity! Send some of that my way tomorrow!

  5. Great mileage!!! My evening runs have been crappy with a captial C since I've returned to work. I'm so used to morning runs now and my body is trying really hard to adjust. I suck in the humidity so hats off to your for destroying your ten miler!!!!

    1. Thank ya! You will adjust soon I am sure! Do you enjoy doing it in the evening once you get back in the swing?

    2. Usually, it just takes me a while to catch onto the routine.

  6. I do my best in the morning, but I think I do better when I eat something and have some coffee. So its not necessarily the time of day that I go, its just how much time i have before my run:) Great job this week!

    1. That makes a lot of sense! I think that's partly my thing too. Although sleeping him does help!
