
Sunday, September 6, 2015

10 Miles & 14 Steps

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I did my last long run on Saturday (8/29), but six days later on Friday (9/4) I wanted to do another one. The reasons for this decision?

I had off work and all the time in the world to warm up, run, cool down, and stretch.

I had some ANGER to work off. Paul and I watched Big Brother's double eviction that morning and I was so angry with the outcome! I don't know about you, but when I am angry, I run really well.

We were going to my brother and SIL's house later that day to celebrate my niece's birthday and there was going to be lasagna! You know how much I love being really hungry from running and then eating!

I had a really good podcast to listen to!

Notice, none of the reasons had to do with a long run being on my training schedule. I don't even have a training schedule. However, the decision was made!

I fueled up on frosted shredded wheat and iced coffee. I put on my favorite sports bra, which I actually had to safety pin or else my boob was going to pop out. "Are you gonna Janet Jackson that shit?" Paul asked me. He makes me laugh so hard!

I decided to just do a bunch of neighborhood loop dee doops. Yeah, it is boring, but I needed to be near either my house or port o' johns so I could have a bathroom readily available. Also, I didn't feel like carrying water, so I wanted to make sure I could grab my bottle off the front stoop if I needed it. The last, but probably most important reason was because it was REALLY FREAKING HOT OUT... which I didn't discover until I actually went outside. (The real feel was 93 degrees with 57% humidity. My route was in direct sunlight. I sure could have planned that  part better!) It was so hot that if I was going to run more than 5 miles, I knew I would have to stop and take a break in the A/C at least once or twice.

I didn't look at my pace for most of the run. I am pretty good at just looking at the distance and not focusing on the corner of my Garmin where it says my average pace. I just wanted to run at a pace that I knew would get me through 8-10 miles. At mile 4, I was starting to get thirsty and could feel a headache coming on. I stopped at my house, got some water, and cooled down in the A/C. I did the same thing at mile 8.75. After that second cool down, it was easy to run the last little bit and make it an even 10 miles.

I was ecstatic when I saw my final pace!!! Although my mile splits were all over the place...

8:27, 8:28, 8:13, 8:02, 8:21, 8:02, 8:13, 8:11, 8:07, 7:58

Full Disclosure!!! I stopped my Garmin during my A/C breaks and I would NOT have been able to run 10 miles in that heat without those A/C breaks. It would not have been safe for me to do so. I know my body, and I know when I am getting too hot.

Later on that day we enjoyed some quality family time celebrating my niece turning one. I got to fulfill my runger by eating lasagna! We also got to see my niece reach a huge milestone. She has been on the verge of walking for awhile now, but the most she has taken is one or two steps before she fell down. On her birthday, she actually took fourteen steps before she fell. It was beautiful! We all clapped and cheered. She stood there, beaming and clapping with us until her face crumpled into tears. Walking is stressful!

Yay, Clementine!!!!

On the way home from my brother's I was still beaming about my run. If you can't brag to your husband, who can you brag to? "Can you believe I ran 10 miles at an 8:12 pace today???" I asked him.

"Yeah, but did you walk 14 steps for the first time?"



  1. Haha, that's a good comparison! But your run was pretty awesome too- don't sell yourself short:)

  2. Great job!
    Those baby legs!!! Such a cutie!

  3. Yes, walking your first 14 steps is life changing, but you doing this long run (in the HEAT) is also somewhat life changing. A few months back you didn't think that running could be in your life so much and now look at you! I am super proud of you. P.S. I brag to Rick ALL the time about my running. I don't have much to brag about but I find a way too :)

    1. Thank goodness for husbands who let us brag!!! Do you ever flex your muscles for him?

    2. LOL. All....the....time! No shame in my game!

  4. Haha! I have had some pretty fast runs when I"ve been angry. Just be the mom of teenage boys and you'll see what I'm talking about...

    Love those first steps!

  5. Strong run Meg! ( I'm sending you a fist pump ). I love Paul's clever comment at the end, lol. The humidity and heat has killed me this summer. I usually finish my runs and text Matt saying, "I'm dead."
