
Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Two days it too short of a weekend. It seemed like the minute I finally had everything put away from the week, it was time to start packing lunches and laying out clothes for the week ahead. We still managed to do a lot this weekend. It was a good combo of being out and about and being home, cuddled in with the cats.

Work was jam packed. The highlight of my day was singing You're A Grand Old Flag with my third graders. I had to stop singing a few times because I was close to tears. I didn't purposefully plan to sing patriotic songs on September 11th, but it turned out to be perfect and a very meaningful experience- probably more so to me than the eight year olds. I mean, can and should kids so young understand the evil and horror of what happened fourteen years ago?

I had some very challenging classes, but my favorite class of fourth graders came last. We learned about DS al Coda and I showed them Dal Segno- aka the sign. 
Oh, and I may have made them listen to The Sign by Ace of Bass  and told them the story about how I was obsessed with that song in middle school. Then they tricked me into playing The Nae Nae but I turned it off when they started singing about some sort of "stanky leg".

I have the coolest students!

Once my class schedule ended for the day, I was visited by a very dear friend of mine I haven't seen in eight years! My friend Herb used to direct the musicals at East Pennsboro High School and I was the choreographer. We did three shows together- Damn Yankees, Will Rogers Follies, and Pirates of Penzance. He was one of my favorite directors to ever work with and even though I hadn't seen him in years, we still kept in touch via Facebook. However, it was wonderful to see him!

After meeting with Herb, I had to rush home to get ready to drive to Maryland to see an Oriole's game with Paul and two of our besties. Well, the besties had to cancel so Paul and I found ourselves all dressed up with nowhere to go. Womp womp!

What to do? Go to and find a carnival, of course!

It just so happened it was the first day of the York Fair, so Paul whipped off his Orioles shirt, put on his wolf flag shirt, and we headed down to York! We had a great time! The fair was HUGE and we didn't even  get see everything because there was just way too may people.

Things we DID see:

1. 50,000 strollers
2. Legit crackheads.
3. A giant rat. (Okay we didn't see it but we saw a sign for it and people were paying $1 to look at it.)
4. A CIRCUS!!!
5. Lots of pregnant women. (I can totally see that the diversity of the food at the fair could satisfy all of their hunger cravings!)
6. The Butter Sculpture
7. A hot guy in a wolf flag shirt. (Paul.)

We love fair food.
And I love that they didn't mess around with the coleslaw and straight up filled a french fry container with that shit!

Mmmm... I told you he wore his wolf shirt! Where else do you wear a wolf shirt besides a freaking fair?

We shared the food but ate every last bite.
For dessert, we had funnel cake and frozen custard.
I have now filled my yearly allowance of 1 funnel cake! It was really good.

Signs for the giant rat!

Posing stoically at the butter sculpture.
I'm looking a little "Pam Beasley-ish" here, doncha think?

There was a circus with amazing acrobats!



These women were easily in their late 50s and they were at least 30 feet in the air making it look effortless.
I admit, I judged them a bit when they first walked out because physically, they did not look strong and I wasn't sure what the heck they were going to do.
Then they climbed that 30 foot rope and did a huge routine up there and I felt like an asshole for judging them.

The only thing on my agenda was a 10 mile run (thank you, funnel cake). I got it done, although it was not that enjoyable. The whole day was sort of dreary, thanks to the rain, and all I wanted to do was cuddle up inside. So that's exactly what we did... after running a million errands, of course!

I got paid on Friday, so the local grocery stores didn't know what hit them! We made it to Aldi, Giant, Dollar General and the liquor store. We are set! 

Oh, I have to show you what was on display at Dollar General...


I had a GREAT speed work sesh on Sunday morning that you can read more about tomorrow! It really put me in a great mood...

... A great enough mood to clean my entire house, do all the laundry, change the sheets on our bed, and cook! Boy did I feel accomplished!

We officially turned our A/C off this weekend so the cats enjoyed open windows all day on Sunday! I know it is supposed to get back up to 85 degrees this week, but I'm going to try not to turn it back on!

I spent some time thinking about my friends who raced this weekend! One of my clients ran a 5k. So did her son, and he got 3rd in his age group! Lisa @ Tech Chick Adventures ran a marathon and so did Suzy @ Suzy Has The Runs! Oh, and my friend Heather @ Girl Goes Running was a pacer at a half marathon! Ladies, I can't wait to hear how your races went!

Are there any good fairs near your neck of the woods?

Do you like seeing Christmas items in stores IN SEPTEMBER?


  1. I loved reading your post. Anyone who cusses like I do has got to be a rockstar!!! I don't do fairs Memphis had a Delta fair, which I saw advertised on TV. I was amazed because the had Midget Wrestling. I could not believe it, kinda wanted to go, but then realized they totally freak me out. I don't even like seeing Halloween stuff yet XMAS WTH.. Have a great day

    1. Wow I would totally go see midget wrestling too. Is that the PC term??? Oh well I would still go. :)

      I have to be careful because me and my husband swear a lot at home, but at school I CAN'T. I am so scared I will slip up one day!

  2. I love that you played Ace of Base for your kids!! I loved them when I was a kid. I bet they thought it was such a weird song. I mean how do you even compare "the sign" to the "nae nae"?

    1. Haha you can't compare them, which I quickly found out! Some of them knew The Sign from Pitch Perfect- but I was wondering why 4th graders saw that movie!?

  3. My eight year old son was showing my hubby and me the dancing from The Nae Nae yesterday - we were cracking up! My husband is a high school teacher, so he knows all the dance moves too - I felt ancient listening and watching them.
    I grew up in Huntingdon, PA and they have a huge fair every year - haven't been to it in 25 years though!
    I love Christmas, so I love seeing any sign of it anywhere, anytime of year!
    You do look very "Pam" in that picture!

    1. Huntingdon!!!! I used to drive through there all the time because I went to college at IUP and then I student taught in Ebensburg!

  4. We have our big fairs coming up in a couple of weeks. The local schools even have off for the Friday of the fair (a lot of 4-H stuff, so kids are participating). My favorite food is chowder in a bread bowl...

    1. Mmmm that sounds divine! When I was in HS we had a 1/2 day for the Gratz Fair, but I always had to go play in the marching band there so I did not enjoy the 1/2 day! (Hated marching band.)

  5. Awww look at the kitty! One year in Vegas Adam and I went to see the Popovich Comedy Pet Theater ( This guy adopts dogs and cats from the animal shelter and trains them to do all kinds of amazing tricks! The show was really awesome, but of course I left missing Cecil so much. That's the downside to vacation, having to leave your pets at home!

    The butter sculpture ... just... what?! It's really cool and I could never do something so artistic, but who thinks to make a sculpture out of butter?! Crazy!

    1. Haha I think butter sculptures are definitely a "county fair" type of thing more common in the Midwest or something. I mean, I could totally picture a butter sculpture on Parks and Rec!

      The pet theater sounds so cute! I would love something like that. I did miss my kitties so bad on vacation. I remember on day #3 (out of 12!) I was thinking, "How am I going to do this?????"

    2. Haha mine do't flip me off but they definitely do what they want. It looks like we totally should have hit up this pet show when we were in Vegas!

    3. I was really impressed by the cats in the show too. Cecil will do a couple of tricks but only if you're holding a treat 12 inches or less away from his face. Like, he knows how to sit on command, but he'll usually only do it if there is a reward/treat in your hand ;)

  6. Hey, you were thinking of me!! Thanks for the the thoughts. All turned out well, but wish I could have been faster. Sigh. And I wish I had robotic legs that made running marathons easy!! :) Marathon recap just posted.
    I love that you judged the acrobatic ladies. haha!! That's exactly what I did with practically every runner on the course Sunday. What else am I supposed to do for 4 hours? And why do larger / older ladies run faster than I do? So not fair....

    1. Of course I was thinking of you! I will read your recap today, can't wait!

  7. LOL! "Thank you, funnel cake." That was hilar. I can't even get over the house cats walking on a tightrope. Canadians don't get ANYTHING COOL UP HERE.

    1. lol I will have to take your word for it as I was only in Canada once for like two hours.
