
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Not quitting.

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Last weekend's 10 miler went really well. This week? Not so much. It wasn't that my paces or performance sucked. I was just bored and I wasn't feeling it. Each step felt heavy. It wasn't an effortless run like I experienced last weekend. 

Around mile 3, when nature called, I headed back home and seriously wanted to stop. But I kept going. At mile 5, I thought to myself, "Why not call it quits now? But I was about a mile from my house, so I knew at least six miles were happening. I chugged on, thinking about the funnel cake I ate at the York Fair the night before. 

When my Garmin beeped for mile 8, I knew I was going to finish, but it was a constant battle with my brain! It didn't help that it rained the entire time. I hate feeling my wet shorts stuck to the back of my legs and looking down and seeing my tank cling to my stomach. 

My legs wore sore and tight as I walked around the block for my cool down. I wasn't cold until I went inside to the air conditioning.

"How was your run?" Paul asked as I started tearing off my soaked clothes.

"Well, I didn't quit," I said.

Sometimes not quitting is what constitutes a successful run.
How do you battle with your brain when you want to quit a run?


  1. Most of the time I do out and back runs so if I make it halfway then I am doing the full run! If I were closer to home or stopped home at all I would be more tempted to quit. But think each time you push through that feeling it makes you mentally stronger for the next time that happens!

    1. Out and back is a great idea! You are basically forced to finish. Thank you for reminded me that is an option! Must. Pack. Toilet Paper.

  2. Totally! Not quitting is definitley my benchmark of success when I have a craptastic run. I have probably one a week where it feels more of a chore. It usually happens when I'm tired or doing high mileage. This upcoming week will be my last super high mileage week so I'm already anticipating at least one run similar to yours.

    1. I hope that run does NOT happen for you and you have some good tunes to help you push through! That is exciting that this is your last super high mileage week!

  3. Since I don't go into my runs with rigid plans I am able to stop when I feel like it. That being said, if I feel like stopping after just a mile, I play the mental game of "just a quarter mile more" until I get up to 2 1/2 or 3 miles. Then I go ahead and call it a day, come home and take Macy for her walk.

    1. That is sort of what I do. "Just a little bit more." hehe.

    2. I have "just a bit mored" myself into full workouts many of days. Happens in the pool a lot because swimming is mentally challenging (just staring at a black line on the bottom of the pool". Mind games rule (well, not in real life...)

    3. Do you happen to have an underwater mp3 player? I had one when I was stuck swimming. I say STUCK because at the time I did NOT want to swim. I would love to swim now but seriously don't feel like paying the $$$ to join the YMCA.

    4. Yes, Rick got me the iPOD swim last summer and it was life changing. I also got the Garmin swim so now I can be OCD with my swim time too (how far did I go? was I faster or slower than last time? you know...all that fun stuff that matters for about 5 mins post workout and then I could care less!!)

  4. I hate when that happens. A lot of time that happens to me when I do treadmill runs. Good for you for not quitting. One of the best things about running outside is that you have to run back home anyway so you might as well finish.

    1. Ugh treadmill is the worst. I don't know if I would have pushed through yesterday if I was on the treadmill! I maybe would have hopped off and lifted!

  5. For me, those are the runs that really build mental strength. Of course it is great when the stars align and a run goes really well, but whenever I have a tough run that is hard to get through, I always learn something new. At least you didn't quit - that alone is a reflection of strength!

    1. Thank you Kristen! I agree that this kind of run built mental strength. I am glad I did not quit, because I think that was the lesson to be learned today.

  6. I think that happens to everyone! I start breaking my run into mini goals to make it through. OK, just gotta make it to the tower. Ok, just gotta make it to the pier..etc.

    1. Like a little check list! I love it! I have done that before on long runs- breaking it up into mental sections.

  7. I had this kind of run today, but did quit. I may go back out in the evening and finish it, or try again tomorrow morning. My mind just isn't in the right place yet for a long run alone, I think. Too much time to think.

    1. I understand. :( I know right now the thoughts your brain is going to go to are probably not happy ones. Take your time and grieve in whatever way helps you.

  8. If you only knew!!! I have a very overactive brain, when I go to the doctor, I tell him it is like an all day circus in my head. So before I start running I just set a mileage and pace and don't stop until I am done. I try to listen to music to stop the endless thoughts that go through my mind. I totally understand what you are saying.. Have a great day

    1. Oh wow! Do you have trouble sleeping? Nights when my brain is going crazy I can barely fall asleep.

  9. Ugh I hate those runs. I do miss running in the rain for sure (no rain in SoCal, ever.) but yeah that torturous slog of a run is miserable. I usually do math in my head to distract me, or save music for the very end, or bribe myself with food. I'm easily bribed.

    1. Hehe I definitely ate some good food after. Wish I could send you some of our rain!

  10. Finishing is winning in my book. Especially in the conditions we've all been enduring. And then there's my'll have to read my recap of today's half. I'm publishing it Tuesday, but lets just say there was a major meltdown happening at mile 11...

  11. I was talking to my husband about how tough 13 milers were. They're not 10 where mentally I just get it done. They're no 15 to where I know it's a long long run. 13 is such an odd number (ja! pun intended!) but I always have trouble with them. Unless it's a half marathon race--races are different lol!

    Way to get it done though! --Helly on the Run

    1. It's just so weird how running can be soooo mental... right down to just what we perceive from the DISTANCE.

  12. Agreed! My mental game is not always good, but when I feel like giving up I try to go a little further. Fighting through those hard runs really helps our mental toughness!
