
Friday, September 11, 2015

11 Types of Annoying Running Partners (from Runner's World)

Readers, this is a fun article to check out from Runner's World!

You will definitely have a chuckle reading it! I thought I would comment on each type of annoying running partner. It is great to run with a buddy, but everyone has their quirks! Read on, and let me know if you or someone you know falls into one of these annoying categories!

1. The Hypochondriac

This is the person that is always worried about suffering from an ailment (or two or three) on a run. Luckily, I don't think I have ever run with someone like this! And while for the past year I have been a bit of a hypochondriac, I haven't really been running with anyone in which to share these worries with! (That's what my blog is for, yo!)

2. The GPS Town Crier

This is the person that constantly shares mileage and pace statistics with you during a run. Okay, I tend to be a little bit like this! It's fun to count down the miles. Well, it's fun if you like knowing stuff like that. Not everyone does. It's best to check with your running partner before the run starts to see if they mind these sporadic "announcements".

3. The Autobiographer

This is the person that tells you detailed life stories during a run. I personally love to hear people's stories while running. The best way to get to know someone is during a run because there is so much time to kill. I also find that runners tend to overshare... so I feel like it is likely someone will share the JUICY stuff!

4. The Social Media Obsessive

This is the person who just can't wait to share info and pictures about the run. The maybe even do it during the run. Being a blogger and a runner, I guess I would be amiss not to put myself into this category...

5. The Frequent Pit Stopper

This is the person who always has to stop and use the bathroom. HELLO! THIS IS ME! When my friend Anne and I did the Bull Run 50 Miler, I started drinking Mountain Dew around mile 26... Which means for the last 24 miles, I was stopping to pee like every 10 minutes! I am pretty sure Anne either jogged or walked ahead. I can't imagine I made her actually stop every time I peed. Either way, that was probably the most I ever stopped to pee ever!

6. The One Stepper

This is the person who is always ONE STEP in front of you. I can't think of ever experiencing this type of annoying running partner.

7. The Space Invader

This is the person that is running behind you but they are up your ass. Unfortunately, I can think of one particular person who would sometimes run with my group who would really be up your ass if he was behind you on a trail run. It was so annoying. Someone running so close to me gives me anxiety! But how do you ask them to back off?

8. The Excuse Maker

This is the person who would have PR'ed except for _____________. (Insert a myriad excuses.) I do know someone like this. Every time I would run with her, she would say, "I may not be able to keep up with you today because _____________. (Insert a myriad of excuses.) This was super annoying because the runner was always much faster than me and was always easily able to "keep up". It was like she had to preface the whole run with all these excuses just IN CASE she didn't perform as well as she would have liked.

9. The Chronically Tardy

No explanation needed. The good news is once you realize someone is chronically tardy, you can be prepared and plan for it. I like to say, "text me when you leave your house". That way I can truly gauge when to meet them.

10. The Chronically Farty

No explanation needed. I can't say I am chronically farting, but if I do need to fart, I make sure I am running behind my running partner, not in front of them!

11. The Historian

This is the person who likes to tell stories about running from decades ago. I don't know anyone like this, but I feel like it would be fun to hear people's old running stories or what the sport was like before I got into it. I guess I am just someone who likes to shoot the shit on a run!

Readers, have you ever experienced these annoying running partners? (#7, #8, & #9 for me!)
Which annoying running partner are YOU? (I am, or have been in the past, #2, #4 & #5. My running friends may claim I fall into more categories!)


  1. LOL I have to confess I am chronically tardy! But The Autobiographer is certainly one I've experienced!!!

    1. Is that why we missed our choral call at Boston!!!??? ;)

  2. These are so funny! I don't have a running partner so I guess the only thing I am guilty of would be that I do tend to talk about my runs, miles and paces to Rick who is super supportive but not a runner so I am always thankful to hear "good job, baby".

    1. You would be guilty of making your running partner get up at 4am!!! :)

    2. I know. I am such a morning person, I am almost a night person!

  3. These are too funny! And this is probably why I am a solo runner:) I would probably do a lot of these thing, and get annoyed if my running partner did any of them!

    1. Haha Kristina feels the same way, so I would say you guys are perfect and should run together but that is totally against the point!

  4. I used to totally be that social media person on Facebook. It's not something I'm proud of, but I would constantly share random runs from mapmyrun or screen shots of my Nike+ runs or Garmin pics on FB....for really no other reason than to humble brag. Even though nooooooobody cared. So glad I've moved out of that phase, but, I think this tends to be more common with newer runners who are still excited about the sport and the progress they're making. Most of them grow out of it eventually - most of the other friends I know who did this are much better about it now too.

    I don't really count being a run blogger in this category though. Because, I mean, if you have a blog about running it's kind of expected that you'll talk about those things. It's different than posting to a more open, diverse crowd like FB, Insta, etc.

    1. I am definitely guilty of some humble bragging on FB but I try to even it out with cat pictures and articles about Bernie Sanders hahaha! I like seeing my friends' workouts on FB. I guess if people are ever sick of my posts they know how to hide me.

  5. I rarely run with others for my workouts, but I run 4 days a week with the kids at cross country practice. I think that they would classify me as overtalkative (asking them questions as a distraction) and someone who is trying to push the pace (or keep them from walking :) ).
    From races, I can say that I will do ANYTHING to get away from the annoying "throat clearers" who are constantly hacking up a lung...

    1. Ewww I hate throat clearers in any situation! Good one. I guess we should add something for mouth/throat/nose noises to this list!

  6. I know some people like this, but I am none of them. When I run with others I like to just listen, because like you I want to know juicy stuff. I am too focused on my actual running to do such things, sigh, I am also very shy. Loud breathers, spitters, whiners (seriously you knew you were going running) They bother me. Have a great day and thanks for the laughs

    1. Oh girl you hit the nail on the head with the loud breathers! I once ran a 20 miler with my littler brother and he sounded like he was hyperventilating the whole time! I finally yelled at him to leave me alone hahaa!

  7. LOL! Great list. My best friend and running partner is always one step ahead of me, but I don't care because I'm a space invader if I don't run on the left side of her. If I'm on her right, I swerve into the backs of her feet. We haven't wiped out yet (running anyway, walking home drunk from the pub is a different story and I had to pick branches out of my hair). I figure that we'll always find something annoying about everybody--we just have to decide if those annoying things are deal breakers or not. Right? Yeah!

    1. Oh my I have meandered into running partners before! We should add "the meanderer" to the list!

  8. All running partners annoy me which is why I don't have any! haha

    I ran with a pace group during a half marathon once and at mile 8 I had to break free because I couldn't take it anymore. Running in a pack was kind of nice because I didn't have to think about pacing, but I hated the constant talking. I don't want to talk to you. I just want to run and maybe get a nice PR. Leave me alone!!! haha

    1. Ooh sassy girl! I have run with a pace group before but broke away because they were too fast for me. :)

  9. I admit I am probably #2 but only when I run with my mom or sister who are helping me train for the marathon. I couldn't even imagine being the "chatty" one. If I think of a story I want to tell, I just say "remind me after the run to tell you about.....". There is no way I could breath, run, AND tell an in depth

    Oh, and I have to say there is no way you are a #4. Believe me! I have seen people who have to document every bit of their run by taking selfies at every mile and then uploading it to all of their social media platforms. I guess they need that #proof!

    1. Hahahaha the #proof!!! :) Well thank you like I said in another comment I have the occasional humble brag on FB but hopefully not over the top. :

  10. And now you know why I run alone...

    I didn't see the heavy breather here...that would be me.

    1. Yes someone mentioned that one! It should definitely be added to the list.

  11. I am sure we can all be one of these on any given day! Welcome back from vaycay!!! :) (I am assuming you're back)

  12. I definitely recognize myself in some of these!! I like knowing I'm not the only one, though :o)

    1. As long as we are self aware enough to admit to it, it softens the blow for others. :)

  13. I have a friend who fits the "farty" category for sure! She is totally OK with holding the title of fart queen. I always laugh because I HATE when I am gassy around people, haha. I'm sure I have done a few of these things every now and then. Great list!

    1. I am embarrassed when I am gassy around people too, but I try to just be upfront if they are close friends and be like "Hey if I walk away for a second, don't follow me!" haha :)
