
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Randomy Randomness

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1. Running makes me HUNGRY. Before vacation, I had been doing a lot of walking, a lot of lifting, and minimal running. But on vacation, I did all the runs I had scheduled. MAN was I HUNGRY! I forgot how hungry running makes me! Just a few days ago I did a really hilly 6 mile run while Paul was fishing. I accomplished a huge hill I hadn't run in quite a long time. I thought if I ran up it, I would feel like myself. Well, run up it I did (albeit slowly!), and now for the rest of the day I was a bottomless pit! It sure was a good feeling. I'm not afraid of eating when I am hungry. If I am hungry, it is for a reason. And I love when that reason is because of a RUN!

2. Many of you asked whether the CBD patch I bought in Colorado helped with my knee pain. I didn't use it until a couple days later. I put it on halfway through our drive from Santa Fe to the Grand Canyon. My knee generally hurts while I drive and it was hurting that day. The patch didn't make the pain go away but it did seem like it stopped it from feeling worse. I did notice that the patch chilled me out- much like an Ativan. Remember, there was no THC in this patch (the compound that makes you high), just CBD. In my opinion, in the situation I used the patch for, an Ibuprofin for the pain and and Ativan to chill me out would have worked just as well as the patch. And since the patch was $16 (one time use!), obviously Ibuprofin and Ativan would be way less expensive! It was cool to try, though.

3. The "unfollow" function on Facebook is one of the best things ever invented. In the past, I have gotten in trouble for unfriending people on Facebook. But if you simply "unfollow" them, you are still their friend, you just don't have to see all the annoying shit they post.

4. We eat at Wendy's now. I wasn't much of a fast food eater (If I craved a burger and fries I wanted "quality" from an actual restaurant), but we had Wendy's on vacation and twice since. That's three times in less than two weeks! I like getting a junior cheeseburger deluxe, a 6 piece nugget, a couple of Paul's fries, and a diet coke. Yup, I am a pig!

Come on, this looks super appetizing...

5. Big Brother has started! Do you watch that show? We have seen every season and are loving this season (17) so far. It's on 3 times a week, plus Big Brother After Dark each night (2-3 hours)... then there are the message boards and of course the pod casts. Yeah, I get really into Big Brother during the summer!

I'm rooting for...

Jason, the PeeWee Herman-esque guy from MA who lives in his mother's basement.

Johnny Mack, the crazy dentist from Scranton, PA

And Da'vonne, the funny new mom who I basically want to be best friends with.

Go them!

6. My garden is fuuuuuuuuuuuucked. Everything is huge and falling over. I had to keep the tomato plants up by tying them to the fence with Christmas ribbon. I got some good peppers so far but only a couple green tomatoes are popping up. Some of the tomato plant's leaves are dead. But I have a shit-ton of cilantro. It's the biggest bush of cilantro I ever saw in my life and I don't know how it happened. So everyone reading this... if you need cilantro, just come over and take it!


7. And now, pictures of me and Jelly. Because.

I can't get any internet-ing done with Jelly on my lap!
Do you like fast food? From where?
How's your garden doing?
Do you watch Big Brother or something equally as silly?
Tell me something random!


  1. I'm always hungry. We just had a weekend away w/ my BIL/SIL and they kept commenting on how much I eat all day long (and I didn't work out at all on that trip!). Thanks for the info on the patches. Good to know. Yes, we eat fast food if Subway counts. If we go to McD's or Wendy's etc, that is super rare but all the places have something I would order--the food has come a long way since we were growing up. My guilty pleasure show is Real Housewives NY. Even though they basically just drink and fight and backstab each other. I can't look away. Sometimes I feel bad about it but I just end up watching more....

    1. There definitely are healthy options now at McD's and Wendy's... unfortunately I am not likely to order them!

      I got really into RHNY a couple years ago! It was back when Bethenny Frankel was on. I loved her. Not so much anymore. :) I was always jealous of how rich they all were!

    2. I don't think you made a bad choice w/ Wendy's. If that is what you want, I say go for it! Yeah, Bethenny is a piece of work. Pretty harsh but she says things I sometimes think so I think that is why I am so intrigued. Even though I think it would be cool to have the $$ they do, I would never want to trade places. I love my simple little life :)

  2. Cilantro is more of a cool (spring and fall) weather plant. I would let it bolt and reseed for the fall. Mine is crazy now too, but hopefully I will have new seedlings in September.
    I have been watching "river Monsters" or something like that name. It is just a guy fishing for HUGE nasty fish. It scares me into fascination...weird, I know.

    1. That must be why cilantro is doing so well. I love cilantro but could never use all I have.

      River Monsters- Paul just got into fishing, maybe he would like it! :)

  3. YES to the hunger! On Sunday I felt like a bottomless pit after my 8-miler. I honestly can't remember what it's like to run true long runs but now I'm remembering why the three months I was marathon training last year were the only months I didn't lose any weight.

    Jelly is such a sweet pea!!! :) :) :)

    1. Yeah marathoning is definitely not conducive to having a calorie deficit! If you want to be running strong, that is.

  4. Arby's chicken fingers and honey mustard used to be my JAM. They have the best honey mustard except... maybe Chik-fil-a does now. I stopped eating fast food in eighth grade so it's been a WHILE. (Like 10 years now?!)

    1. Well that is a great habit to give up, that is for sure. I bet Arby's chicken fingers are goooooood.

  5. I get hungry the same way. On my long run days I feel like I am eating non stop.

  6. If I still lived in PA I would be coming over for cilantro!!

  7. Dang! I didn't know you were a veggie! And I BET you the lifting is why you were craving meat!

  8. Matt and I love the spicy chicken and chilli from wendys! I love that you and Jelly hang out much like Lola and I do. Yesterday it was Canada Day which meant I spent the entire night down on the bed in the guest room because Lola was hiding under it from all the fireworks. Do fireworks scare cats too?

    1. Aw poor Lola! Yes I am sure fireworks would scare Jelly. He is so easily terrified. He will go under the bed if there is thunder. Chrissy will only hide if it's really bad. Usually he will lay on the bay window and watch because he is either 1. Fearless or 2. Really stupid. :)

  9. Big Brother is my summer favorite. I love that fact that it is on multiple times a week…. No delay of gratification for this girl. I’m rooting for Da'vonne too! She is awesome!

    1. Yesss I love how it is on so much. :) Hey we gotta watch SOMETHING while Survivor is on hiatus, right!? ;)

  10. Is it weird that I love runger? I seriously miss it when I'm not training hard. Maybe I love food too much... :) I don't watch Big Brother, but I'm totally not judging because I do watch The Bachelorette, haha.

    1. It is fun to be really hungry and eat. :)

      I watched Bachelorette when Trista was on- dang that was a long time ago!

  11. I love food so much! I am finally back from Costa Rica and am able to comment on blogs. I tried commenting last week on one of your posts (about California drivers), but I don't think it worked. While in Costa Rica, I would go at least 6-7 hours between eating meals and not even feel like I needed to eat. It was such a strange sensation since here all I want to do is eat all of the time. Humidity is good for the diet I guess?

    1. Ooh I didn't know you were on vaycay! I hope you had a great time. I can't imagine going 6-7 hours without food!

  12. I freaking love cilantro! Send some my way!

    I have been unfollowing SO MANY PEOPLE on FB these days. I had no idea I knew so many closed-minded & ignorant people, but I don't want to unfriend them in case one day I post something that helps them change their mind. I keep them as friends for their own benefit haha.

    1. LOL I LOVE your philosophy of keeping them your friends!!!

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