
Thursday, May 7, 2015

What does the chiro say!?

When I say this is quick and dirty, I really mean it! I will probably only proofread this post one or two times, so please excuse any typos or grammatical errors you may come across...

On Wednesday after school, I had a chiro appointment at Olivetti Chiropractic to find out what is going on with the PIMA (Pain In My Ass).

**NOTE: I went for a run/walk Wednesday morning to test the waters. I walked 2 miles, then I alternated running and walking (at quarter mile intervals) for the next 4 miles. So I ended up running 2 miles out of 6. I didn't push my speed (I think know that is what did me in on Friday) and I worked really hard to have impeccable form. Throughout the rest of the day, my hip was a tiny bit tight and I felt some sciatica twinging on the way home from school but that is IT. This is a VAST difference from how I felt after my run on Friday!**

Here's so scoop...

I went into the exam room and explained my situation to Dr. Olivetti. He had me touch my toes, do some lunges, and some other things. Then I laid down on the table and he was feeling around at my hip. He said I have a tight hip capsule. Apparently, this can pull on some of the muscles in the glutes and affect the sciatic nerve. He did not mention the pirimormis.

Dr. Olivetti performed some ART on my hip and my sciatic nerve. This basically means he was digging his thumbs into my hips/glutes/sciatica while I moved my leg in various directions. I was sweating. It hurt but it is nowhere near the pain I felt when he was working on my planter fasciitis several years ago! (I always compare things to the time he worked on my plantar fasciitis, which was the most painful thing I ever experienced besides when I had dry socket from my wisdom teeth extraction!) It's amazing what you can endure when you know it means you'll be one step closer to running pain free.

He did ART for about 10 minutes and set me up for an appointment on Friday morning. He said not to run until he sees me again. No running for 2 days? Psh. Child's play. I will lift chest tomorrow and do one of my walking workouts on Friday. (Check my blog tomorrow for some walk workout ideas!)

Dr. Olivetti didn't seem overly concerned or perplexed about what was going on. I asked what I could do at home to help things. He showed me some stretches (pigeon pose, couch stretch, figure 4... same things I have been doing) and said foam rolling would help too. Good thing I have my Supernova!

So that's the story my friends! Nothing too crazy, so I guess that is good. I am really glad I was able to do 2 miles today without any problems. With the information I have, I am confident that stretching, foam rolling, and seeing Dr. Olivetti for some ART with help me kick this PIMA!!!!

Oh, and he ADJUSTED me for the first time. Have you ever been ADJUSTED???

Also, I just want to mention that if you live in the Harrisburg/Camp Hill Area, I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Olivetti's office. Everyone there is EXTREMELY nice and they work with your insurance to get you the most comprehensive coverage possible. My only complaint is that there are times I have to wait a bit, but that is just how the story goes in health care. And really, Dr. Olivetti is worth the wait!


  1. That is SUCH great news, Megan. I hope by the time you see him tomorrow things are coming along even better.

    I have dealt w/ hip & SI joint issues since I had a bike accident almost 20 years ago. Years of different therapies but finally in the last year have been working w/ a PT team that is really helping me. One of the things I am encouraged NOT to do is stretch. Crazy, huh? Anyway, it's all about finding the right path for you and sticking to the plan. Sounds like Dr. Olivetti has a very solid treatment plan and I bet by next week you will be back to running! YAY.

    Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Susan! I feel very hopeful. I remember you telling me you are encouraged not to stretch! I want to research more about that because I know stretching is not always a good thing. Do you foam roll your glutes/hips ever and does that seem to help you? Looking forward to a walk/run this weekend!

    2. Yes, I do. I am totally allowed to foam roll and use my lacrosse ball and I can do some stretching of hip flexors, quads and upper body. I am definitely not encouraged to get into pigeon pose and absolutely NO hamstring stretching. I think (for me) this is the right answer. I trust my PT team and try to be as compliant as possible.

      Your walk/run is gonna feel amazing!! I'm excited for you :)

  2. Glad to hear that its not anything serious! I think that a tight muscle anywhere along the sciatic nerve can cause a little pinch and more pain than you would think. I actually ordered a supernova the other day after trying it out at my chirp's office! I think it will be a great addition to my collection of torture devices:)

    1. I am glad too, and I a plan to do some more research about the muscles in that area and the sciatic nerve. I like learning and I like taking care of myself!

      Yes the super nova will be great for you! Honestly, my foam roller doesn't feel like it is doing anything for me anymore. I need something a little more... rough.

  3. I'm glad it's nothing that your chiro is too worried about! That's always reassuring. I've been thinking about going to the chiro to get adjusted for awhile now...

    1. I am indifferent about the whole adjustment thing. I mean, I don't FEEL any different but if he thinks it will help my running, then okay.

  4. I am glad it seems like a very manageable diagnosis...I have never been to see a chiro...

    The supernova looks painful--I usually just grab one of my son's lacrosse balls!

    1. It is not that bad! Maybe a tinge more "bitey" than your lacross ball. But you know how there are just some parts of your body that seem like they need some DEEP lovin'? That's what my supernova is for.

  5. Oh you just had to bring up the DRY SOCKETS. I remember getting my wisdom teeth out in high school...woof.

    So glad it's nothing serious! Sounds like you and the supernova will make a quick recovery and be back to your speedy self in no time.

    1. Did you get it too?? Worst pain ever. I remember calling the doctor back to ask for some more vicodin after a week and they were like, "You need to come in right away!"

  6. Glad it's nothing serious! As I get older I find myself getting stiffer and those poses are pretty helpful. I'm stretching every morning and night now.

  7. I'm glad your chiro is good! I've never been adjusted. What's it like?!

    1. Well I don't know if there are different ways to be adjusted, but what he did to me was had me lay on my side and I think he twisted the upper half of my body one way and the lower half the other way and my whole back cracked. It didn't hurt but it felt weird!
