
Friday, May 8, 2015

How to make a walk CRAZIER! (VIDEO!)

As you know, I have been doing a lot of walking lately. So many readers comment on my blog and say, "I could never just walk!" I understand. But at least walking is something. And there are lots of things you can do to make your walk a little crazier... Read on for suggestions!

Note: All of these workouts are designed to be relatively low impact. Because if your goal is to give your body a rest from running, you may as well make the most of it and not replace running with just another high impact activity.

**If you want to see a demonstration of some of the exercises below, or just want to hear my shrill valley girl voice for a few minutes, scroll down and watch the video below.**

Can you think of any other ways to make a walk CRAZY?


  1. Awesome! I think this will help a lot of people when they walk only because I know (for me) when I only walk I miss getting my heart really pumping. Moves like this really rev up the heart rate quickly and like you said, cause you to be out of breath which then makes your body feel a little more like it does when you run.

    Thank you so much for posting this!

    1. Yeah! You can get that endorphin rush that is sometimes hard to get from walking. I know I felt HIGH AS A FREAKING KITE after my walk/run on Wed. I don't normally feel so high when I just walk.

  2. I have gone on a walk and we have a small hill in our neighborhood which I will sometimes walk up backwards--it helps activate the gluts! (and yes, people think I am crazy...)

    1. Haha they probably think I am crazy for doing push ups on the sidewalk but oh well. We're jacked and they aren't So there. ;)

  3. I'm so behind on everything in life!

    I need to reply to your email!! I will do that today, I promise!

    Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk<<< such a good book!

    Dang, I like your work routine, that would definitely make walking feel less boring! When I walk I always think, "If i was running I would have gotten to this tree/lamp post/building/fire hydrant X minutes faster" and that type of thinking drives me crazy!

    1. Yeah, I like walking, but RUNNING is just faster. I have to get up waaaay earlier to walk 4 miles than if I was going to run 4 miles.

  4. Do you drop right down on the sidewalk and do those planks, push-ups, buprees, etc?

    1. Heck yes! I sometimes go on the grass just to the side of the sidewalk. Watch out for dog poop. :)

  5. How fun :)

    People who can never "just walk" don't know what they're missing! Going for a long aimless walk is one of life's greatest pleasures. I used to do it almost every single day when I was younger, even if it was 100 degrees out. It's such a good way to unwind and get fresh air. No, it's not exactly a killer workout, but that's not really the point. In my humble opinion :) #TeamWalking

    1. lol glad you are on board with walking! Whenever I take time off from running and walk, at first I always wish I was running. But then it gets easier because walks are really nice too. Of course I wish I could run AND walk but soon enough, soon enough.

  6. Love your ways of spicing it up! I agree with Hanna above, I can just go outside and walk aimlessly for hours. Same with jogging slowly. I know these things are not the best for changing your body physically, or getting a great heart pumping workout, but for some odd reason, I really enjoy the easy, mindless wandering! However, I know getting your heart pumping and challenging your body are very healthy, and I love how you incorporated those moves do get a great workout ;) Try chihuahua walking to get a really great aimless, slow non-workout walk in! (If you enjoy that sort of thing..)

    1. Haha I can't imagine walking a chihuahua! I wish I could walk my cats. I doubt they would stay on the sidewalk though.

      I don't think there's anything wrong with long aimless walks if that is what you enjoy. :) I have definitely come to enjoy both the heart pounding workouts as well as my walks. Although I do walk really fast, so I can't say I am aimless when I do it.

  7. I should've known you would make walking more fun than just a WALK!!! Obviously you threw in planks etc!! I feel silly for not realizing you would've been your walks more fun lol.

    1. Hahaha! You know, I should also mention the best way to make a walk CRAZIER is to go for a walk with a fun friend. I walk with my friend Bree whenever we can get together and boy is it fun and saucy!

  8. I can just imagine my neighbours if I stopped, dropped and planked! They already think I'm the crazy running

  9. Oh yes, I am one of those people who has a really hard time just walking. This weekend, my runner friend and I went east to go hiking and our first hike turned into a trail run. Neither one of us were dressed for running. It was a classic case of two insane runners who should not be running getting the urge to run and just going for it.
