
Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up! (All kinds of random stuff!)

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I have a huge week coming up- dress rehearsals, our show, and Open House at school. Having a 3 day weekend to mentally prepare was SO WONDERFUL! Here is what I was up to...

Paul and I went on a disc golf/running date... our first in quite a long time. We hit up Pinchot Park so he could get some disc golf practice and I could train for the Charlie Horse Half Marathon.

Let me brag about my hubby for a minute. He threw his disc from the platform shown below.... 247 feet and it landed about 2 feet from the basket!

Come on Adidas, where is your sponsorship????

We had a gift card to The Olive Garden leftover from Christmas and on Friday night, we finally used it!

The wait for a table was pretty long, so we waited at the bar. Oh darn.

That person in yellow behind me was a little boy who sitting at the bar while his mom drank.
The boy had a sippy cup and goldfish crackers. Ugh! Kids at the bar? Please no. Even if it is just the OG.

While we were out and about, we also hit up TJ Maxx and Marshall's... just to putz around. I am slowly stock piling sunglasses for the summer. The rules are they have to look fabulous and they have to cost less than $10... because I don't want to feel bad when I lose them/break them.

I saw these cat treats at Giant. What the heck!? But apparently our cousin's cat loves them, so maybe Chrissy and Jelly would like them.

When we got home, we ate donuts and played cards. Christmas was all up in our business, as usual.

And here is my biggest accomplishment of Thursday and Friday...

And here is my biggest accomplishment of Saturday morning...

This was an easy one.

That afternoon, I went to my friend Karen's house for a Girls Day! I love my friends! We had so much fun that Girls Day turned into a Girls Night!

I had such an awesome time at my parent's house for Easter. Visiting with family members I don't see very often and swapping stories and laughs is the best. And on the way there, I stopped by the Appalachian Trail for an early morning trail run. It was gorgeous! I will tell you more about it in an upcoming post! (Sorry for the tease, but if I tell you everything all at once, I wouldn't be able to blog every day!

My mom still makes us Easter baskets. I don't know if she will ever stop. She is just sweet like that! Look what Paul and I got in our baskets this year...

Does my mom know us or does she know us!?
I sure did a lot of random junk this weekend... Tell me something random about your weekend!


  1. Nice job, Paul. Adidas should be calling any day!
    Excited to hear about your trail run Sunday. Bet it feels awesome to be back out there.
    Random=we went shopping on Saturday and it finally confirmed how much I hate shopping. I get completely overwhelmed when I walk in the store. It is SO much stuff. I have now accepted I am much, much better at online shopping w/ the option to either ship back for free or return to a nearby store if I don't like it. Whew, glad I got that resolved :)

    1. lol what kind of shopping were you doing? I like it as long as I am in the mood. In the summer (when I have a lot of time off work) I love to go out and wander for hours at like Marshalls or TJ Maxx or something. I'll go out for a couple hours and either buy nothing or spend like 8 bucks and it was a fun relaxing day!

    2. Shopping for spring clothes. I work from home 3x per week and then I basically wear yoga clothes so I needed actual tops to wear to the office (I wasn't even venturing into skirts, pants, etc). Rick talked me through it and we left w/ 4 new tops. Then I needed a cocktail.

  2. Something random about my weekend was that people at Home Depot now know me by name. Its kind of a long story, but I think I have been going there too much lately!

    1. That is funny! Home Depot people are the LAST people that would know my name. :)

  3. I have only ever heard of disc golf from your blog and have been intrigued ever since! I'm going to OG for lunch this week and near the OG they are building a Marshalls. I hope it opens soon!

    1. Disc golf is not huge around there but it is picking up steam. It is really big in CO and the West Coast! He hopes to play there when we are on vaycay this summer.

    2. Yes, BIG in Colorado. The HS right near our house has a course. How about that...yet, another reason for Meg and Paul to move to Colorado :) LOL

  4. My mom still makes Easter baskets too!
    Sounds like a fun weekend. Good luck with your concert this week!
    Random: Dropped off my middle child for a 4 day field trip with school to Wash. DC.
    I am excited for her.

    1. That sounds like an exciting trip! Washington DC is a really cool place. I would love to spend several days there. It is kind of sad that I live so close yet I have only been there 2-3 times.

  5. Is disc golf something Paul can compete in or is it mostly an individual sport? It sounds like he would kick ass if he could compete!

    I don't know about beef lung but Cecil is OBSESSED with freeze dried chicken and turkey. He cannot handle himself around 100% freeze dried treats! Haha

    1. They do have clubs that compete, but even though Paul is pretty good, he actually says he is not good enough to be in the club. I sort of believe him because I feel like he would do it if he thought he was good enough. Lol is that bad? But he thinks maybe one day he will do it.

      I am going to have to look for the freeze dried stuff then! Christmas will eat ANYTHING. He licked ranch dressing off my salad last night. We call him the garbage truck.

    2. Cecil is a garbage truck too! He will eat literally anything, even a slice of plain bread if he can get his paws on it!

      Freeze dried chicken and turkey treats are/were C's favorite. I had to stop buying them because he would GO CRAZY and cry all day and night for them. These are the ones I used to get him: If you buy them just remember I warned you! haha

    3. Thank you! Because I spoil them I will definitely try these. :) Even with your warning!

  6. Oh cool what were you up to in Bmore???

  7. Wow - impressive frisbee throw!!!
    Hope your week isn't too stressful as you get ready for your program!!
    And, I agree - kids do not belong at the bar ever!!!

  8. One of my biggest pet peeves is when parents bring their kids to inappropriate places (like late night movies or bars). Mom should've waited in the lobby with her kiddo, seriously.

    It looks like you had a fun weekend!

    1. Thank you for the validation! Although now that I think about it, if I had a kid I would need to drink too so.... ;)

  9. Sounds like a great weekend. Glad you got out for a nice trail run-excited to hear the details! I had a lovely weekend. The weather was beautiful both days, so the usual walking/running. Sunday we had an amazing lunch for Easter at a French restaurant with a big group of family and friends. The food was outstanding, only I am used to much more meat! Could have easily eaten 2 plates of my meal. Good thing I always carry an emergency banana ;)

    1. lol! An E-nanner. :) I am glad you had a great Easter lunch. It sure was gorgeous this weekend!
