
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Back on the TRAIL!

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On Good Friday, Paul and I hit up Pinchot Park for a disc golf/running date. I was scared to trail run. I haven't been on the trail in months. Even though I used to run trail all the freaking time,  the task ahead seemed daunting. I remembered how difficult it was and I didn't know if my body was ready for it. But with a trail half marathon coming up at the end of May, I knew I only had a couple more weekends in which I could actually train on the terrain of the race. It was so weird to be afraid of running on a trail I have run sooooooo many times. What was there to be afraid of? Pain? Failure? The unknown? I was extremely intimidated.

It felt strange putting on my trail shoes. They feel so different from my road shoes.
I wear Mizuno Wave Ascends. I think they are the trail version of my Wave Riders.
I probably need a new pair, but at this point I think I am going to wear these for my race in May.
I ran the Lakeside Trail at Pinchot Park. It goes around the entire lake and is not too technical or hilly. It was a great place to ease my way back into trail running! I did some out and backs so that I was never more than a 10 minute sprint away from where Paul was playing disc golf. I have to be available in case he has any problems.
As you can tell from the picture, it was a pretty dreary day, but it was warm and humid. I wore shorts and could have been in just my sports bra if I wanted to. What a difference from my morning runs this week where it was in the low to mid 20s!
I ran into Paul around Mile 2. He was killing it on the disc golf course!
The section of trail I started on wasn't too technical, and it didn't feel like any more of an effort than my neighborhood runs felt. That was a relief! After about a mile, I wasn't afraid anymore. I felt good! And I was smelling smells I hadn't smelled in a long time! It was a combination of warm weather, rain, and THE WOODS!
Augh hunting! I hate it. I did hear gunshots in the distance but it was many, so I think it was just a shooting range or something.
This was not a hard run due to the terrain not being technical, but it was just what I needed to at least get some confidence back. I wasn't even sore the next day! Next up... something more difficult!
When was the last time you were legitimately afraid of something running related?


  1. Nice job and I love the picture at the end. You look HAPPY.
    I think every time I go out and run I have a bit of a fear in the back of my head that something will hurt and cause me to stop. I guess I just go into very cautious and prepared to walk instead of run. Sounds paranoid but girl has has a lot of issues as I have gotten into my 40's. But I am always SO grateful at the end when I do it (like your photo! that is how I feel on the inside). But today, no fear. It's a swimming day after a lovely running day yesterday :)

    1. I have the same paranoia you have, Susan! I should start swimming. I think that would be really good for my body.

    2. I think you should. I will tell you this: swimming never hurts! Ever.
      Neither does cycling but swimming is truly amazing. Feel great after 1.5 miles then 20 minutes in the hot tub.

  2. I have a fear of getting lost on the trails when I run. I have a habit of spacing out!
    I love the picture at the end! I can't wait to get back on the trails too!

    1. I've gotten lost, but not LOST lost, you know what I mean?

  3. I love running on the trail! I will admit that we ha quite a scar this past December and it has me frightened to run by myself now. I hadn't really had to worry about that cus I got injured shortly after that and stopped running but I worry what this means for this summer. I don't want to be fearful but I don't want to be nieve (yea, I know that word is spelled wrong) either.

    1. Oh no, what happened to you on the trail? I am sorry you had a scary experience. There is definitely a fine line between being safe and not being scared to just enjoy life. I search for that line.

  4. I never run trails because we don't have any :( I think in theory I'd love them!!

    Sometimes if I'm out of the habit of running in the dark, it scares me. But I get used to it again quickly!

    1. If you ever come to PA I will take you on a trail run!

      What are you scared of when running in the dark?

  5. It was smoother. I was happy Paul was active too :) He is slowly getting comfy with what he can and can't do.

    I know what you mean about running regularly. We just have to change what we count as "regularly". For me, it used to be every day. Now, 3-4 times a week is what I can do and I am happy. Less running = running for LONGER!
