
Saturday, March 14, 2015

"Weekly" Workout Recap!

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Here is what I had goin' on!

3/7- A wonderfully semi warm double digit run! I almost had to abort my run because my second toe on my left foot would NOT regain feeling. During my warm up walk, both of my feet became almost entirely frozen. It wasn't even that cold out! So while I was running, I was continuously moving my toes and feet around. At mile 2, I finally had everything warm except that second toe. It was not budging. I thought about taking my shoes off and rubbing it until it got warm, but finally at mile 2.85 I could feel it again and the rest of the run went swimmingly.

3/8- Another great run with great weather!

3/9- This was one of those runs that felt effortless. I usually don't look at my Garmin until the end of a run, and I actually thought I was running faster than this! Oh well, it was a run that felt good, so I can't be greedy, right?

3/10- The "usual" chest workout. Almost did it in my jammies. Almost.

3/11- Race For Paws Virtual 10k! You can read about it here.

3/12- Crowded gym.

3/13- Chest at home!

I know my workouts don't seem super exciting, but it's good to have a routine, right?


  1. I like that you list your strength workouts--I decided to try listing my strength workouts so they get done! I have to say, we are getting some warmer weather here too, and it is great to run in the 20's and 30's! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. You should! I am more interested in that than seeing a pic of someone's Garmin. But that is just me, I am weird. Well not weird, but obviously you can tell from my workouts that lifting is a big part of what I do. And since it do split body parts, it gives my LOWER body a rest that day, you know?

  2. It's so weird when my feet are numb during a run. It rarely happens, but when it does it's so distracting! It takes talent to wiggle your toes while keeping your stride going lol!

    1. I know! I was thinking I better not eff up my knee from wiggling my toes.

  3. What was up with the gym this week? On Wednesday my gym was packed! I've never seen it like that before. All of the weight benches and treadmills were taken... usually I'm one of maybe three people total in there!

    So frustrating too because 90% of the treadmills were taken by people walking very slowly. I get that walking can be a great, but not at the speed these people were meandering along at while texting on their phones ... especially the one girl just walking on the treadmill next to her boyfriend/husband while fiddling with her hair and doing random dance moves. She thought she was really cute. *EYEROLL* haha

    1. My gym was super crowded this week too! And there was one day that this girl was literally sitting on a weight bench (we have 4) and just talking to some guys she was with. I stared at her rudely, because I can't be mean to people, but how aggravating. At least stand up and talk. Don't take up a bench for people who are ACTUALLY working out!

    2. So frustrating! It's amazing how oblivious and inconsiderate people can be at the gym >:(

    3. People are no not self aware. How annoying!

  4. Surprising that the gym is so busy with the weather warming up - maybe people are trying a last ditch effort to get into shape:)

    1. Yeah it was very random! Especially at that time of the morning.

  5. LOL...I like the title, "crowded gym." I feel like there's no explanation needed. ;) I ran a half last year in March and my toes didn't regain feeling until after 4 miles.
