
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up! (MLK Day Expansion Pack!)

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I had a great 3 day weekend! Best one in awhile....

I went for a lovely 3 mile walk in the morning. The walk was nice, but I would have rather been running for 45 minutes than walking for 45 minutes.

The students had an early dismissal from school, which means all of my classes were shortened from a half hour to twenty minutes. It really makes for a whirlwind day! But I was good. I didn't get stressed, I didn't try to be a hero and get ALL THE THINGS DONE. I just accepted that it was not going to happen and didn't stress over it.

That evening, we had a birthday party for my dad! We went to my brother's house and celebrated with pizza, shoo fly pie, and games. I love my family!

Dad and his granddaughter, Clementine

Uncle Paul and Ellie

Dad, Tyler, Debby, and Paul play mindless games

I taught Grandma what a selfie is!

Paul shaved! What youngin'!

Found this on my camera... sorry little bro, now it's on my blog!

I had an awesome workout at Planet Fitness! I lifted back, stretched, did some core, and of course, mobility work. When I got home, I went for a 3 mile walk.

I take pre run selfies, so here is a pre walk selfie. Hey, you can't drink coffee on a run, so walking isn't that bad.... not!

A book I ordered off Amazon came in the mail today! It is called That Terrible Halloween Night and I remember reading it as a child. When I found it online, I had to get it. Reading it really brought back childhood memories!

We spent the day running errands and cleaning the house because Bob and Rachel came over for a small game night!

Da crew

Buzzword... We lost!

Rachel and I got in an argument with Bob about feminism.
We were not happy.

I had Diet Mountain Dew.
Why is it in the house?
Now I must practice self control.

I walked 9 miles on Sunday! I went for a 4 miler in the morning and then a 5 miler with my friend Bree.

Walking that much actually made me very tired! Jelly and I spent some time on the couch watching Fashion Police.

You can't even tell which end is which end on Jelly!

Kathy Griffin has replaced Joan Rivers as a host. I know some people hate Kathy but I love her and I think she is hilarious! I am definitely going to keep watching Fashion Police, even though I do miss Joan!

Paul spent a lot of Sunday watching football and I went to bed really early... walking 9 miles in no joke!


An extra, wonderful day off! We began the day watching Survivor...Then I did an at home workout and mobility work.

(Some of my mobility work I did in the morning and then I did some in the evening.)

For lunch, we got sushi with a gift card we got for Christmas. It was DELICIOUS.

Then we went to see American Sniper with a gift card we got for Christmas! The movie was really good, but also very gut wrenching. Bradley Cooper is AMAZING.

This is the outfit I wore ALL WEEKEND.
I wore it to my brother's.
I wore it for game night.
And I wore it to the movies.

We finished out the day the same way we started... more Survivor! (We just finished Season 6. I think Season 2 is next!)
What is the most you have ever walked?
Do you watch Fashion Police?
Did you see American Sniper yet?
Ever wear the same outfit all weekend?


  1. Such a good point! Coffee & Walking, awesome. :D I can't believe you walked for 9 miles!!! I am wondering what voodoo floss is? I do not know workout terminology at all, lol.

    1. I should have put a link on here too! I just assume everyone reads EVERY post PRECISELY when I post it. ;)

  2. I didn't know Kathy Griffin replaced Joan. I don't think I can watch it because it won't be the same! I'm dying to go to the movies, I really want to see American Sniper and Unbroken!

    1. I think if I didn't like KG so much, I wouldn't want to watch it either.

  3. Cute outfit!!!
    I don't enjoy walking as much either but force myself to do it sometimes. Fun that you had a friend for your 5 mile walk - m,ames the time pass so much quicker!!!
    I don't know if I will watch American Sniper - movies like that cause me a lot of stress.

    1. It is a stressful movie... we have been watching Homeland so it sort of prepped me a little. I did have to close my eyes and cover my ears at two parts.

  4. I went for a 17 mile walk/hike once. I was tired! At the end I felt like running to get it over with faster!
    It sounds like a fun weekend.
    I am the queen of outfit recycling. If I find something that is comfy and works, I wear it all the time! Unfortunately, it usually involves workout clothes!

    1. Oh I love sweats and workout type clothes! That's why I am glad leggings are in style. :) WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WHEN I CAN'T WEAR LEGGINGS ANYMORE???

  5. You guys will love it when you see it!

    I am starting to enjoy my walks for all of those reasons! When I run, I feel like everything needs to be JUST RIGHT. Headphone volute adjusted, gloves correct, etc etc... but on a walk, it's like, hey I can fix it whenever I fee like it!
