
Monday, December 15, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up!

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I had an exhausting weekend. Even though the days were long and full of activity, this is a short wrap up with minimal pictures. I wasn't feeling very picture-y this weekend, I guess.

Here is what I was up to...

I lifted at Planet Fitness in the morning- it was a back/legs day. I am getting stronger on my pull ups! It's nice to see some progress. But the real highlight of my gym session was that I actually remembered to pack clean socks to wear to work... I wasn't so lucky last time!

Work was a whirlwind because the students had an early dismissal. That means back to back 20 minute music classes with me frantically trying to fit everything in.

After work, I had two new personal training clients. Slowly but surely, I am building up my business! If you are interested, you can schedule a free consultation with me at Megan Michael Training!

After my 12 hour day, I finally made it home to cuddle with the kitties and Paul. And by cuddle, I mean eat dinner and watch Homeland. Are you watching this season of Homeland? It started out sort of ridiculous, but now it is so terrifying. It is scarier than this season of American Horror Story... which is sad for AHS, but good for Homeland!

Saturday, I was up dark and early since it is impossible for me to sleep more than 7 hours these days- even if I am really tired! I did a chest/shoulders workout at home, but didn't go too crazy because I was going to be spending the next several hours helping my brother and his family move to their new home! Oh, and I lifted in my PJs.

Helping my brother move completely exhausted me. Like, the kind of exhaustion I feel after running a marathon. When we were done, I went home and laid on the couch for a couple hours and just zoned out to a couple episodes of Dr. G: Medical Examiner.

My brother was a machine. I don't know how he survived this weekend!

That night, we had another couple over for a game night. I was so tired that it was a little hard to enjoy the evening fully. It was a late night, but I didn't stress too much because I knew I could sleep in the next day if I wanted to.

My body would not let me sleep in on Sunday, but I did get to veg out on the couch for awhile. I did not feel great at all, but went out to do a short speed workout anyway. It went surprisingly well, but I was glad to shower and get warm.

Then I helped my brother move some more. What an exhausting weekend! And I did probably 5% of the work he did!

Oh yeah, Jelly helped me "wrap" some Christmas presents.

When I go home, I was starving. It was carbohydrate time! I had a big bowl of spaghetti, half a bagel with melted colby jack cheese on it, and then a small pumpkin pie Blizzard for dessert. This was all consumed within 30 minutes. I felt a little less depleted after eating, but I was still really tired and was in bed playing Scrabble on my phone by 8 o'clock.

Have you ever helped anyone move?
Ever workout in your PJs?
Do you do split body parts when lifting or full body workouts?


  1. I would kill to be in bed at 8! The weekend was definitely too short - I'm very much looking forward to having the whole of next week off. And your carbs on carbs sound delicious :)

    1. I'm looking forward to next week off, too! I need to relax. And it's not even my full time job that is tiring me/stressing me out. It's all the other little odds and ends I do.

  2. I've helped friends move, and I've moved myself and they've helped me. Moving SUCKS. Helping people move can be even worse because you're doing all that same work but it's not even your stuff. But it does make you appreciate being able to go home to an apartment where everything's all moved in!

    I wish I had the problem of not being able to sleep in even when I'm tired. I'd get so much more done. Yesterday I didn't get out of bed til 11! Whoops!

    1. Well, it is good because like you said, at least you can get more stuff done. Like today, I grocery shopped and go gas before work since I woke up early again!

  3. Moving is the worst! And I can't even imagine 20-minute classes. Did you get anything done in that time? Seems like you'd just get them settled in and it'd be time to go again.

    1. Yup, by the time their little 6 yr old wiggley selves are calmed down it's time to ship them out!

  4. Argh I hate moving! I think when we move next year into a dog friendly apartment we'll be hiring movers. It's just so exhausting and I don't want to waste any of my vacation days from work on the move. (the apartment complexes down here don't let you move in/out on the weekends for some reason)

    I love when you post for strength workouts with the weights! It's so motivating for me. I got in a good upper body workout on Saturday as well. Maybe I'll post it this week!

    So exciting that you have two new personal training clients! Do you meet them at their/your gym for the sessions?

    1. I support your decision to hire movers!

      I would love to see a post of your upper body workout. :) I like to know what other people do. Not only am I nosey, but I like to learn!

      My clients... The one wanted me to write them a program, so I went to her house to teach it to her. The other one, we meet on a weekly basis and map out her fitness and nutritional goals for the week, so that is what I was doing. I have yet to train anyone anywhere other than their homes, but a lot of them have weights/benches and stuff. Actually, I am pretty jealous of their workout equipment!

    2. That's really cool! It must be really nice to have a full home gym! Adam and I always say we can't have kids because whenever we have a place with a third bedroom it will be used as a home gym!

    3. The second room is the guest room... we don't sleep in separate bedrooms! haha

    4. I didn't think so, I just figured Cecil has his own room. ;)

  5. I hope you can get some rest! It is funny how doing something different can completely exhaust you, when you are so in shape. I felt the same when after some serious gardening/landscaping this fall!
    I often exercise in pjs--mostly because it is just too cold to change! As a parent, I can't stand 1/2 days either...

    1. That's the same reason I don't change into "real" clothes! :)

      Yes, I thought I was in good shape until it was time to carry 100 boxes...

  6. I used to move my younger sister every time she moved (about once a year for awhile) - she would call me to come pack her stuff - move it all then unpack for her. Yep - always hard work!!!

    1. Wow, she owes you! And I know you sometimes help tenants move, right?

  7. All that moving does sound really tiring! I normally do full body lifting, but I want to start experimenting and find a good split that works for me. Sometimes I'll do yoga or pilates in my PJs if I'm feeling extra lazy :)

  8. I'm exhausted just reading about your weekend. Moving is the worst and you are the best sister for helping!

  9. I helped my parents move a few years ago and it was exhausting! Even with having movers there was still so much stuff to do! I
    ve definitely worked out in my PJs! Especially if Im just doing an at home workout in the morning, I see no point in changing into workout clothes:)

    1. I am not so strange then! I hope if we ever move, we can afford movers. :)

  10. You are my hero for running in your PJs! I say we all do a PJ run and take pics :)
