
Sunday, December 21, 2014

ANSWERS: 2 Truths & 1 Lie

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Here are the answers to yesterday's 2 Truths & 1 Lie post!

1. I was on swim team for 7 years as a kid.

2. In middle school, I won a jump rope competition.

3. My goal in high school gym class was to sweat as little as possible so I didn't have to get a shower.

Congratulations to Eugenia for guessing the lie correctly!

Now I feel like a must elaborate on some of these statements....

I was on swim team for 7 years as a kid. I wasn't a "serious" swimmer. Our swim team was only during the summer. My favorite part was hanging out with my friends at practice, and of course, the meets. I think I liked practice when I was younger, but when I got older, I started to hate it. My goal for each practice was to skip laps and swim as little as possible. When I was young, I was pretty good at backstroke and breast stroke. As I got older, I sort of evened out and usually had to swim butterfly and the IM. I wasn't particularly good at these events, but we had a small swim team, so I was their best option. I am very thankful that I know how to swim! It comes in handy when you're injured...

My goal in high school gym class was to sweat as little as possible so I didn't have to get a shower. My first instinct is to say I was lazy, but I don't think that was the case. I just didn't CARE. I did not, and STILL do not have any interest at all in playing sports. And because I didn't care, I didn't try. So to this day, I am not good at sports. You do not want me on your volleyball or softball team, and I do not want to be on your volleyball or softball team. I do have to mention that my hatred of gym class had NOTHING to do with my gym teacher. I really liked my gym teacher, and looking back, I'm surprised she was so nice to me since I didn't try worth a damn! Now that I am a teacher, I totally get how frustrating that must have been!

As for the jump rope competition...  I mostly pulled that one out of my ass. I did like to jump rope as a kid, but it was more of an elementary school thing. And I definitely wasn't entering any competitions!
Were you ever on swim team?
Did you like gym in high school?
Have you ever won an award in a sport other than running?


  1. Wellllllll I am really bad at guessing! :D

    PS: This post didn't show up in my blog reader so I thought you skipped a day of blogging for the first time!

    1. Skip a day!????? I am sure it is bound to happen, but not yet!

  2. Yah! I won ;)

    No, I was never on a swim team, but apparently I was a good swimmer as a little kid. My dad pushed me to continue, but I didn't want to...and no, I did NOT like gym in school. I always felt self conscious and uncoordinated. I wasn't particularly fast or good at anything either, which didn't help!

    1. Sorry that I don't have a better prize for you other than the shout out! :)

  3. In high school I didn't have to take PE because I was in athletics for my PE credits. And, I always got sweaty since it was cross country and track!

    1. That's cool! Obviously, I didn't play any sports in HS hehehe. I was in all the musicals, though!

  4. Yay, I love when you do these posts! I felt the same way in High school

  5. You're always so sneaky...jump rope really IS more elementary! I should've thought of that! lol
