
Saturday, December 20, 2014

2 Truths & 1 Lie

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Two of the following statements are true about me. One is a lie. Can you guess the lie?

1. I was on swim team for 7 years as a kid.

2. In middle school, I won a jump rope competition.

3. My goal in high school gym class was to sweat as little as possible so I didn't have to get a shower.

Leave your guess for the “lie” in the comments below! I will announce the answer in a few days! The winners get… BRAGGING RIGHTS! (Sorry, I don’t score free samples of things to give out.)


  1. I'm going to go with the swim team as the lie. This was a tough one! I definitely see number three as being true because that was totally me!

    1. Me too! I HATED gym and I hated being sweaty!!! Oh how times have changed. It's amazing how different we can become.

  2. I think #2 is probably true because I remember doing jump rope competitions in middle school so that seems plausible.

    Choosing between #1 and #3 is hard. I think a lot of people's goal in high school is to avoid having to take an awkward shower though, so I'm going to go with....

    #1 is the lie.

    1. I always wanted to be able to do double dutch. I remember seeing them do it on Sesame Street and I always wanted to learn!

  3. Have no idea, but I am going to say the jump rope competition is a lie!

  4. It's gotta be swim team - or else I'm certain you would be a triathlete by now. :)

    1. I wouldn't rule out a tri for me but it is not on my short list!

  5. I think I am going to go with swim team! I don't remember you ever mentioning it before. But this may be biased because I did compete in jump rope competitions (I'm still super good at jump roping) and I definitely got out of PE pretty much every single day of my high school career.

  6. Man, I wish I read this post before I saw the

  7. I'm going with #3! That sounds like me as a kid haha.
