
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Who Am I!?

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Guys, I don't even know who I am anymore. I like running in cold weather!

I was so not looking forward to running in the cold this winter. But last week, I reluctantly got out all of my winter gear and fessed up to the fact that the cold weather was probably here to stay. I was right. This past week gave us PA'ers "feels like" morning temperatures anywhere between 8-23 degrees. Pretty freaking cold!

But it didn't suck! And on Friday morning, I was actually looking forward to a brisk, cold run! I had my Survivor pod casts loaded up and was ready to just zone out. I even wished I had time to run more than my normal 5 miles. Sometimes I am an icicle after 5 miles of running and need to go inside. But I felt good and could have gone for longer if had had the time. (Stupid work.)

I'm sure it will get colder, but I am going to try to keep the positive attitude I currently have about the freezing temperatures. 

Mind over matter, right!?

How do you feel about running in the cold? I know “cold” is a relative term. Depending on where you live, “cold” might be 50 degrees… or it might be -10 degrees and you’re laughing at me right now!


  1. Don't mind the cold (will run as low as 10 degrees F) but can't stand the snow/ice. I am so afraid of slipping and falling that the snow/ice will force me to run at the indoor track! I find the cold very "refreshing" (of course, ideal temp for me would be 50-60 F).

    1. Susan, I am with you on the snow/ice. If the roads are clear, it's fine. Even if there are a couple icy spots, as long as it is light out and I can see to miss them, that is fine. But sometimes my neighborhood just gets COVERED and then I will not go out. Too afraid of falling. I agree that 50-60 is soooo the ideal temperature for running!! :)

    2. ...and yet another reason you need to move to Colorado! We can run in our ideal conditions together (even though I am WAY slower than you). Do you have a head lamp? It helps so much when the roads are mostly clear but just a few icy spots!

    3. No head lamp but I have an AWESOME flashlight I use for trail running in the dark. But mostly I use it for finding cat pee.

  2. I have been loving the colder weather lately and don't mind running in it at all. The only problem now for us is that there is a lot of melting snow, and it's been raining A LOT these past couple of days, creating a slushy mess. Because of this I have done a few of my runs on the treadmill. What are Survivor pod casts?

    1. Survivor pod casts are people who re cap the Survivor episodes. The BEST is Rob Has A Podcast. Free on itunes. He has a website- It is Rob Cesternino from Survivor the Amazon and Survivor All-Stars. After every episode, he does a re cap podcast, an interview with the latest player voted off, and then usually a 2-3 hour pod cast with a past survivor guest (so far this year he has on Aras, Vytas, Kim Spradlin, Sophie Clark, Parvati, Jonathan Penner... the list goes on). Then there is a pod cast called Survivor Fans Podcast with Joanne and Stacey- a husband and wife who just kind of comment on the episodes. They have southern accents and are very laid back so it is just relaxing to listen to. But Rob Has A Podcast is by far the BEST!

  3. I hate running in the cold. We were in the teens every morning last week except one that was in the single digits. I'm thankful every day of the winter for my treadmill!!!

    1. On the icy days, I do wish I had a treadmill! I can go to the gym, which is fine, but obviously more convenient to just stay home on the treadmill, if possible!

  4. I love running in the cold! It's hard to get started but once I'm going I feel invinceable. Of course, cold here is like 45 degrees at the lowest!

    1. That's shorts weather in PA! ;) Haha no 45 is a great temp to run in. :)
