
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thinking Out Loud- I need to eat right on Tuesdays.


Thank you to Amanda @ Running With Spoons for this Thinking Out Loud link up!

I had to do some thinking about how I eat on days I am busy.

Read on...

My Tuesdays are C-R-A-Z-Y-! 

I am not complaining. 

I choose my schedule so I choose my crazy.

But look at what occurs...

6:00 - Get up, drink coffee, check the news blogs

6:30 - Lift

7:15 - Shower, dress

7:35 - Drive to work, eat breakfast in the car

7:55 - 3:40 - Work

3:40 - Drive home

4:00 - 7:00 - Piano lessons


Don't worry, this is not an "I'm busier than you!" post, because I'm probably not busier than you. This post is all about how I need to be more mindful about eating on Tuesdays. I tend to have breakfast at 7:30am, lunch at Noon, snack around 1:30pm, and then not eat at all until 7:00pm.

As you can see by what goes down as soon as piano lessons are over, I need to eat a snack or something during lessons or my drive home. Because what occurred this past Tuesday simply cannot occur again.

Look at what I ate...

Breakfast- lots of coffee, Cheerios w/ skim milk, chicken breast (normal)

Lunch- lots of broccoli, chicken breast (normal)

Snack- protein bar (normal)

7:00pm Free-for-all- tortilla chips dipped in chili, double margarita, pasta with chicken, broccoli, and cheese mixed in, more tortilla chips with chunks of cheese, chocolate cupcake with vanilla ice cream, a Reese's cup, 5 butter cookies, milk (WTF????? NOT NORMAL!!!!)

Yeah, I didn't feel good after that. But I was famished/depleted/ravenous due to not properly fueling myself throughout the day. The next morning, I got really control-y and convinced myself I should run 8 miles instead of 5 miles to make up for at least some of the gluttony that occurred the night before. Luckily, I didn't get that idea until the next morning, and there simply wasn't enough time before work to do more than 6 miles.

This coming Tuesday, I am hoping I can plan better and spread my eating out more so I don't gorge myself at the end of the day!

Do you pack snacks on busy days so you are not famished by the time you get a chance to eat dinner?
What's your favorite snack to hold yourself over for a couple hours?


  1. Yes, I am all about the snacks. I love LaraBars, trailmix (that I make myself), bananas, single serving packs of almonds or peanuts + fruit, string cheese, peanut butter sandwich. If I wait too long to eat, it's not good and I am certainly not proud of the resulting behavior.

    1. Omg I forgot about string cheese. I didn't forget about cheese, but I forgot about string cheese. :)

  2. I know it's good for you, but the idea of eating chicken for breakfast grosses me out lol!

    I love almonds for a snack, or yogurt. Depending on if I have a fridge handy, I'll choose one or the other!

    1. Well believe me, at 7am I am never like "ooh I could eat a piece of chicken right now" but it isn't gross to me. It's just kind of like, okay, this is what my body needs so I will eat it. At least I get to eat Cheerios too!

  3. Boy...some days it IS tough to get your day and your food in order. I guess, planning ahead will help. That's not always possible, though. Have a great day!

    1. You are right, planning is KEY! And then of course, following through.

  4. Oh girllll I've been there! I tend to keep a LOT of snacks in my purse (so I'm always carrying a large purse).. like almonds, a banana, an apple, and a granola bar :D

  5. Yes, I ALWAYS pack snacks. Even when my husband and I are out running errands. He always gets calls for work ( on his time off) so what would normally only take us 2 hours, takes us 4 hours.

  6. I used to do the same thing! I found that eating much more in the morning helped alot. I also bring lots of snacks to eat throughout the day. I like to have stuff like lara bars or trail mix that I can eat while I am driving, too. It can be really tough to eat consistently when you are busy! However, lately my raging stomach will not let me forget to eat!

    1. I should totally bring something to eat on the way home in the car. I never had a Lara Bar but it seems like everyone eats them!

  7. lol! I snack during the day and yet dinnertime is almost my weakest food time of the day. It's like I start getting hungry at 4 and it never stops until I've had my full dinner. Granted though, I usually stop there. I think maybe more mini meals throughout the day is worth a try!

    1. Girl, I am the same with the hunger starting at 4 and not stopping! Some days I COULD eat dinner at 4pm, but I am not going to lie, I like relaxing with a drink and some cheese before dinner. :)

  8. I have started to make myself half a turkey sandwich (which I make when I pack my kids' lunches) and have that as a snack. I find it fills me up more than granola bars etc. Once I get ravenous--watch out!

    1. It is so funny you said half turkey sandwich because that's exactly what I ate before piano lessons this week! I was trying to do better than last Tuesday. It did help a little.

  9. Um, I'm glad I'm not the only one who can put away food like that! :) I do try to keep snacks on me so I don't turn into a ravenous beast at the end of the day, but it's not always possible. (also sometimes im still ravenous even WITH the snacks, soo...)

    1. Haha I can really be a bottomless pit sometimes!

  10. I'm the same way, I usually have lunch around 1:30 and I don't get home from work until 7pm. Because I go running right when I get home, I try to bring a snack that I can munch on right before I leave the office or during my drive home. I love to have yogurt with some extras around 4:30pm!

  11. I don't tend to take snacks with me so there ends up being a couple days every week that I skip lunch altogether - never good for the amount of food I consume in the evenings.

  12. Haha, this made me laugh. Double Margarita?? Do share the details, please. :) Margs are my favorite, so I'm always curious how other people make them at home.

    I work from home which is a blessing and a curse. We can't have a lot of food in the house or else I would eat it all. With all of my training, I am always hungry. I do eat a lot of eggs, yogurt, and grilled sandwiches. My husband goes to the grocery store every day to get stuff for dinner - that way we don't have a weeks worth of food in the house for me to gorge on during the day. :)

    1. Double marg is 2 heaping shots of tequila (middle shelf, I have cats to feed), and 3 heaping shots of marg mix. Ice. Salt on rim. It is so delicious! :) But probably too much tequila for someone not used to it. I am weird, I like my alcohol to taste like alcohol.

      That is nice your hubby goes to the grocery store. :) Unfortunately mine doesn't drive, so I am the one going! Even though I make big trips on the weekend, I always forget random things and have to go during the week. Pisses me off!

  13. I am not a snacker. I am definitely a volume eater, so I am exactly the same way at dinner. I just eat a lot all at once, which always makes me feel guilty. But I should not feel guilty about EATING after running and lifting. Or even just eating in general. I've been the same weight for years, so obviously, the way I eat isn't good or bad.

    And I also like my alcohol to taste like alcohol!

    1. No way don't feel guilty eating after a workout!

      We are soul sistas with the alcohol :)

  14. I find that if I don't eat enough fats and carbs during the day, I tend to make up for both macronutrients in a BIG way at night. I made the (slightly scary) switch to full-fat and have been really pleased with how much my appetite has eased off. Maybe that's worth investigating?

    1. I am a fan of full fat but don't eat a lot of it during the day, maybe I should do that for a mid afternoon snack! Bring some cheese or something. :) Thank you for the tips!

  15. Okay, a little part of me is secretly happy that other fit people have gluttony episodes as I also tell myself to run more to 'burn off' the aftermath of my pig-out. Good luck next Tuesday, ;)

    1. Oh yes, they happen! I can really pack food away if I want to. I don't mind it once in awhile as long as I don't eat so much that my belly hurts. :)

  16. Oh my gosh, you just described so many of my days. I mean, different stuff is happening, but the whole "no time to eat and then eat everything" routine happens waaaay too often. I can't figure out where to fit a snack in the afternoons, especially since I'm usually an afternoon exerciser and my stomach is super sensitive. So... no advice, just commiserating. :)

    1. lol commiseration is always welcome! Well it's Tues again so here we goooooo!

  17. Oh man, I think we've all been there with the standing up thing!
