
Thursday, October 30, 2014


Before we get on with today's "Currently" post, you gotta see this video starring... Jelly!
Last night, when Paul and I were playing cards, I crumbled up a piece of  scrap paper and Jelly started to go nuts over it.  I then proceeded to throw it at him and he would catch it in mid air... 
because he is a genius and a cathlete (cat + athlete = cathlete). 

nyway, enjoy!! (Or skip you haterz!)

Current book: I decided to yet again, reread some Christopher Pike books. I have read most of his books several times, so I picked out one that I probably only read about 5 times...

Current music: None at the moment. I know, it is sad... It's just that I hear music all day long, so once the work day is over, I want silence. That being said, the song that has been continuously running through my head is this song from kindergarten music class:

Sing to the tune of "Oh My Darlin' Clementine."....

"Found a pumpkin, found a pumpkin, found a puuuuuuuumpkin on a viiiiiine
Yes today I found a pumpkin and the pumpkin now is miiiiiiiine!"

Current guilty pleasure: Pringles Tortilla Chips. I have said to Paul, "Eating these is my favorite part of my day."

People who say food isn't supposed to make you happy
clearly never had a Pringles Tortilla Chip.

Current number of Seinfeld episodes on my DVR: Three! Seinfeld is something mindless Paul and I can agree to watch while we're eating dinner. (We never sit at the dining room table to eat. The dining room table is for playing cards and petting Christmas.)

Current drink: Some of my colleagues and I have chipped in to buy a Keurig for the faculty lounge. We split the cost 17 ways, so it only cost me $8! On Wednesday, I had my very first cup of coffee from the Keurig, and it was wonderful. I did notice that I can only do coffee in the mornings because on Thursday, I drank a cup on the way home from work (so I would have the energy to teach piano lessons until 7:30pm) and all it did was make me super jittery, anxious, and paranoid!

Current favorite show: Well, now that Big Brother is over, it's Survivor: San Juan Del Sur!

Go Josh!

Current need: To cut out Jelly's latest butt knot. He is very particular about it and refuses to let us snip it.

Current triumph: I am not feeling very triumphant lately, so let's just go with the fact that I finally mowed my lawn after taking mayyyyyybe a month(ish) break.

Current wish list: I wish we could skip fall and fast forward to Christmas. Then I wish we could skip January-April and go right to May.

I will never forget this picture!

Current bane of my existence: Dry skin. My face is literally peeling off. Thanks, Proactiv!

Current most annoying celebrity: Easy, Rosie Perez on The View. She annoys the crap out of me and was a poor choice for a new co-host.

Current indulgence: Sleeping for 10 hours on Friday nights.

Current food: Cheese. I have mentioned before that I am really into cheese. Cheese & chips is my current pre dinner snack I have every night while Paul and I play cards. So healthy, I know!

Current things I am thankful for: Paul finally shaving regularly again! He has been rockin' the beard for awhile, but it covers up his hot, hot, hottie face!

There's that gorgeous face!

Current excitement: On November 2nd, I am going to see one of my idols... Terry Gross! (You thought I was going to say Nancy Grace, didn't you?) More on that later...

Tell me something "current" about you!


  1. Current: Tonight we are gearing up for Trick or Treat...Yes, we NEVER trick or treat on Halloween here (there are no street lights, and the local towns share police, so the towns take turns treating on different nights. Which leads to kids going out, oh, maybe 3 times this week--but we live in a very rural area, so the volume of candy evens out...) TMI, I know...

    1. In Central PA they never trick or treat on actual Halloween, either! It's usually on a Thursday night- so it IS tonight. Paul and I have never handed out candy thought because I usually work right up until 6pm on Thursdays and after that i am DONE with kids for the day.

  2. Jelly is such an amazing cathlete and too cute!

    When Cecil was younger (and less chubby) Adam and I used to play Monkey in the Middle with him and this stuffed toy penguin that he HATED. Cecil would run back and forth between us and then jump four feet in the air, grab the penguin and bunny kick and bite the crap out of it! I'm not sure why he hated that penguin so much!

    I am currently waiting for my test results, I hope they come back before the weekend!

    1. I am currently wishing you good news on your test, Kristina!

  3. I am sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you get some sleep and feel better!

  4. Jelly is freaking amazing! I love those Pringles as well as when Rick has a clean shaven face (I kind of nag on him when he gets scruffy....I want to see his adorable face). I had a Seinfeld experience at work yesterday. I should email you about it. Only you and Rick (and probably Paul) would get it. As soon as I started to relay the story, Rick totally knew where I was going. Watching 2 episodes of Seinfeld before dinner is our current routine (in fact, it's our always routine....)

  5. Mmmm, love cheese! Back when I made millions of dollar…OK fine had a decent income, on of my indulgences was belonging to a cheese of the month club. Now I don't buy cheese…just can't keep it in the house without binging.

    1. Ooh yum I would love to be in a club like that. I don't even get fancy cheese and I love it, I would totally extra binge on GOOD cheese. Aldi has Brie for really cheap so sometimes I "splurge" and get that for parties!

  6. I have never tried the pringles tortilla chips. I have a feeling I would really enjoy them as well, so I'm better off not even buying them. -L

  7. Is that Jelly in that Christmas tree pic? SO cute! What a great idea for a post!

    1. Yes it is Jelly! :) I have seen other bloggers do the "Currently" post so I can't take the credit- but it is def fun to do once in awhile! :)

    2. I changed a couple questions because they weren't really "me"... Like it was supposed to be "celebrity crush" instead of "annoying celebrity"

  8. Who knew that cats could be so entertaining?!
    I love chips, too - I usually eat mine after dinner while watching TV!!!
    The butt knot thing sounds sort of disgusting since I have no idea what it is!!!!

    1. Lol it is not as gross as it sounds. A butt knot is when their fur gets matted down, or sometimes it gets matted into a ball/knot type shape. It's because they have long hair. The easiest thing to do is cut it out but for some reason they don't like that!

  9. What?! Jelly is a super star cathlete!! Lola has some major catching up to do, LOL. I love these currently posts. I should try one soon! Thanks for encouraging me to try those pringles...I came home with two cans today. ;)

    1. Jelly and Lola can train together like Kara and Shalane :)

      I SINCERELY hope you LOOOOOVE those pringles!!!!

  10. That video is fantastic!! I'm so impressed with Jelly's talents...he should be in the cat Olympics!!

    1. Those weren't even his BEST catches. Of course his best catches occurred off camera. Does Archie do any fun tricks?

  11. Jelly is huge!! Perhaps it is the depth difference between you and him, but he looks half your size. The Christmas picture is classic. I can see why you want to skip directly to Christmas... cute photo opts. :) I am for Josh all the way this season on Survivor. It will be interesting to see what happens after the merge. Current food: Homemade popcorn with parmesan and garlic salt. Makes for a great late night snack (by late I mean 8pm).

    1. Mmmm I love homemade popcorn! We never make it here, but when we go over to our friend's house for game night, they make it. Jelly IS big but Christmas is actually bigger! They are maine coons, which are just huge cats. :)

  12. Oh my gosh, I had to sing "Clementine" today to my sophomores! We're reading Animal Farm, and it explains that the song the animals sing is similar in tune to "Clementine," and they didn't know what that meant. So random.

    1. That is random! We sing it in 4th grade music class and it is actually a creepy song!
